Leaving the Pit

The Garrison soldiers completed their survey of the pit and ascended the grappling hooks attached to the edge of the pit.

The night sky had depicted signs of light blue and orangish shades, a sign that morning would soon arrive.

The remainder of the Barbed Devils were completely obliterated, but of course, new inhabitants of their kind would invade the pit and monopolize the territory for themselves.

"Fuck it hurts..." Fenrir groaned.

There were occasional struggles with Fenrir when Noah's movements were either too swift or abrupt but the senior Garrison did not pay heed to his protests.

"Damn it all to hell..." Fenrir swore as Noah placed his hands on the edge of the pit and lifted himself.

He shrugged off Fenrir's weight from his shoulder and rose to his feet.

"That's about as gentle as I can get," Noah dusted his hands. "Imagine if Shion hadn't reversed the time on your injuries and I carried you in that state?"

"I'd be dead..." Fenrir supported his weight on both his hands that he placed on the ground, but the enervation in his bones thought otherwise.

"I told you to be careful with him," Yun shook his head in disapproval when he exited the pit. "We don't have much time until Shion's reversal wears off."

"So feisty today, little Yun," Noah grinned and picked up Fenrir again. "Bear with it trainee. Our ride is just a few feet away."

He proceeded towards the mechanical contraption that was twice the size of a military tank. It was a metallic black with four steel-enforced Firestone 707057SRG model tires.

The vehicle was designed with a tank turret on its roof with several other unrecognizable features that appeared to be the work of modified technology.

Noah halted when a second armored vehicle's engine roared as it arrived at the junkyard right beside the one he approached.

"Of course, he's here," Noah clicked his tongue but resumed his way.

The other Garrison soldiers hurried to open the armored vehicle's back doors. Noah stepped in and laid Fenrir on one of the two long benches that were built into the vehicle's floor on opposite ends.

The trainee Garrison's gaze trailed over the weapon equipment stocked on a rack that was positioned beside the separation window that led to the driver and passenger's seats

There seemed to be blue jewels embedded behind a transparent glass covering designed into the interior roof of the vehicle which provided light inside.

Despite having his injuries temporarily reversed, Fenrir still experienced the excruciating pain of his stomach being ripped apart by a supernatural force.

He inhaled deep breaths to steady his nerves, but the basic exercises did little to evade his concentration on the physical agony.

"Five minutes," Noah said. "I have to deal with someone troublesome," He sighed as he exited the vehicle.

"You have wasted a considerable amount of time," A newly arrived figure stated just as Noah jumped down from the armored vehicle.

"Second Division Captain Ascian," Noah saluted the man who was accompanied by a squad of twelve Garrison that was divided into two teams of six that stood on either side of him.

"First division Vice-Captain," Ascian uttered the title disdainfully. His expression was permanently stoic and a long scar ran across his left eye to the end of his lip. "I believe your orders were to proceed to the South Gate that was reported to have been breached, yet here you are."

"I was returning from a prior task," Noah maintained his gaze on the ground. "Captain Alaude contacted me to retrieve the trainee on my way," He finally confronted Ascian's eyes directly.

"A trainee? Your Captain has become soft and foolish, that he would waste time on a trainee," Ascian turned his back to Noah but gazed over his shoulder.

"If Captain Alaude has gotten soft, then you should have already taken his position by now," Yun stepped forward but Noah shook his head and stopped him with a single hand gesture.

"You ought to keep your squad members in line, First Division Vice-Captain," Ascian's gaze narrowed angrily. "It only leaves a bad impression of your Captain if they are undisciplined."

"My apologies," Noah said sharply. He grabbed Yun by the hand and headed inside the armored vehicle with his other squad members.

They seated themselves on the other available bench which comfortably accommodated all six of them and a few others considering how spacious it was inside.

"You're too hot-blooded," Noah smacked Yun behind the head.

The younger male gritted his teeth and his face flared with evident rage as his forehead creased and his brows furrowed.

"He insults our Captain and you expect me to keep quiet about it?!" Yun exclaimed.

"If you keep letting him bother you, it'll only give him the satisfaction," Fenrir managed to say but breathed heavily afterward.

"What the trainee said is right," Shion nodded. "He will always try to find a way to pick out a mishap from our squad. We are better off not paying heed to him."

"I know that much," Yun rested his elbows on his knees and focused his attention on Fenrir. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm not sure..." Fenrir answered softly.

The armored vehicle's engine roared and the contraption drove off and followed the other vehicle. The ride was slightly bumpy due to the rocky terrain, which made Fenrir uncomfortable with the movements. However, he dared not to show ungratefulness to his saviors.

"What were you doing out here without your weapon and gear, little Yun?" Noah questioned.

"Captain insisted that I not carry them," Yun rested his head back against the vehicle's side interior. "He didn't want me to assist Fenrir in any way I suppose."

"He's crazy as always, " Noah smirked and folded his arms across his chest. "I see he's not wearing the Garrison uniform nor does he have the mark or badge."

"He doesn't..." Yun realized what Noah hinted at.

"That means Captain has already decided Fenrir's fate," Shion joined in.

"The fact that he doesn't possess any of those could only mean one thing," Noah directly observed Fenrir. "Captain will send him off to the Academy."