She'd promised to call, she hadn't, instead she'd sent him a text. His phone had buzzed a few minutes to midday, it was a text from a new number. He smiled as his eyes rushed through the content of the text. They were on for that evening, she had selected the Marc Forgione hotel. He smiled after reading that, he had been to the place once, and from the little that he remembered it was a good experience. She had indicated they meet at quarter to seven. That was fine by him, he probably would have selected the exact same time because that time one can take advantage of a quieter atmosphere, enjoy attentive service, and have ample time to savor your meal without feeling rushed.

The Marc Forgione , a fancy hotel full of charm and coziness is located in the heart of Tribeca. As you step inside, a soft and warm glow embraces you, emanating from carefully placed ambient lighting that dances upon the polished wooden floors. The air carries an enchanting aroma of culinary delights, drawing you deeper into the space. The seating arrangements are intimate and inviting, with plush chairs enveloped in crisp white linens, perfectly complemented by the flickering candlelight that adorns each table.

He'd later called her just to finalize, "Should I make the reservation?" He had asked her?

"No, I already took care of that." She replied. He had found himself smiling.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you tonight."

He got to the restaurant before her and was led to their table.

"Good evening sir," the young man at the entrance had started when Kian had walked in. "Do you have a reservation?" He went on after Kian had replied.

"Yeah, table for Kaida Hughes," he said as the attender looked down the name on the computer.

He beckoned one of the waiters who quickly came. "He will show you to your table." The attender said

Then turned to the waiter, "Table thirty-six C."

"This was sir," the waiter said to Kian and he followed the waiter in.

Their table was at a quiet corner on the first floor of the restaurant, he sat close to the window and glanced at his watch, 6:48pm, he was well on time.

After a minute or two, a waiter came to him, offered him the menu and disappeared as if to give him privacy to make his choice then came back ready to take the order.

"I'm expecting company, can I order later on?"

"Sure thing."

He expected Kaida to arrive shortly after but he ended up waiting for more than half an hour. He ordered a starter wine, just to have something on the table as he waited for her. He had thought of calling her but had thought better of it, he didn't want to seem desperate. After 40 minutes, he'd made up his mind that she had stood him up because if not, why hadn't she texted him to say she was running late or something like that?

He emptied all the remaining contents of the wine glass into his mouth and swallowed, taking out his card, ready to pay. He was punching in his pin when she arrived.

"I really hope you aren't paying."

He lifted his head and met her eyes, he could see how sorry she was. "I'm really sorry." She added.

He put back his card as she sat. She looked exhausted from her messed up hair to her face. 

"Almost thought I had been stood up." He told her with a soft laugh.

"Oh, no. I was caught up at work. Something came up last minute and I couldn't leave before doing it."

She explained but if he was being honest with himself, he didn't really care where she was or what she was doing, as long as she was there with him.

The waiter took out the Chardonnay bottle from the small bucket full of ice and poured Kaida some. Then turned to Kian and looked at him for confirmation whether to pour him or not, Kian gave him a nod.

"That will be all for now." Kian said to him as he put back the wine.

"I hope I didn't keep you for long.

"Depends how long you consider 'long' to be." He replied, a smile forming on his face. "Not that long, a little over ten minutes."

She could easily tell he was lying, and she guessed the reason why. She would probably have done the same if the situation was reversed. 

She found that adorable and found herself smiling, "Are you always this bad at lying?" She teased and they laughed.

"Is it that obvious?"

She didn't answer, and not that he'd expected her to.

He had checked out earlier than usual at work, went home, freshened up, had a change of clothes, and put on his best cologne, and she had noticed all that. She felt guilty because she had come from the office straight to the restaurant. "I'm sorry I look like shit. I just rushed here from the office." She had told him.

He didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

"It's okay really, I'm just glad that you made it and we are doing this."

She believed him, and she liked that about him, she liked that she was able to believe what he said and that was majorly because her instincts had led her to believe this man. She didn't have a reason not to, and he in turn, had no reason to lie to her.