Prologue 2

Present Day

Year 2027

"We're finally being released ey?" A man clad in a soldier's uniform slapped his friend on the back.

His friend smiled as he packed away his belongings into a black duffel bag. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts and ideas of how he would reunite with his beloved after two years of hardcore military service.

Several of his companions crowded around him as he was seated on one of the benches within their barracks.

"It's odd that we're being released a week early," Another companion stated.

"Don't complain!" Someone slapped him on the back. "Just accept that we're lucky."

Lockers snapped closed, some said their farewells with a wave or a salute and took their leave, while others remained a little longer to enjoy one last memory with their companions.

"Are you gonna do it today?" Someone questioned the soldier seated on the bench.

"I don't know..." He looked at the red velvet box that laid open in the middle of his palm. A silver ring with a flashy diamond gleamed back at him. "What if it's too soon?" The soldier closed the box and sighed.

"You've been dating her since middle school," Another companion rested an arm on his shoulder and grinned. "What are you waiting for exactly? Is it about getting financially stable and all that?"

"That's not the problem," The soldier lowered his gaze. "I've already got a job secured."

Would his beloved be prepared? Would she accept him? Or was it too soon?

She had always been at his side through thick and thin since middle school. Of course, there were the occasional couple quarrels and arguments, but neither of them grew weary of the other or thought to separate.

She had been his only family in a world where he was abandoned since birth. But such sorrows he evaded by advancing toward his goals for both their sakes.

The soldier awoke from the bench and slung his duffel bag over his shoulder.

"Five years..." He smiled at the rush of their memories together that flooded his mind. "I think I'll do it today."

"That's our boy!" Two of his companions said in unison as they swung their arms around his neck.

The excitement quickly quietened down when the door to the barracks opened and a superior officer entered. Their postures straightened stiffly as they greeted him with a salute.

The superior's coat was lined with several badges of his many great achievements.

Although there was a stoic aura that surrounded him as he walked toward them, a slight smile formed on his lips as he ruffled the soldier's hair.

"Zak," The superior officer directed his gaze at the soldier's surrounding companions and they acknowledged it as a sign to disperse immediately. "You've shown commendable efforts and accomplishments in the last two years."

"I appreciate the acknowledgment, Sir!" Zak said with a salute.

"No need to be stiff," The superior officer reassured him with a pat on the shoulder. "I had hoped to see you join us but you have other ambitions that are admirable."

"Thank you, sir," Zak nodded. "I have someone waiting for me back home. I have learned and experienced many things in the military, and without a doubt, it'll be beneficial to me when I have my own family."

"That's right," The superior officer responded proudly. "You best be off then, lad. I will see you at the award ceremony a week from now."

"Yes sir!" Zak gave one final salute as he departed from the barracks.

"One more thing," The superior officer's expression darkened. "Be vigilant and on your feet always. Be wary, lad. Not everything you know is what it is perceived to be."

"Understood," Zak said obediently but the words of his superior officer roused a strange feeling.

Was there something he was missing?

The soldier shook his head to clear his thoughts and walked towards where a blue bus was parked across the barrack yard. He entered and selected a seat at the furthest right corner in the back that was vacant.

He nodded in greeting as he passed by fellow companions that he recognized from his unit that were already seated.

He took his seat in the back near the window and sighed as he relaxed his head against the backrest and laid his duffel bag beside him.

"You've come this far," He gazed outside the window as the bus's engine started up and the driver took off when the last passenger entered. "Just do it."

He was about to doze off when his bag vibrated and a faint ringing jolted him back awake. He retrieved his cellphone from inside and his expression softened when he looked at the caller ID.

He answered the call and put the phone near his ear but didn't say a word.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Did you not miss me?" A pleasant voice that belonged to a female spoke on the other end.

"I wanted to hear your voice first," Zak chuckled at her feisty response. He imagined how her rosy cheeks must have reddened with impatience.

"I missed you," Her brief temper faded and was replaced with a soft confession. "Have you left as yet?"

"I missed you too, Niki," Zak's gaze trailed outside at the bright rays of the sun that warmed him. "I'm on the bus. I should be there in two hours."

"That's too long..." Niki whined on the other end. "Two years plus two hours, I won't let you off easily."

"I'll spoil you with all your favorites," Zak gave a light-hearted laugh."You must have gotten even prettier than before."

"Just come home quick!" Niki demanded before there was a beep.

"She ended the call because she was embarrassed," Zak laughed again and switched off the phone as he put it back into the bag.

He rested his head against the window and took in the appealing sceneries of open fields that stretched far and wide.

"I pray it all goes well..." Zak gradually dozed off as his eyes fluttered closed.