Chapter II

I walked in the woods, staring into space.

Suddenly I feel like someone pulls my arm and puts me in a small shed in the middle of nowhere.

When I manage to get used to the darkness of the place, I see Alexander's deep gaze.

- Alexander? - I asked with a strong pain in my chest.

-Linsey!-He said with a smile as he cupped my face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused.

-We can be together!-he says with a somewhat strange smile.

- What are you talking about? - I said walking away little by little.

-Well...- He says approaching.- I'll be with my wife, but I'll be with you at the same time!-He says smiling and I see him as if I didn't know him

And I don't...

I'm scared.

- Alexander.- I say pushing him away with my hand.- We can't do that.- I say looking away.

He stops in his tracks and he looks at me.

"No?" He says looking at the ground.- Well, I'm sorry, Linsey.- he says as he looks up.- You don't have a choice.- he says and then pins me against the wall and starts kissing me.

I reacted and tried to separate him from me but he was too strong.

I tried to tell him between kisses to let go, but without success.

I start to sob between kisses, when he starts to go down

- Alexander, please! - I say crying.

But he doesn't stop.

I began to cry, feeling how he touches me without respect or love.

I'm scared.

He hurts me. hurts...

He gets up as if nothing happened and gets dressed again.

He walks out the small door of the shed, not looking back.

I covered myself with the small sheet that was there.

I no longer cried.

I felt disgust. I disgust myself.

Before I had a little hope.

There is a legend that when you are rejected, there may be a chance that you will find a new mate; but now... no one would love me.

A tear rolled down my cheek.

I got up, changed and walked slowly through the woods to the city.

People looked at me with ridicule. Surely they found out that the Alpha rejected me.

I walked up to the main house, and asked to see Alpha Malcolm.

"What do you need, Miss Green?" He asks me, reading some papers.

- Banish me.- I say in an inaudible whisper.

"Excuse me?" He asks confused.

- I ask you.- I say to start crying.- Please banish me.- I say between tears.

- But...but...- he tries to say.

- I'm asking you.- I say begging.- I'll do whatever...but please...- I look into his eyes.- Please banish me.- I say on my knees.

The alpha sighed in surrender.

-Linsey Green, I banish you from the Moon Estraid pack.- he said and I felt like I lost a weight off my shoulders.

I leave the house, I go to my house and take some things and then I walk to the border, when I was one step away, I feel how someone takes my arm.

-What are you doing?!- A confused Alexander asked me- I didn't give any permission to leave the pack.- he says.

- I'm not from this pack anymore.- I say letting go and leaving the territory.

I listen as Alexander calls me.

When I stopped listening to him I lay down on the ground 

Everything hurt.

2 days later.

I walk for a while until some vampires stop me.

-But what do we have here...- he says looking at me.

- Wait! It's the girl that was exiled.- says the other.

"The one that couldn't transform?" He asks her.

I stand still, waiting for them to finish me off.

- WAIT! - I hear a girl scream. -I told you! Not pregnant girls! -She scolds them.


1 week after exile.

I felt weak, my food was over, and the water was due.

I leaned against a tree, tired and hungry.

Then pure darkness.

Amelia POV

I finished talking to the alpha for the link.

Does he think I'm a witch or something, because always, and I mean ALWAYS, he calls me for everything.

"That my tea is" "That my shirt is" "That my dog ​​is the other" I'M A DOCTOR! NOT WITCH!

I left my house on the border angry.

Suddenly I heard slow breathing, almost inaudible to a human.

I walked through the grass and suddenly I saw her.

A girl, lying next to a tree, very pale.

I carefully approached until I realized that she was passed out.

I picked her up and took her to my house.

If she had advanced a bit more, she would already be dead. The guards would have ripped her apart.

I laid her down on one of the beds in my little office.

I checked to see if she wasn't hurt, and sure enough, she was just dehydrated and hungry.

Until I felt a small pulse.

A baby.

She was pregnant! But this pulse was faster than that of a human.

- Hey Grey! - I yelled at my assistant.

The little cat approached.

Actually he is not a cat. He was a human who was mistaken for a witch. She cursed him and when she realized that he was not her enemy, she asked his forgiveness, but she could not remove the curse.

- What do you want? -he asked with a bitter cat's voice.

- Even if the witch hadn't confused you, she would have cursed you for how grumpy you are.- I told him while glaring at him. He just snorted.- Pass me the people's book.- I ask.

You see, years ago I got (COF COF I stole) a book that records every birth of every supernatural and non supernatural being in the world.

It is a magical book, and every year it is updated.

Search through the pages for humans belonging to the closest packs

Any. No image resembled her.


Maybe ..

I remembered that a few months ago it created a new section, I went to the section of those who could not transform and looked for it.

She was the only one on that page.

But what are you doing here?

Then the page started to glow and I saw something being written under the photo.

"Rejected by Alpha Alexander"

She was rejected.

I stared back at the girl... she must have hurt so much.

From one moment to another she began to bleed at the bottom.

I assumed she was in her day, but the book didn't say anything.

Pause. The book says everything about a person. ajsbs

It tells you if it is in her days:  it mean in her fertile days.

Well, let's continue .

I checked if there were no injuries and I was terrified when I saw her.

She was hurt terribly, as if someone had... her...

As id someone had raped her...

I looked at the calm face of the girl.

Who had been cruel enough to hurt her?

I remembered the name of the alpha.

She was rejected, according to the book, a week ago.

I went for the device that Daniel got me for the echoes, and I checked it.

1 week pregnant.

The alpha... got her pregnant ...

After having rejected her.


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