Omega Fury #6: Rabbit! Dragon! Best Match of Valor and Bravery!

The final battle has begun. Daiki and Gabbie are now locked on with Brittany. Just before they started to fight, help arrived. Junichi, Mamoru, Hiroki, Hayato, Irene, Serina and Jocie joined the scene. "Oh, you brought your friends along here, huh? Very clever.. but unfortunately I have planted a bomb under this tower.." said Brittany.

"You WHAT?! You planted a BOMB?!" said Irene. "Yes. I've held one of your friends hostage below, and turned out she has a Sigil strong enough to level this city down. If you lose against me, I will not hesitate to detonate it" said Brittany.

"Shut up, idiot!" said Serina arrogantly. She felt that it was just a bluff to dissuade them, until Brittany revealed it via the office's camera. "Oh dear.. Lucy…" said Gabbie as she saw her friend inside the glass orb, waiting to be detonated. "If you wish to save her… you must defeat me. Come.." said Brittany.

"Stand back, this one's ours!" ordered Daiki to the others. The rest of the Espers watched as Daiki and Gabbie once again formed a tandem to battle Brittany. "I won't go easy on you two this time. My venom shall paralyze the both of you!" taunted Brittany before she went on to fight the couple.

Using the powers of the 12 Enestals, Gabbie was able to change her attributes at will, giving her an advantage over Brittany, while Daiki fought using his Aerios Skycalibur and flew around with his cape like before. "The law of victory has been decided…" said Gabbie as she shown her new powers to Brittany, confident that she will defeat the Cobra Deviant for good alongside her boyfriend. "It's gonna get wild! Just try and stop us!" said Daiki as he clashed his blade against Brittany's appendages, feeling the surge of power from within him.

Daiki quickly severed some of Brittany's appendages, but she felt no pain, as she could regrow them in a flash. "You can't defeat me that easily… I am both Esper and Deviant.. I am the peak of mankind!" said Brittany arrogantly. "Yeah, but can you change attributes like this?!" said Gabbie as she continued to change attributes to counter Brittany's attacks.

"Your martial arts skills are no match for my fusion of my Sigil and my Deviant features. I have both powers in my hands.. You two are nothing!" said Brittany arrogantly before she both struck at Gabbie and Daiki with her sword. Aside from having both features of an Esper and a Deviant, Brittany is also a skilled fencer, and never not seen without her rapier. "Have at me, you foul bitch!" said Daiki as he parried Brittany's sword. The dragoon and the serpent lady clashed blades as Gabbie assisted her boyfriend.

Within a single slash, Daiki managed to disarm Brittany and cut her rapier in half. "My precious rapier! You will pay for this you filthy alien scum!" said Brittany before she unleashed another one of her snake-like appendages. It was quickly decapitated by Daiki, but it grew back again. "Is there no stopping to this venomous threat?! How could you grew them back so quickly?!" asked Daiki.

"You don't know that I also has the DNA of a rose… I can completely regrow everything, much like a plant" said Brittany. She then chuckled evilly, taunting at both Daiki and Gabbie. "A rose, huh? I'd say we set her on fire!" said Gabbie to Daiki. He agreed and changed his attribute to Fire. The two then unleashed a huge burst of fire towards Brittany, which managed to weaken her a bit. "Fire, eh? Nice touch… But I have something even much worst in my hand" said Brittany. She unleashed a serum containing the remaining Dark Nightmare cells.

"This isn't good, she's going to unleash her true form! Take cover!" said Irene as her and the rest fled into the basement to safety, and to disarm the bomb containing Lucy inside. Brittany began to mutate into her true form: a hideous snake/plant-like being with roses blooming out of her shoulders. "You two are soooo going to be defeated for good, and this STINKING city and all of the Espers in the world are fucking MINEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" said Brittany. As a result of her undergoing her final mutation, Brittany began to lose her sanity and slowly becoming a mindless beast.

"I've once fought monsters tougher than you, it's time for my blade to slay you for good, you horrendous beast!" said Daiki. "And I will not let you reap away my dreams and my friends this time! From my kidnapping to what am I actually… I will embrace my beloved ones and I will fight for them as well! For my family, for my friends and for this land!" said Gabbie. "Your words mean NOTHING! NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING! You two shall DIEEEEEEEEEEE" screamed Brittany before she went all out on the two.

Daiki kept using his Fire attribute to burn down Brittany's appendages, which are now growing in an even faster rate, while some of them caught up to Gabbie and tangled her. "Let go off me! Help me!" said Gabbie. Daiki freed his girlfriend and fought together to finish off Brittany for good. Eventually, Brittany finally almost lost all of her sanity and began to attack aimlessly, not knowing who's friend or foe.

"She's all yours, Gabbie. Finish her, and free your friend after this" said Daiki. Gabbie agreed and prepared her finisher to defeat Brittany for good. "To protect something important... I will rise up as many times as necessary! The law of victory has been decided!" proclaimed Gabbie before she jumped up into the skies. A flash of 12 different colors blinded Brittany before Gabbie struck into her body with an enzuigiri even more powerful than before. "Victorious Cyclone Strike! Haaaaaaaah!" screamed Gabbie as she pierced through Brittany's body like nothing.

Brittany felt an immense pain as a hole in her body formed upon Gabbie's final finisher. She lost her consciousness and finally flopped into the ground and exploded, reverting into an Esper this time. In her last moments, she asked Daiki and Gabbie to come close.

"I'm very sorry… for the both of you… to be dragged into this… It was my fault that… I pursued strength and resourcefulness… after I was ostracized by my own kind… because of my ideologies and my obsession… To you two, to the Takahitsujis… I'm very sorry… Please, end my comrade Hideo… he is the true…" said Brittany as she finally succumbed to her wounds caused from the battle. Upon her death, she turned into ashes, just like her fellow Deviants. Her last words were cut short by her death.

Back at the basement, Junichi and Mamoru's combined strength finally broke Lucy free from the bomb, which was disarmed by Irene's intelligence. "Thanks for saving me.. I gotta find my pal Gabbie quick!" said Lucy as she rushed out of the basement to find her friend.

Just as Lucy reached the rooftop, they already saw Daiki and Gabbie in their normal forms. He also noticed that the two Enestals that contained the souls of the Two Guardian Deities has turned into mere crystal shards. "Our work here is done… we must depart to our kingdom to rebuild what was once razed by the Revenant.. may we meet again someday when Afilia rises again from its ashes" said Draco Piscis as it flew through time and space with its twin brother. Meanwhile, Gabbie lost her Omega Factor Sigil, and she noticed that she now has a normal Psychic Sigil.

"Our powers… they're all gone. My sword is now just a mere sword, and you… you're just a normal person too" said Daiki. "I know.. it was fun when it lasted but.. our love aren't going anywhere, at least. I will always be by your side, even if I have to die for you.. You are my true hero, Dai-kun" said Gabbie. She finally broke free from her cold yet isolationist personality, and embraced Daiki as her beloved one.

"Gabbie, you didn't tell me you have a boyfriend now! Is he hot? Is he handsome?" said Lucy. Gabbie then blushed and asked Lucy to get away for a while, since the two are about to spend their time together, celebrating their victory. "Where should we go next?" asked Gabbie. "Anywhere you want… even if you wanted to resolve your past, I am always here to help" answered Daiki with a smile.

"Lazuline is proud to announce that our sister company Turquoise Foundation has been fully acquired upon our Chief of Research and Development's promotion to CEO. Our new CEO Dr. Marika Takahitsuji has signed an agreement with Mr. Hayato Fujimiya, former CEO of Turquoise Foundation and Dr. Irene Shinohara, Turquoise's Chief of Research and Development. This will add more momentum to our cause of protecting and researching Espers" said a Lazuline spokesperson on the TV. Junichi was delighted to hear the decision, and so as his twin brother Mamoru, since the two were at good terms with Marika back in the past.

"So.. finally the Takahitsujis and the Higurashis are even closer than before. A pact between Transcendents like us will make us even stronger in the coming years" said Junichi to his twin brother. "Yeah, but I gotta go. I need to look after my wife and Talia, and continue my work as usual" said Mamoru before he departed from Polaris to Azure City.

Meanwhile, Brittany's former lackeys, Shinobu and Mercy fled to safety to Aomori to take cover after what happened to their leader. "We should be safe here.. man what has our lady gone to!" said Shinobu. "I know, she has gone nuts, and ain't no way we're working with a total bitch like her anymore!" said Mercy. Just before they continued to flee, they were spooked by the sight of an Esper with black hair and red eyes, glaring at the two. The two fled again, but they were arrested by Takahitsuji Securities officers for their crimes against the local populace of Polaris. "CURSE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" said the two before they were sent to jail for rehabilitation and immunization from their Deviant Factor, as the two were also former Espers.

"No one disturbs my training, and my path to vengeance and truth…" said Alfredo as he continued training with Cathy's sister, Machiko at the Futaba residence. And so, a new dawn has begun for the Espers of Polaris, which is now renamed to Azure City Polaris District. Though everything has returned to normal, Gabbie has yet to uncover more of her past, and a marriage proposal from Daiki is waiting for her.