The CRAIN leader was hit off the balcony and sent falling off from the sixth floor. It was a high fall and the odds of him walking away from it were zero.

"Say hello to the Sky gods, CRAIN." Jin laughed while flashing a red pendant. "If this was what you were looking for, have a last glimpse before you die, HAHAHAHAHAHA!!"

"CRAIN, DEPLOY!!" As soon as their leader summoned for their help, all the CRAIN agents suddenly stopped what they were doing and froze for a while. Suddenly, their eyes started to glow a violent yellow color as their bodies slammed into one another at such great force.

This broke their skulls, fractured their bones and spilled a lot of blood on the jasmine floors. At first, The Dragons thought it was some form of stupid plan to kill themselves and avoid interrogation, but the next thing that happened caused them to change their minds.

"Are they…fusing?"

"Their bodies!! They're growing into one thing."

"Everyone run. They're going to wreck the place."

The Dragons run out of their den as fast as they could while the over thirty CRAIN agents fused into one giant person. The giant quickly grabbed the CRAIN leader and started to lay waste to the den. However, their leader had other plans for them.

"Quickly, capture the leader before he…." As he looked at the sixth floor, he came to learn that Jin had already escaped with the pendant and there were no hopes of him ever getting it back.

"What will you have us do, SIR!!" The giant asked with such great volume in its voice. "We can lay this entire city to dust."

"No," the leader replied. "I've already made a mistake by forcing all of you to turn to such methods. Now that they've seen what the CRAIN can do, word will soon spread out. Get us out of here."

"Yes, SIR!!"

The giant held its leader in its hands and jumped through The Dragon's Den. Once on the roof, it took another mighty leap which flattened the building and fell into the canal which was luckily deep enough to hide in.

'We've failed. Those pendants have been found rather quickly. I thought we'd have some more time.' The CRAIN leader contemplated within himself. 'We have to play this smart. At least with got the biological units. I just hope the other two with the pendants don't misuse its power and break us down. I know Jin will, but what can he do? He's only one man. There's nothing to be worried about.'

"Get us far away from here as fast as you can, and make sure no one spots us."

"Yes sir."


While the CRAIN were leaving RedZone and making plans to head back to their home, Jin and his Dragons were left standing at the ruins of their den. The gangsters were heavily disheartened due to the loss of their fallen comrades who were either killed, stomped or crushed by the falling debris of their once majestic base.

Jin, on the other hand, was gradually happy at how all of this played out. Even though he lost his magnificent Den, he gained something else much more profitable.

"Dragons," He began to speak. "Those filthy Neveahians have cost us our home, our city and have taken the blood of our fallen comrades, but…they've left us with something more valuable." He said while showing them the precious pendant he grasped tightly in his hands.

The pendant, unlike Dezhong's, had a red, circular gem surrounded by scales. The bottom of the pendant had a little dragon curved into the scales and the string it was held onto seemed to have been made from black scales, most likely those of a snake beast mutant.

"They left you with a pendant they made?" The Dragons begun to question. "Many of our comrades fell, and it all happened because of a necklace?"

As soon as they began to revolt, Jin snapped his fingers and immediately silenced them. "This isn't just some necklace as you foolishly think they are. If I am correct, there are two more of these pendants and judging by how the CRAIN were willing for fight this much for this one, the others were taken."



"You dare to question my integrity?" Jin barked as he kicked one of the Dragons on their face. "Unlike you, I understand the power these pendants hold to whoever yields them and I'm going to take that power and yield it so we can crush our enemies.

'I know the CRAIN took our people. They killed our own. We have no choice but to pay back the favor, Blood for Blood. An eye for an eye, a thousand live for these few."


Dezhong, who was currently on his own, made his way through the center of a now quiet Desper and headed to his home. However, the young man was focused on other things, so much that he didn't notice how quiet and empty the streets were.

"What is the beast system?" He asked while desperately hoping for answers.


[System Diagnosis.]

[The Beast System.]

{Description: The Beast System, a highly technologically advanced computer system, consists of a biological electrical component that allows itself to fuse with a suitable host. The Beast System also contains a gene that activates a symbiotic relationship with the host.}

{There are three beast genes. The Canine, Reptilian, and Feline beast. According to its diagnosis and the host's compatibility, the system will provide its hosts with permanent mutations that can be turned on and off at their will. The System is designed with a simple to understand Head-Up Display that shows the host's stats, strength, and the added abilities they possess. The System also provides tactical information incase it senses that the host is either faced in a life-or-death situation or is in need of guidance once faced with a difficult situation. Lastly, the system comes with a reward section that rewards the user after they complete a task.}


{Even though the host and the beast gene have a symbiotic relationship, the gene can be extracted once the right forms of technology are used. Extraction always equals to death while the gene can be carried on to another user and starts all over again.}

Being bombarded with such heavy information nearly brought Dezhong to his knees as soon as he read the last part about extracting the beast. However, he was able to learn a few things which seemed beneficial to him.

'In a nutshell, this thing works like a video game, sort of. Looks like each time I finish its quests, I can get rewarded and further strengthen myself. But also, there are two more people with the feline and reptilian genes.'

"System, can one host possess two symbiotic genes?" Dezhong asked.

[Once suited with one gene, they can possess only one more.]

'If the others learn of this knowledge as well, they might come for me. There's no choice. I must become stronger for when that day comes.'