One home, one family

Salim walked to his house. He doesn't want to admit it, but he's quite a stickler for pollution. He thinks that not having taken a taxi is one gram less pollution. He knows that this action is of almost zero reaction but deep down he wants the world to be better off. He does what he can on his scale. For example, he chose this shop because he saw on TV that they made recycled materials.

He also knows that in Niger especially, people don't care. The country does not yet have this listening. So basically even if he is not a believer, he prays that things will go as smoothly as possible.

He enters his yard and walks to the front door. He sees 4 pairs of shoes. It must be Reina's friends. He looks at the time and sees that it is 7:56 p.m. They are on time.

He takes the time to enter in his own house, clears his throat, and looks as if a bestial fight awaits him outside the door. He takes off his shoes and goes in passing the salam. The door opens directly into the living room.

Halima, Antoine, and Myriam are in the four corners of the living room, and are attracted by Salim's salam. Halima who was inflating balloons gives her a big smile and Antoine, folded sleeves pushing the table for some reason, wipes his sweaty forehead. Myriam is further away with a tray of appetizers in her hands. Everyone greets him back and Salim has a frank smile.

"Is that her outfit?" Halima greets her and takes the bag from Salim.

" Yes. You can give it to her, where is she ? " Salim takes off his jacket and goes to the kitchen. He passes through the mess in the living room. The orange light already warms him and the smell of the kitchen mechanically attracts him.

"She was expecting you, she is in her room. " answered Halima

" OK. "

"I'm taking it to her! " young Halima runs up the stairs.

Salim attracted by the smell of food arrives in the kitchen and is not surprised to come across his crush.

"It was you." Salim notices that his tone was a little too seductive and is embarrassed but he tries to sound normal.

Frida hears Salim and turns around slowly so as not to rush the frying pan she is holding. She still has a beautiful smile " Welcome back. "

When Salim hears her voice, his heart beats a little faster, seeing her eyes makes him want to go, get closer to her, hold her and turn that face around by her chin and look for a long long time. But that's just a thought.

" Do you want me to help you ?" He doesn't know how to cook; he asks politely.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done" She lies. But she knows he can't cook and he's asking out of politeness so she doesn't clearly say no.

"Where's Lisa? " She is Frida's daughter.

"She went to get vinegar at the convenience store."

Salim frowns. "But I have vinegar ? " He goes to open one of the cupboards and pulls something out and hands it to the young woman.

Frida doesn't even look and just replies "Salim it's soy sauce not vinegar. "

Salim looks at the tube and sees Soja written in big letters with Chinese or Japanese inscriptions, he doesn't know.

" This is not the same ? Soy sauce is not Asian vinegar ?" He says so innocently. He's serious.

"No Salim. " She doesn't laugh, she's focused on her business. She's also exasperated that the man she loves is as thoughtful as he is airheaded.

Salim sees that she is almost pissed because she had warned him to prepare the vinegar in advance. He went this morning to buy some, he imagined it would give the salad a samurai flavor.

But when he sees her like that, he blames himself and tries to make amends. "Okay, I blundered again, but I have something to be forgiven for ". He leaves to take back his jacket and returns with a small chocolate which he places on the work table. She sees him and almost stops. Her indigo eyes sparkle and you can only hear the rice frying in the pan. She stares a little too tenderly at this little chocolate.

She turns to him and like a little girl who has just received the gift she has wanted for a long time, she has stars in her eyes "Did you find it ?"

Salim is glad it worked. " Yes. But be careful your rice is still cooking. "

" Where did you find it ? " she is childishly enthusiastic

"A friend drove me there. They had some, but I didn't want to give you the whole box so I insisted on having one. They didn't agree so I paid for the box anyway and I thought I'd give you one every day. "

Frida is over the moon. She seems happier with the chocolate than Salim's speech. She drops her frying pan, excited, and takes Salim in her arms. The action for her was reflex but for Salim the hug represented the world. She was already holding the chocolate and expressing her gratitude.

Salim smelled in a second the scent of her lilac colored hair, of her skin, he felt the softness of her back. He thinks about how he could have held her back, but again, he's just thinking.

She thanks him and goes back to her work while Salim is still thinking. Decidedly, Salim hates that the heart does as it pleases. But he knows that love must be unpredictable otherwise love at first sight would just be a bad prescription to which we would pretend.

He leans and sighs against the counter when Lisa comes in.

"Good evening Salim" Her hair is as long as Frida's, her headphones remind Salim of the MP3 player the saleswoman was talking about. He notices the piercing in the girl's nose and wonders if Frida also had one at her age. Salim is not very curious about people, usually when he meets someone, he always lets the person in front make the conversation while he answers with automated answers: yes, no, it's true, indeed. But concerning Frida, he wants to know everything about her. In the smallest details. But he never dares, not only because he suppresses his feelings, but also because he fears to know if she still loves her ex-husband. He knows that they divorced on good terms and that they see each other sometimes. He knows that Lisa gets along well with him and that they divorced because he was so absent. He tried to arrange, but his job required him and it was unthinkable for him to drop his dream job. So Frida divorced him. He also doesn't know if Lisa is ready to see her mother with another person, especially her best friend's elderly father. Salim knows that he will soon be a crumbling old man and that Frida is still young; so he doesn't know what to do. But that's without adding the real reason for his refusal.

He's still pensive when he sees Lisa giving the vinegar and after walk towards him. She is staring at her phone but Salim only sees a younger Frida when he looks at her. She approaches and whispers something to Salim, he bends down to hear.

"If you really want to flirt with mom, start by asking her to teach you how to cook. She likes to teach. " Salim shivers. He doesn't understand why she says it so soberly. She leaves as she came. Salim is amazed, he doesn't know what to do with this information. He begins to imagine lots of scenarios of him, Frida, Reina, and Lisa living together, in a dream family scenario. But he pulls himself together and remembers his real reasons. He leaves to take a soda from the fridge and goes to sit in the living room.

In the living room all the furniture has been moved to the four corners of the walls. Two desks with two computers are positioned with a large director's desk near the TV. It looks like things have been arranged this way to simulate a real work desk. There are confetti and inflated or uninflated balloons scattered everywhere. A HAPPY BIRTHDAY REINA banner hangs above the director's desk.

Antoine comes out of a room with a small printer that he puts on the director's desk, Salim sees him sweating a lot.

" Do you want me to help you ?"

"No it will be fine" He is out of breath. "Only the computer remains and that's good."

Salim knows he is exhausted but Antoine is a good boy ; he is hardworking, loyal and categorically refuses help from anyone when it comes to helping a loved one; especially when it comes to Reina, his girlfriend.

Salim collapses on the sofa and thinks that he is so lucky not to be the only one to take care of his daughter ; he has always feared since she was a child, that at school and in life, that she would be the victim of harassment because of her condition, but fortunately nothing of the sort; she has always had nice friends, who have always cared about her without feeling sorry for her. He is grateful that Antoine, Myriam, Halima and Lisa are there for her.

Then he thinks of Frida and wonders how Reina perceives her, could Reina see her as a surrogate mother or as her stepmother, or just the mother of her lifelong friend ? "But why am I thinking about it ? " Salim asks himself. It's not like he was going to try anything. Finally, he is tired from having walked so much so sleep begins to set in. He falls asleep with the can in his hands.


He is woken almost an hour later by Halima. "Uncle, uncle, stand up… everything is ready." Halima is all excited, smiling.

Salim has difficulty opening his eyes, but the LEDs don't blind him enough for him to be really dazzled, so he manages to do so quite easily. He sees that the balloons are hanging, the floor cleaned, that everything is in order, he feels a cocktail of scents invade him. Halima and Myriam have changed, they have also made up, they are both wearing suits and heels. They look like two young girls who have disguised themselves as civil servants; although this is indeed the case. He does not see Antoine, Frida and Lisa.

He sits up with a sigh and rubs his eyelids. "Halima, are you finished ? " We feel that he has just woken up

" Yes. We are just waiting for her. " When she sees that he is standing, she goes to stand near Myriam. It is easy to notice that they are really happy about what is happening.

It's unclear what Salim is thinking right now. But soon, when the lights are abruptly turned off, and there is a short silence, Lisa cries from upstairs, "Our CEO is here ! " then the two young girls are already moved and Salim looks on.

From the corner of the staircase, a soft blue light arises, these are garlands that Lisa, elegant, holds above Reina who like a majesty descends towards people who acclaim her.

Reina, in her dress of all elegance, of all beauty, is superb. Her truly sickly thinness, her sunken cheeks and eyes, and her difficulty just standing up, do not let her beauty slip away.

If Salim believes in his heart of that if you're beautiful one day, it's because you've always been, it's because his daughter shows it to him.

Reina has a sincere smile and tender expression towards her two sisters Halima and Myriam who are already crying. They greet the CEO with both hands and accompany her to her office. She does not look Salim in the eyes, the latter although bewitched, does not dare meet her gaze because he would cry too.

Reina is sitting on her desk and seems relieved to be back in her sitting position. Both girls' hands are dusty from the powder left by Reina's scaly skin.

They with Lisa now come to stand before her and bow to their leader. Lisa, who is holding a notebook, is already in her role.

"Chief, welcome. You have had a good night ?"

Reina nods. She is grateful.

"Very well, it's a new week that begins. We have a lot of work today so we will not waste time. Halima? "

" Yes ? " she's crying. She wipes a tear

"Have you finished the request for informations and prices ? Lisa seems in a whole different tone

"Um…yes, wait !" Halima is still emotional, she stumbles trying to reach her desk. Myriam, who is also crying, smiles. Lisa doesn't smile and we don't know Reina's face. Halima takes a document with a bang and walks over. She has trouble with heels.

She comes with the document and places it in front of Reina. She breathes and evacuates her stress. Stress however not completely evacuated, she tries hard but her voice trembles and her posture is awkward which makes her deeply adorable in the eyes of Reina.

Reina doesn't really listen to her when she looks at her, she only remembers that this very shy and cute girl was after Lisa, the first friend she made. It goes back to her elementary school: she always wore these glasses with pink temples which, when she was younger, made her look like a character from old Western comics. Halima is clumsy and cannot express herself, but she has a remarkable sense of duty. And when she becomes attached to you, her shyness becomes an incredible instrument of attachment. She becomes the wax doll you dream of taking care of. Reina remembers all they had to do together and is deeply grateful for this friend.

She is still thinking about it when she notices that Halima has finished her speech and that it is Myriam who is speaking ; Myriam, whom she met in an exceptional way. Once she was hospitalized, she simply stormed into her room and introduced herself as the little sister of one of the nurses in Reina's care. She was explaining so sternly, as if scolding her, that she had heard that Reina was getting down on her condition and was there to scold her for giving up already. Since then, Myriam has never left her ; Unlike Halima, Myriam seems authoritarian, but she hides a tender heart and a gift of crazy leadership. She is always the one who organizes Reina's medical appointments when Salim cannot and who accompanies her everywhere. If Reina was really CEO, Myriam would be a renowned assistant. Blessed are you Myriam.

The girls are having fun talking business and Reina is looking at them seriously. But his gaze must turn to his father who is watching from the sofa. That's what she thinks, but Salim stands next to her and looks at her like the father he is. They say nothing to each other.

Lisa stops Myriam in her speech "Good, good, we understood madam the crook ! "

"Who are you calling a crook ? " Myriam is really lifted, she is susceptible and her mania for always doing well takes over, she straightens her glasses and plays the role of the client and her own role, annoyed " I will let you know madam, that I come from an environment respectable and that with us our products are of first quality. I don't allow you ! "

Halima sneers.

"What are you telling me, I thought you were from Maradi ? " Lisa is ready to strike back

" Yes and… ? "

"Maradi since the new regulations of 4 years ago, no longer produces its own products, the national production of moringa has been redistributed to Zinder ; and Maradi like Niamey spend the same amount. Your excuse only holds if the route is diverted by 60km. Nope ? " Lisa has the streetiest look of them all, but she's by far the most cultured.

Myriam cannot speak and is upset. Halima can't help laughing behind her. Reina borders on laughter too. Salim listens and we still don't know what he thinks.

Embarrassed Myriam relies on the CEO "Well, the final word is up to the chief, let her have the last word. "

Myriam turns behind and almost can't help but smell the beaten dog. All eyes are on the CEO.

"So what do you decide ? " Lisa asks.

But Reina didn't really listen to what they said and doesn't even know what they are asking her. She mimes her uncertainty and points randomly towards Myriam who is too cute with this face thinks Reina. Especially because if she lost, she'll really sulk the rest of the evening.

Myriam refrains from shouting victory and is satisfied with a proud smile as she straightens her glasses with purple branches with one finger. Her black eyes shine when she takes her documents.

" A good thing done ! " She is still proud of herself but that does not mean anything to Lisa who has all her attention on Reina. She looks at her with eyes that say a lot. Reina doesn't understand what Lisa is up to.

But for now Lisa applauds their performance and asks everyone to come over. She calls Frida who seems to be upstairs and goes downstairs. She also changed.

Lisa pulls the CEO out of her wheelchair and whispers, "Did you like it ?" Reina squeals positively with a smirk. " Great. It wasn't easy but we did it. And remember to thank Salim. It cost him all that logistics. I wonder what he will do with all this now. " Lisa pushes her towards the kitchen and Reina thinks of Salim. She knows that her father did not just listen to the whims of her friends. She knows that Salim will surely give the computers and offices to an association or to people who need them. Salim always thinks of everything. But she knows that Lisa is right, and that she has to thank him, and she is already working on it. His satisfied gaze goes to Frida who is standing not far from Salim.

Salim watches Reina get pushed while he decides to approach Frida who is still combing her hair.

"She did a good job. "

"Hmm ? Sorry ? " she turns to him

"Lisa. I said she did a good job. "

"Oh !" a smile forms on her face. " Yes. It is true that my daughter is doing a good job. Did Reina like it ? "

" Yes. A lot ! "

" I am delighted about it. Anything else left on her list ? What would she like to do ? "

"No, only the grand finale remains ! " Salim feels strange when he thinks about it

"Young people are a little too ambitious these days" she's not sure she should say that

" It's not worse "

" How ? " She puts away her comb and puts down her bag

"Let them be too ambitious. It's not worse. "

" What do you mean ? "

The idea at the moment was clear to him, but now that he has to say it, he is no longer certain of what he was thinking. He looks a bit puzzled. "I mean… well, we get older and they grow older and the older generation always thinks the next generation is worse, but I don't know. I think if it is natural for it to be empirical, then so be it. If they are too ambitious, they will fall from a height or they will climb higher and that is not good or bad. " Salim isn't sure he understood himself and is embarrassed to think he just reminded Frida that he's a weird guy. He wants to bury himself alive.

" Yes. You're right. " he hears the young woman answer him, she seems convinced by what he said, and when he looks at her she looks at him seriously, then she smiles at him and holds out her hand " You come, we gonna eat ? "

He remembered that he was weird but now he thinks that if he feels so close to her it's because she allows it maybe ? He thinks about the fact that there are questions that don't have fixed answers and maybe he falls into this category ? Salim then wonders what if the question was not whether he should start or not ? You may already own someone but you're just missing the right question to ask yourself.

He silences his thoughts and lets himself be carried away.


Reina's entire family is gathered around the table. The plates pass from hand to hand and conviviality is essential. When everyone starts eating, Reina is the only one in front of whom there is nothing. She has a huge smile and listens to everyone talking. When she notices Antoine's absence, she asks after him and Myriam replies that he is showering, that he will arrive immediately. Three minutes later he is there, he kisses Reina and his pink lips are soaked with Reina's skin but he says nothing about it. He sits down next to her. Since Reina can't speak, everyone indirectly involves her in the conversation so that she feels part of it.

Halima knocks food off her fork a little more each time as she feels more and more stupid. And when she pours sauce on her outfit, she looks discreetly if no one has seen her, but Reina has seen it and smiles at her. She feels stupid.

Myriam reminds everyone of good table manners and also Frida and Salim by scolding them. Myriam will certainly be strict as a mother, but not unfair.

Lisa eats silently and puts on her headphones so as not to hear Myriam, which annoys her even more. She puts her hand on the table on purpose and cuts her salad with a knife.

Antoine only sees his beauty and is recommended by her what to eat. When a bit of sauce remains on his cheek, Reina takes it off him and he feels like a king.

Salim watches his daughter take care of her boyfriend and his heart can't stop beating ; he is so grateful and so wished his wife was there to see this. He didn't want to think about her but when he sees them like that, it's stronger than him : he sees himself and her at the same age. He too served as a nanny to Reina's mother until the very end and he wonders if Antoine will become like him when soon Reina dies. He is nostalgic and sad ; his appetite is cut off. Frida clears her throat on purpose to tell him "get a hold of yourself " ; they understand each other and he tries to think of something else when she takes his hand and strokes it.

This time he doesn't imagine things, he squeezes her hand in his and doesn't wonder what it means.

When he finishes eating, he gets up and goes to put down his plate. "Antoine, are you coming to help me, are we going to put the furniture back in place ?"

Antoine responds positively as soon as the request is heard. He tells Reina that he is coming back and happily goes to join Salim.