"Excuse me sir," Kian's second secretary called as he walked past her desk heading to his office, after a long meeting with the marketing team. "This came in from finance," She told him handing him a folder. "Mister Inglewood called, I told him you were in a meeting, you ought to ring him back." She finished.

"Alright thank you." He told her and proceeded to his office.

He sat on his desk and dialed Quinn, he had an idea of what the call might be about but he didn't want to jinx it. He waited on the line and as he was about to give up, Quinn's familiar voice came through. They laughed with each other for a minute before they got into business; the main aim of the call. "I went through your girl's work and I gotta admit, you were right about her." Quinn confessed making Kian smile. "I mean she isn't an A-list writer, she still has a little rough edges that can be smoothed but she is good. She will be a valuable addition to my team." He went on as Kian listened patiently. "I was actually just about to send her the confirmation mail."

"Don't." Kian spoke suddenly and Quinn went silent for a second.

"What?" He questioned. "I'm afraid I don't follow."

"Don't send that email to her." Kian clarified.

"Am I missing something Kian?" Quinn wanted to know. "I thought you wanted me to sign her."

"Yes, I did but something came up, let's grab lunch and I will explain everything. Just don't send that mail. Don't mention anything to her." Kian said into the phone.

"This is all very confusing, one minute you want me to sign her and the next you hate the idea but whatever you say man."

He would be seeing her the following week, Calder and Lyra had invited them for dinner. The night was pleasant, they shared stories and laughter that resonated through the cozy ambiance of Calder and Lyra's house. It is then that they had made it official that they were together. "Oh my God that is so awesome," Lyra said, excitement very evident in her eyes. "You guys are perfect for each other. We are so happy for you."

"Thank you Lyra." Kian responded.

Eventually, with contented hearts and full stomachs, Kian and Kaida reluctantly rose from the table, bringing an end to a very delightful evening. Hugs were exchanged, and they made promises of future get-togethers and double dates.

Kian gently pulled up outside Kaida's apartment building. "Hey I don't mean to be pushy but, have you heard from Quinn Inglewood?" She asked.

Kian looked at her like he didn't know the man. This prompted her to go on.

"It's just that he promised to get back to me by last week but he hasn't. I know I sound desperate but it's been over a week and he hasn't reached out or anything. I just thought that maybe he might have said something to you."

"Well, he hasn't." He said, his heart skipping a beat. He hated having to lie to her, but what choice did he have. "I would have told you if he had mentioned anything to me." He added. "I could give him a call tomorrow." He offered.

"There's no need. Maybe I just wasn't good enough for him."

The pain and disappointment on her face really broke him. It pained him that he was lying straight to her face, but he consoled himself that his reason for doing so was valid. "I'm really sorry Kaida, if-" She cut in.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Kian, it's not your fault." She said softly letting out a sigh. "Goodnight Kian."

Without another word, she alighted and walked straight into the building, not even offering a parting wave as she always did when he dropped her off. He let out a curse, slamming his hands on the steering wheel after she disappeared into the building.


Cathy stood in front of his desk with her tablet. Briefing him on the progress they had made that week. What they had not achieved, areas they had incurred losses, things that needed his attention before they went into the weekend alongside the following week's schedule. She always did that every single Friday. Most CEO's would have preferred a monthly report or a quarterly report but not Kian, he was different. Maybe that was one of the contributing factors that made his company do so well.

"You also have a shareholder's meeting this afternoon." She told him and he suddenly looked up from the documents he was going through.

"What!?" He exclaimed. "I am certain I didn't see it on my calendar."

"That's because it is not there. It's a last-minute thing, since you will be away for quite a while, they wanted to know where we stood as a company." She explained.

"Damn it!" He cursed out loud.

"There was nothing I could do." She admitted.

"When is my flight?" He asked noting something on his notepad.

"Next Wednesday." She answered after confirming from the tablet.

The look on his face was a disappointed one. He confirmed the date on his MacBook, his curse uttered in a hushed whisper. "Push it to Thursday." He instructed. "I have an engagement on Wednesday."

"Sure thing." She responded.

Kian had learned from Lyra that the following Wednesday was going to be Kaida's birthday, there was no way he was going to miss it, if it meant pushing his business trip a day forward then so be it.

He became incredibly busy over the next few days, completely engrossed in company matters. Before he knew it, Wednesday was already knocking. He got off work later than he had planned, rushed to the house, freshened up and drove to the venue of Kaida's birthday.

She had rented out a lounge in a nice hotel in the outskirts of the city. She had wanted to celebrate it away from the all too familiar scenery, away from all the crazy happenings and chaos of the city.

He arrived well past eight, more than an hour after the agreed time.

She had been very picky on who to invite, just a few friends from work, a few friends outside work, Calder, Lyra, Kian and that was about it. She was not one for attention, if she was being completely honest with herself, she wouldn't have minded a home-made dinner with Kian at all. Just a delightful evening with good company.

Kian found most of the attendees engaged in soft controlled laughter and conversation under the soft glow of dimmed lights that cast a warm hue over the room, creating an inviting atmosphere. Others having formed small groups all around the lounge, champagne glasses held delicately between their fingers.

He spotted Kaida on the far end of the room, absorbed in a conversation with one of her friends. He threw his eyes around and spotted Calder, gave him a nod as he walked towards him, smiling to the few people he knew.

"Hey man," Kian started when he got to Calder.

"If late was a person." Calder teased as Kian picked a champagne glass from one of the waiters.

"Shut up Cal." He joked and they laughed.

"One pissed birthday girl coming your way." Calder warned as Kaida approached.

"Where the hell were you." She threw at him in a hushed tone.

"I'm gonna get myself a refill." Calder said walking away.

"Good evening to you my beautiful lady." He had a very warm smile that even she couldn't be mad at.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I was caught up at the office." He replied.

"Oh, come on Kian, couldn't you push it to tomorrow? I really wanted you to be here-" He didn't let her finish.

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay? It won't happen again." He told her looking into her eyes. "All that matters is that I'm here, so let's enjoy the evening."

"You are so lucky you are cute." She stated as he took a step closer.

"Am I now?" He mocked, taking her face between his palms, slowly pulling her in.

"I hate you." She swore closing her eyes as his soft warm lips kissed her forehead.

She wore a stunning black evening dress that embraced her in all the right places. The attention to detail on ever part of it made it more striking, Kian loved every bit of it, he thought she looked amazing in it and spent the entire night admiring how gorgeous she looked.

The birthday dinner turned out a very delightful affair. Laughter resonating through the air as close friends mingled, sharing stories and toasts. The cozy ambiance of the lounge, glowing with dimmed lights, and soft music, created a warm atmosphere that enhanced the camaraderie. From clinking glasses, to cake cutting, to heartfelt embraces, the evening painted a picture of cherished connections and unforgettable moments.

They all got excited when gifting time came, everyone trying to convince her to open their gift first. Kian was in no rush, he just sat back and watched as she slowly unwrapped her gifts, laughing with all her friends. He found himself smiling, he liked seeing her happy. When his time came, he handed her an averagely sized rectangular box.

She pulled the ribbon open and slowly removed the top, revealing a piece of paper with writings on it. "What's this?" She asked looking at him.

"Read it." He encouraged holding his second gift.

Everyone saw her hands shake as she read through, the air had grown very tense. Mostly because no one had the slightest idea what it was.

"Oh my God!?" She exclaimed in a whisper as her palm covered her mouth. "Is this real?" She inquired looking at him with wet eyes.

"Happy birthday Kaida." He replied with a smile.

In a swift movement, she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her crying face in his chest. He held her, softly stroking her hair.

Inside that box was a contract drafted by Quinn Inglewood himself. Her signature was the only thing keeping her from being signed by one of the best editors she knew. It was big deal for her, and certainly the best gift she had received that night.

The party went on for a while longer before they broke off to their respective destinations.

On their drive to her place, he broke the news of his business trip to Asia. She was really bummed that he was going to be away for that long; six weeks was a lot by any standards.

He helped her carry the gifts, from the car to her house. Inside the house, they looked back at the events of the night, joked and laughed at the happenings of the evening.

"Thank you for making tonight so memorable." She paused looking into his eyes. "I like how the evening went." She admitted.

"Yeah me too. Especially this part." He said taking a step closer. His hand found its way around her waist and pulled her to him. She rose to her toes, a mixture of emotions exploding inside them as their lips touched, in that shared moment, something burned from within. Without a word she took his hand and slowly walked him into her room.

In her room, she held her hair to one side, revealing the back of her dress. He stood behind her, his body touching hers very slightly. With his finger, he traced down her neck, giving her goosebumps. She felt his warm breath on her neck followed by gentle kisses. His fingers got hold of the zipper of her dress, slowly pulling it open to reveal her bare back. A soft gasp escaped her lips as his hands touched her skin. She shut her eyes, softly resting her head on his chest, surrendering to him.