Kian had had just about enough of the party. He'd been there for close to three hours, an hour more and his head would explode. He slinked his way to the open bar for one last drink before calling it a night. His very good friend, Calder Knight, had talked him into attending the party which he and his fiancée, Lyra Lark, were the hosts.

"Come on man, you can't be spending all your Friday nights emptying your champagne bottles alone. Live a little." Calder had told him.

"I don't mind that at all Cal." Kian had replied.

"Not this Friday, Lyra and I are having a small party down at The Bowery Hotel, you must attend." That's how he had found himself at a not so small party at The Bowery Hotel, NY. For the entire three hours that he had been present he had spent just under five minutes with Calder. Kian wasn't really bothered, he had expected that from him, Calder had always been the party boy having an endless list of friends who he'd be out with most of the time.

On entering the rented space at The Bowery, you'd be hit by the spectacular ambiance. A chic and modern loft space with floor-to-ceiling windows offering stunning views of the city skyline. The lighting, low casting a warm and intimate glow throughout the room.The décor, quite tasteful and luxurious, with plush velvet couches and chairs arranged in small conversational groupings. The walls, adorned with contemporary art pieces, and a large bar stocked with top-shelf spirits and mixers is situated one end.

At the bar, he sat on the only empty stool he found. A gent sat to his left and a lady to his right, all friends of Calder, he presumed. "Louis Thirteen," he ordered from the bartender who placed a coaster in front of him, he fetched a glass and the cognac.

"… at some lame ass party." The lady sitting next to him was saying into her phone. "I don't know Shay, but I can't just leave like that." She went on and added a laugh at the end. Kian felt the laugh was forced. Her call ended less than a minute later.

"It sucks that much huh?" Kian posed to her. In all this, Kian had not seen her face, it is after his question that she turned to him that he saw her, basking in all her beauty. Her eyes quickly scanned this stranger's face as if looking for any cause for alarm. Finding none, she responded but Kian didn't hear a word she said

"Umm…what?" That was Kian.

A soft laugh escaped from her. "I just said that I wasn't supposed to be at this party, I was literally dragged here." She repeated.

"That makes the two of us." Kian told her raising his glass to her. She clinked it in a toast and they drank to it."So, how'd Calder convince you to come?" Kian asked resting his glass.

She didn't answer immediately, she did that thing that seemed like she was studying his face, then answered. "It wasn't him, his girlfriend, Lyra, did." She said turning to her glass.

They had just met, practically strangers but there was a sense of comfortability between them in the air, unlike most people who are, more often than not, on edge and tensed around strangers, they were pretty relaxed, conversing smoothly. She had requested a refill and just as the bartender was about to pour her a glass, Kian raised his hand to stop him, "Try the Louis thirteen," he suggested. The bartender looked at her, awaiting her confirmation, she in turn looked at Kian, studying his face as if looking for reassurance. "You won't regret it I promise." He added.

She gave the bartender a nod of approval. He poured her the drink. "Here goes." She took a small sip as Kian looked at her in sheer anticipation. He could see it in her face even before her mouth could say it. "Wow!"

"I know." He said with a smile which she returned."You seem to know your drink." She told him looking at the drink then at Kian.

"Won't take any credit for it, dear old dad is to thank." He clarified.

"He knows his drink well." 

"Knew." Kian corrected. Her face quickly changed as she placed her glass down, Kian noticed the little tremble in her hand.

"I'm really sorry…" She realized she didn't know his name.

"It's Kian," he offered, "and you have nothing to be sorry about, I hated that old geezer." Kian continued, making no efforts to hide his disgust.

She was about to speak when her phone suddenly chimed. She peeked then picked it up. "Sorry I have to take this. Hello sir," She started then fell silent for this 'sir' to deliver his message then she replied. "I am down to the last two chapters, I'll email it to you by Mond-" she didn't finish that statement, seemingly, 'sir' had interrupted her. Kian could tell from the frown on her face that she didn't like whatever 'sir' had told her. "I'll see what I can do." She exhaled deeply after the call ended. 

"Everything okay?"

"Umm, yeah, yeah, I just have something I gotta go finish up. I'm really sorry but I have to go." She told him getting to her feet. Her black evening dress caught her in all the right places, she was stunning. "This was really nice." She added with a warm smile.

"I was actually on my way out," Kian informed her. "I could walk you out." Once again, she studied his face before she could give him an answer. What was wrong with him walking her out. Yes, she knew the old script of how 'him walking her out' ended up with the two of them at a hotel room and one thing leading to another and the whole one-night stand scenario, but there was something about Kian, she felt he wasn't that type of guy, so she took a chance. Just like that, the two walked out of the private lounge, down the hallway towards the elevator and down to the ground floor.

"So, you're a writer?" Kian asked as they stepped out of the elevator and from the way she turned to him, he could tell she was in shock. "On your call you mentioned that you had two chapters or something like that." He added.

"Oh," there was a sigh from her. "Yes, I am." She confirmed.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's nothing, I wasn't being totally discrete about it." She said and they both laughed softly.

"So, what do you write?" He wanted to know. She didn't reply and appeared to be deep in thought, he decided to rephrase his question. "What are some of the books you've authored?"

"None." She answered. The look on his face prompted her to elaborate. "I'm not a full writer, more like a ghost writer." She continued. They stopped just outside the hotel as a car stopped in front of them. "Well here's my ride." She told him as she fully turned to him. 

"I didn't catch your name," Kian said to her.

"That's because I didn't give it to you," she added a smile to soften the blow. "It's Kaida, Kaida Hughes."

"Kaida." He repeated it. "It was nice meeting you Kaida Hughes." She gave a smile, shifting her eyes to his. "I really didn't wanna come tonight but I'm glad I did." She admitted with a warm smile.

"That makes the two of us." He agreed."I really have to go now, have a good night Kian."

"Have a lovely night Kaida." He replied and watched her turn to the car but before she could take a step, he grabbed her by the arm. She felt his soft yet firm grip on her, she felt a sudden rush inside her. She looked at his hand on her then raised her eyes which met his and held. "When can I see you again?" He asked as he withdrew his hand.

She didn't reply immediately which led him to believe he had to tell her more. "To umm, talk about your writing." He added.

She was smart enough to know the last part was made up but didn't say anything about it. "I don't know, we'll have to see," she told him, fighting so hard to conceal her smile. Their few minutes together hadn't been much but it had been worth it. He pulled out a pen and started writing something down, "I'm not expecting anything but, whenever you're stuck at a boring party or anything, feel free use that." Kian told her handing her the small piece of paper. 

"I for sure will." He got the door for her, once she was comfortably settled inside, he gently pushed the door shut. He stood there and watched as the car drove off into the night until its red tail lights disappeared into the night.