A glimpse of Apocalyptic life

The Garrison Captain immediately extended a hand to Fenrir to assist him off the gurney. And the trainee Garrison accepted the gesture respectfully.

"There's something I want to show you," Captain Alaude pulled him forward on his feet. "You need to see what the world has become."

"I think I've witnessed plenty when it first happened," Fenrir's gaze softened with concern when he recalled the last few moments he shared with his comrades. "I want to at least have a look at the survivors."

"They are in a separate section from this block," Captain Alaude moved towards the door. "You can check them when we return from your test."

"Hmm..." Fenrir clenched his fists to contain his impatience and followed the Captain.

"Normally I'd say you shouldn't be moving about but... " Danté trailed off as he received a glare from the Garrison Captain. "Captain's orders, " He sighed.

Fenrir followed the Captain in silence and occasionally glanced at the objects or rooms they passed by. He drew a mental map of the routes and passages they had taken. But he was wary enough of the Captain's watchful eye.

"Up here," The Captain gestured to a flight of metal stairs that led up into the darkness.

There was no light to guide their way and a frigid gust of air breezed from above.

"Is that the upper deck?" Fenrir questioned as he ascended the metal steps. "We're not that deep underground as I thought we were."

"Something like that," The Captain grinned in the darkness.

He halted when they reached a metal hatch that creaked quite audibly as he gripped the wheel and turned it. The hatch popped up and a strong gust of air greeted them.

"A bit chilly up here," Captain Alaude pulled Fenrir up and the hatch automatically closed.

Fenrir stepped up onto a rooftop that was plated with the same metal as the stairs they ascended. He looked around to find various equipment and gun turrets that were neatly set beside each other.

There were also foreign weapons and technology he had never seen before. Were they newly developed?

"Captain!" Two Garrison soldiers that were stationed beside the hatch saluted him.

"How's the barrier?" Captain Alaude inquired and proceeded towards the edge of the rooftop.

Fenrir gazed up at the late evening sky that was dulled by the thick clouds that concealed the last rays of the sun.

He inhaled the cold air that somehow calmed his nerves and thoughts. And would perhaps tame the uneasiness that stirred in his heart.

It had barely been a day since he had awoken from his supposed 'three-year coma', but he already felt caged by the limited options he was offered.

There were other Garrisons stationed along the edges of the rooftop and their gaze on what was beyond never seemed to waver even for a second.

Some readily positioned the gun turrets along the edges, while others brought over ammunition from the storage units on the far end.

"Ordinary weapons work against the creatures?" Fenrir questioned the Garrison that stood beside him.

"The ammunition and weapons are magically reinforced," The Garrison explained. "Or they are powered by mana from the Garrison of the marksman unit."

"Fenrir, come here," The Captain called him over.

The name would take some time to become accustomed to but at the least, it was one he had chosen, so it was easier to remember.

There was a dense fog that obstructed the area outside, but the Garrison were vigilant.

He heeded the Captain's command and he gazed over the edge to find an almost transparent wave of gold energy that rippled gently.

The 'barrier' as the Captain referred to it was powered by multiple cylindrical devices that were spaced out in a square parameter around the base of the building.

The devices projected lasers of energy that constructed the barrier as a whole. The technology was quite fascinating to observe but how efficient were they exactly?

Fenrir noticed that one of the devices was inactive and was being tended to by a female Garrison that had her respective tools laid out beside her.

"Those devices are not as reliable," Fenrir stated.

"Maintenance is performed on a regular basis," One of the Garrison spoke. "Every now and then one of the devices burns out. We either get them fixed or install new ones."

"Perhaps not but it provides a method of defence against the abnormal monsters," Alaude made a gesture with his head to the large silhouette in the distance.

The Garrison that accompanied them from the hatch tapped on the wrist communicator on his hand.

"Akira finish up quickly," He ordered the female technician stationed down below. "We have incoming from the South."

"I haven't coded the activation sphere as yet," She replied and took note of the large silhouette that approached.

"Code black! I need three on the ground now!" The Garrison soldier shouted to his comrades.

Three of them heeded the command and descended the rooftop with the grappling hooks they attached to the edge.

"They're very organized," Fenrir admired the quick response to the situation.

"They're trained to act quickly on their feet. This is an apocalyptic world we're surviving in. If you can't adapt, you die," The Captain folded his arms across his chest.

The three Garrison that was sent out as aid positioned themselves in front of the vulnerable layer of the barrier.

"You mentioned 'abnormal monsters' earlier," Fenrir recalled. "If they're monsters, how much more abnormal can they get?"

"I said abnormal but more they're classified as the Legendary class. Those big bastards that no one has ever killed," The Captain's expression turned grim as the silhouette approached.

The air was thick with silence except for the eery howls of the wind. And a low growl emitted from the distance where a pair of greenish eyes flashed in the fog.

"We don't engage them if we can avoid them," The Garrison soldier said. "And if it is absolutely necessary then three of our Garrison soldiers are always sent out."

"You mean sacrificed," Fenrir corrected.

"I'm sure the Captain told you the risks that come with joining the Garrison. Your life is a sacrifice," The Garrison soldier reminded him. "Hold," He spoke into the communicator. "It might be passing."

Akira sped up her pace on the installation, but even under pressure, she worked quite efficiently.

"Done," She notified them and hurriedly gathered her tools into the casing.

The device lit up and projected a laser of energy that connected with the barrier, but the three Garrison remained outside the barrier.

Eventually, after a few minutes, the loud thuds of the creature became distant and the greenish flash of its eyes disappeared in the fog.

"Fall back," The Garrison breathed a sigh of relief. "It's just passing."

The barrier opened to allow the three Garrison back in and the threat of the creature was no longer a major concern.

"This is life here," The Captain clapped Fenrir on the back.

"And what if it comes back?" Fenrir asked curiously.

"Then we face it, simple as that," The Garrison soldier smirked.

"Let's go," Captain Alaude began to take his leave.
