Kaida stirred in bed, rubbing her eyes as the rays of the morning sun flooded into the room through the windows. The gentle warmth of the sun embraced her skin. Looking around, she sat up, squinting her eyes to acclimatize herself to her surroundings. Gradually, the happenings of the previous night came back to her. She looked at the bed she was in, felt the softness of the sheets, and admired the elegance of the room. To her left, she saw her dress, neatly fixed on a hanger, directly below it were her shoes. She was truly moved.

After splashing some water on her face in the bathroom, she made her way to the living room, where she found him in the balcony. She took quiet steps towards the open balcony, not wanting to startle him. She stopped and watched as he did the final touches, making sure everything was perfect.

The two-seater breakfast table was adorned with a spread of delicious croissants, bacon, a bowl of vibrant mixed fruits, a carafe of freshly squeezed orange juice, and a steaming pot of black coffee.

"Good morning," she greeted warmly, her voice soft and gentle.

Kian turned to her, a wide grin forming on his face as he saw her. "Good morning to you too, Kaida. How was your night?"

"Very pleasant," she replied, "It was one of the best night's sleep I've had in a while."

"Well, breakfast is served," he stated, taking a step away and revealing the table behind him. "I hope you don't mind having breakfast out here; the sun is just too good for us to be indoors," he added with a soft laugh, pulling her a chair.

"Are you kidding me? This is perfect!" She returned, sitting down.

"Are you a coffee person or--"

"I'll take juice," she interrupted with a soft laugh. "I take coffee on a daily, plus it's not every day you get someone to make you fresh juice," she teased.

"I would gladly do it," he told her, pouring from the carafe.

She smiled, she believed him. Something told her he was the kind of man who would go out of his way to do it.

"You didn't have to do all this, you know," she said, touched by his gesture.

He didn't reply to her, just smiled to himself while pouring juice into his glass. "I hope you enjoy the breakfast."

They appreciated the warm caress of the morning sun on their skin as they ate, exchanging soft words and lingering glances. The tranquil atmosphere of the balcony and the cityscape in the background made everything about that moment feel magical.

After breakfast, they remained on the balcony, basking under the warmth of the sun on their skin. They shared warm smiles and gentle laughs, enjoying each and every moment. They were both reluctant to say goodbye when the time came. She had wished that period would last forever, but she had responsibilities that had to be taken care of.

Outside, a gentle breeze brushed against their skins as they bid farewell. "Thank you for this weekend Kaida," he told her as they stood next to her Uber.

"No, I should be the one thanking you. This weekend was wonderful."

There was a brief moment of silence where they stared into each other's eyes, so much being said in that silence. She continued talking, but he wasn't listening, he was admiring her in all her beauty.

As he stood there staring at her, all the emotions he had struggled so hard to suppress came rushing in. The feelings and emotions that he had for her since the day he had met her, emotions that had only grown stronger by the day. He got overwhelmed and, in a swift but gentle movement, he found himself kissing her. Their lips danced in perfect harmony. But just as swiftly as it had happened, he pulled back, his heart pounding so hard. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice sounding very vulnerable. "It's just I've wanted to do that since I saw yo--"

She didn't let him finish. In those four seconds that their lips had been in contact, she had tasted heaven, and she wanted more. She rose to her toes, tying her arms around his neck, her lips gently caressing his. She felt a rush of emotions surge through her like a tidal wave.

For so long, they had fought the undeniable feelings they had for each other, but at that moment, desire had won the battle, and they had given in.

They slowly opened their eyes as they pulled away, both of them out of breath from the intensity of the kiss. She fixed her hair behind her ear, stealing a glance from him. She smiled, her eyes trying to avoid his as much as possible.

"Goodbye, Kian. Take care of yourself," she mumbled and quickly got into the cab. Her face pink from blush. He stood there with a stupid smile, watching her until the cab disappeared behind a corner.

He turned and walked back into the building, filled with millions of mixed emotions. He didn't know exactly what the kiss had meant, but he wasn't going to let that thought get in the middle of the magical moment he had just experienced.


He checked out of the office for his lunch break half an hour earlier than his usual time. He had an appointment with one of his longtime friends at a restaurant a couple of blocks up the street. Johnathan had dropped him off, Kian promised to give him a ring when he was done.

Inside the restaurant, he was led to his table where his company was already waiting for him. The man looked to be in his early thirties, stood above-average height with a straight and confident posture. He was in neat casual wear, his hair slightly tousled unlike Kian who rocked a suit with his hair neatly groomed.

The two exchanged a warm set of cordial remarks filled with genuine laughter and light banter. The man sitting in front of Kian, Quinn Inglewood, was an old friend of his, they had met more than seven years back when Kian was still in the university. He was one of the finest editors in New York. He had featured in the Forbes list of top ten editors in New York several times.

"Wanna tell me what this is about?" Quinn wanted to know. "I know you just didn't call me out of the blues to play catch up." He went on.

Kian was silent for a minute, as if processing what he was going to say. He wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin before he spoke. "I need a favor man," he started. "I have this friend who is in ghostwriting that I would want you to help me out with."

"Ghostwriting huh? That is an interesting field." He remarked.

"Yeah, she is a fantastic writer, she has lots of passion and dedication to her work but she has been working behind the scenes with some author, helping out with books and articles. I feel like she is too good and works too hard for someone to be taking all the credit for her hard work." Kian explained.

Quinn gave a nod. "Ah, I see. So you want me to help her take her writing to the next level?"

"Yes, exactly." Kian confirmed. "I know you have a keen eye for this sort of thing and you work magic with words. I think she will be able to get the credit and recognition she deserves working with you."

Quinn sighed. "I understand that this is important for you man, but you know I just can't take anyone in, there's the risk of diluting the brand. I work with talent Kia-" Kian cut in.

"I know,I know, but trust me, she is worth it. You'll be impressed." He promised.

"I like the confidence you have in her." Quinn told him with a smile. He mentioned that he would need to meet her and go over a couple of things with her as a form of his assessment.

"That can be arranged."

"That's amazing." Quinn told him taking a sip of his drink. "I have a feeling that this friend of yours isn't just a friend." He teased looking at Kian with a suspicious look.

"Don't go there." Kian threw back and the two laughed and continued with their lunch.