Death Mate

The video of Assad slaying the three men is playing all over the internet and on TV. In just a few hours, the topic monopolizes all the news of the country, at least, in part.

Assad is wanted by the police, and soon by even worse. But he, above all, must recover from what happened to him.

It was cold that evening too, the wind was light, the sky cleared up…

In this abandoned shed it was light: boards, boxes of everything and anything. Between a few stacks, there was a small corner ideal for being alone. Just what he needed. He found himself there after walking for a long time. When what was inside him ceased to have effect, as if the adrenaline was taken from him, he was riddled with all the pain he no longer felt. He fainted more than once until nightfall.

He has no idea the extent of his injuries; whether he is at risk of dying if he doesn't get treatment, but that's not an option. He lets himself be carried like this, lying on a cardboard box. He is thirsty but what to do? He can only wait to recover some strength.

He tries to indulge in sleep but when the noises he took for parasitic sounds turn out to be those of people, he listens, hears them and realizes that something is wrong.

It bothers him but he tries hard to move on and sleep to forget the pain but when he manages to confirm that it is men who carry the voice over what seems to be the voice of a terrified girl, he overcomes his annoyance and his embarrassment and gets up.

On the other side, three young men surround a young woman. Her concern seems far too pronounced to be a simple altercation. The men do not seem to be armed but simply outnumbered.

She hides her face in her trembling hands when they smile dirty and between insults and threats, lets appear their lustful desires. She begs to let her go, but one of them claims "she shouldn't have gone out so late, the streets are dangerous" and that "it would be a shame not to give us such assets, don't you think ?"

" Please !" she begs, "Lord!" she whispers.

Although Assad sees the scene, he does nothing, he watches the scene from afar, hidden between debris.

But when observing, is it his wounds that hurt his heart, or is it this force that acts when Assad's chest hurts at the sight of what is taking shape in front of him, there, when these young men attack a young woman in distress ? He observes the scene, seized with disgust, he clutches his heart. Fear paralyzes him, pain overwhelms him. Between pain and resentment he does not know what to reason.

Assad sees the one who abused her pass his turn to the other and the third him, still filming. The one who has just passed his turn, comes to masturbate above her, inert.

We have to act, we have to do something but "I'm hurt, I can't do anything, they're stronger than me" Assad continued to get lost in his thoughts when on the girl's side, the rage had grown enough , all that was missing was the catalyst. The one who abuses her feels the girl's body warming up and this excites him all the more, he likes to feel the ejaculation coming.

This sprinting blood that warms the body once in the ring finger, makes it vibrate.

The excitement increases, and he penetrates faster, and moans frantically when he hears at the moment of ejaculation, another screams than his own. The three men turn around.

Assad, between doubt and bravery, runs in tears towards the aggressors, an iron bar in hand.


Finally, as they regain their guard, Assad, weak, falters for a moment before holding himself upright, he does not give them time to come to him, he is the one who advances. The one with the fists comes to him in a poorly executed hesitant fist. He avoids it with a simple step back, which destabilizes the attacker who receives the bar first on the head then a second on the back, which causes him to fall.

The last one standing, blade in hand smiles at Assad as the others come running from outside.

"What do you think you're doing like that? "Assad is not far from collapsing, he saves the maximum of strength, his legs are shaking. When he meets Assad's gaze, he no longer smiles. Out of respect, approach and catch with one hand the blow of Assad who is surprised to have lost the bar.

"You looked for it!" The man clenches his fist and slams him in the face. Assad collapses.

In a traumatized mind, the young woman who sees the others coming sees them surrounded by Assad; she sits down and the time to remember her trauma, feels the liquid escaping from her. Her heart seems to stop. She still looks at the bodies on the ground and sees that of the kidnappers and that makes her sick and brings up emotions but when the four others start trampling on Assad, riddled him with blows, a voice tells her to look.

She does not see what is happening to him, if he is still alive. She weakens more and more and begins to really not be able to absorb all these emotions.

This scene inspires in her something strong, powerful and when enough is enough, the voice comes back and tells her: "Transpose!"

She thinks "what?" his hand is shaking and she with it. She doesn't know what's going on but the increasingly boiling blood begins to make her see and feel things. The voice makes her focus on the boy, which she does. Her gaze persists on the group and it is now her eyes that fill with this sensation that she felt on her finger, she feels obliged to fixate on them and when the bodies become energies, she finally realizes, at least she doubt it.

For his part, Assad is still alive but not for long, as he soon sees himself dying, he only thinks back to the fire this morning, to the lieutenant, to his father who did not teach him how to lose; so he tries to draw once again from himself this power that he does not master; but nothing comes to him and it is rather the demons of his past that come to his rescue: as this morning he is trying to reconstruct the stages, he is looking for emotions. He tries to tap into himself, he forgets the outside world. The girl sees the auras but tries to figure out what to do with them. Both sides are trying to put this little-known force into practice. But they understand together that we must not try to understand her, since she speaks, we must rather let her flow into us and this is how in a salutary cry he explodes and pushes them away but his body catches up and he's blocked, paralyzed, his consciousness is half there, but his body really can't take it anymore so he tells himself that he must let himself die and let himself be consumed; he thus concentrates on the strength that will come to him, and which will seem to be the last he will receive. He lets the power come, accumulate, then seek the thread that will make it sink deep.

In his heart, power is black water in which white bubbles infiltrate, it is in this mixture that power is found, but above all the voice, the second consciousness. He does not know how to distinguish everything, but he looks for it, he knows that there is a thread deeper in the water. So he descends, time slows down, his emotions become more palpable, they don't grow, he just manages to read them. This power he understands, is literally attached to the possessor. Time slows down, as in hypnosis, the lower it goes, the more it disconnects from reality. And just before falling, he believes, he is not sure of fainting, he sees the silhouettes around him and it is dark.

Assad swims in the water, he is there, he lets himself be carried by the current, very slowly. He moves a hand and feels it very light, then he tries to get up, Assad feels incredibly light, peaceful.

In its darkness the only light is no longer the bubble but a long white line. He looks at it, walks towards it, runs, but does not reach the line. He remembers not to have to run after him but to let it come. He looks at his palms and tries to search inside himself, but he confirms that he can no longer do the most natural thing: to think.

He can no longer think of him because he is literally in his consciousness. And another thing, if he no longer feels "the voice in his head", he still knows that it is there, as an entity, he predicts its presence. But how to bring it to materialize? How to think of one's own consciousness when it is nothing more than one's own existence?

"Time is running out, I have to save this girl, I have to..." Assad is suddenly pounding with monstrous fear; so heavy that he collapses. He recognizes this fear, it's the fear of this morning when he was being chased, it's the fear when he was hiding under the bed, the fear when he was afraid of being killed if he tried to run away, the such fear when he fled so many responsibilities that led him to this life of solitude.

He is smart enough to understand that he is tested, he wants to say "didn't I beat my fear by going to save her? "But he knows that if he moved forward, it is because it was the power that forced him, it was not him, he was so afraid that he had urinated on himself.

The weight of fear nails him, he no longer tries to get up. He reasons chaotically trying to find a solution, but time is running out, how does time flow there in reality?

"I have to act, I have to stop being afraid, I have to..." The scenario of the day goes over and over in his head. Then when he thinks back to the lieutenant he thinks "the inspector, the inspector, I have to… I have to avenge him, I want to avenge the inspector!" "But is it that a second crash falls on him. He is completely knocked down. This new weight inspires him to remember the words of the gang leader: does he think he has any idea what he is trying to get into?

A secret organization, a mysterious leader who inspires fear, a strange case involving a former lieutenant in service twenty years ago. "Am I really capable and am I legitimate to invest myself in it?"

Assad is riddled with his fears, doubts...

"My dreams" thinks Assad "My dreams, my fears, my fears, my dreams, my doubts" he kept repeating these words to himself and trying to get to the root of it all. He must not try to defend himself, he must fight these fears otherwise power will be denied to him.

Assad remembers: the assassination of his father, the abduction of his brother, the insults in the orphanage, in the reformatories, the host families who insulted him, repressed him under different pretexts. The fear, the loneliness, the resentment against the assassin, the ineluctable desire to avenge his father, the lack of his brother, the concern for his brother. The pressure that these so-called supporters put on him to be such, to act such, to be anything he didn't want to. To have forced himself into characters, lives, loves, goods, evils, to have destroyed, to have killed: "I have taken lives, I am no longer different from daddy's killer, I too am a rebus of society, I'm now a real parasite, I'm only good for being arrested, I don't deserve anything, nothing, not even this power of misfortune... I am, I am…" Assad cries the point tighten "I am"

"You are my son"

Assad has a share of light

" What ?"

He remembers, he remembers.

His father, how could he have forgotten? His father, the greatest inspector of all time: "How could I forget his teachings?" Assad forces himself to his feet.

"Let me go, will you, I have things to do: I have to save this girl, I have to save all the people in the world who are suffering!"

"What do you think you are?" questioned the power

"A bit of humanity!" Assad forces himself to get up "Let me carry, they must all die by my hand!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"A servant of humanity!" Assad stands up « Let m… Let me go. I must. I have to...I have to write down my plans!"

"Are you worthy?"

"Would I have had the gift if I weren't the son of my ancestors?" Assad is on his feet with a battle cry: he is claiming his due.

Then the light arises, he hears his own voice tell him

"It was time for you to understand: son of your ancestors. I am you, I am the power, I come to you, I offer myself to you, it is time for you to write your pact, your future. Bind yourself to me and repeat your pact!"

Illuminated Assad stipulates with him: "From my hand will be saved the souls in distress and will die the harmful souls."

"Your pact is accepted, I will serve, I am your servant, I am you and you are me, together we will save and kill each other. You can now go back" Assad rises in white flames and begins to dissipate. "Now that your power is active, you must learn the commandments!" the voice told him. Assad listens as the flames consume him

"First Commandment: Muzhara is a science; it will not be glorified."

A flame rises above Assad

"Second Commandment: The muzhara arises from the wish to live or to make live."

A second flame rises above Assad.

"Third commandment: the muzhara is established under the law of retaliation."

A third flame rises above Assad

"Fourth Commandment: Muzhara only affects muzhara."

A fourth flame rises above Assad.

"Fifth commandment: the muzhara is double if and only if the first active comes from an external wish. If the host's natural muzhara is already active, and a second host wishes it life, the muzhara will only be taken in passive form: a situation will unlock to allow one or both of the hosts to survive."

A fifth flame split in two rises above Assad

"Sixth Commandment: The muzhara is extinguished at the fulfillment of the wish to live or to cause to live."

A sixth flame rises above Assad

"Seventh Commandment: Muzhara peaks at age 40 and subsides at age 41."

A seventh flame rises above Assad

"Eighth Commandment: The muzhara has no morality except that of its host."

An eighth flame rises above Assad

"Commandment Ninth: The muzhara will not work if the host attempts an action that involves his death."

A ninth flame rises above Assad

The nine flames form a crescent above him then surge to his palm and a ring pops up around his ring finger and he raises his hand

"Tenth Commandment: The muzhara may; as the host wants."

The immaculate white ring brings out the inscription, the pact.

Assad is enveloped and disappears in a cloud of flames.

"Show them: my brave master, my brave host!"


In reality, not even a second passed. For them, as soon as he has fallen, he gets up again.

The attackers do not understand, they always surround him, and when one of them sees that he tries to get up, he tries to kick him.

They of course saw nothing, but the young woman who saw the aura of the latter, could see that for a second, the red aura died out before now reviving in an aura fiery white, but what she is amazed at is that the aura protrudes from his body and grows ever larger.

As she continues to pay attention to it, her voice tells her to concentrate. She wonders what she should focus on, the voice answers her

"On the lines!"

" The lines ?" Concentrating, she does indeed see light lines crossing the bodies, but that of Assad is only one, like a solid rope. When Assad is about to attack, she sees his line moving and mechanically prepares.

The kick that arrives, Assad, in a simple backward movement, gets up, stands aside, jumps in a black side flip before delivering a kick that propels him face down.

She could see the action before it happened, but with their eyes, nothing could be observed. They just see the other brutally banging the ground while Assad is standing. His eyes are light ash.

He is standing, serene, his face mimics nothing like resentment, simply serene.

Assad faces them and they have no idea what is going on. One of them takes Assad's iron bar, two others grip brass knuckles while another holds his bat firmly. They throw themselves on him, the girl distinguishes their intentions but does not worry because she sees that Assad is much more advanced than them.

The first with the iron bar strikes the blows but Assad has suddenly become a martial art champion. He dodges with bewildering fluidity. When he sees one of the punches coming, he grabs the bar in full volley, ducks and follows with an uppercut, he flies and rests on the ground. Assad holds the iron bar and throws it. The other two with fists come running, Assad mockingly mimicking a badly executed boxing posture, when they land some blows, in marvelously perfected leg movements Assad ends up dodging a blow and then he lands a straight shot on the jaw. As he leaves to collapse, Assad wants to add more but the girl shouts at him

" Behind you !" The one with the bat lands a jab from behind right on Assad's head. But doesn't he know that muzhara is a millennial power?

The blow of his enemy comes to him, and he says to himself that a small performance would not be refused; but in his arrogance he remembers: muzhara only affects muzhara. It's screwed, he lost a second. And when he pulls himself together, he sees his opponent in a strange look of confusion clutching his abdomen.

The other also comes and gives a blow that he can't dodge but the fact is that he doesn't feel anything. Would his body in Assad be so dead?

Nonsense! He's alive, he's alive and well, and his power is burning. So he grits his teeth and in a final assault defeated his ennemis.

7 bodies are on the ground. Him standing.

The girl, having observed everything, was recovering from many things, but her gaze was such that she could only focus on this man who collapsed on one leg before getting up.

He gets up, remains standing for a moment before retracing his steps; one step after another.

She watches him go, a regret in her face and when he is far away, she can't help but call out to him, he stops but she doesn't know what to say.

He retraces his steps and stands before her in silence. His eyes are empty, she doesn't know how he stands

He pulls off his sweater and throws it at her. He bends down, his eyes return and his gaze becomes solemn and states after a long silence.

"There will always be people like them; and there will be me. I will defeat them all, they will all die by my hand and you will live." He stares at her, like a demon, he is serious and furious.

His pupils flicker back to their natural tint and he collapses.