[Bonus chapter]CH30:BEAST (PART 3)

[Few Minutes Earlier.]

"We're coming to you live from South Eastern Desper where the police and fire fighters are risking their lives to battle a raging fire caused by an unknown beast. As you can see behind me, dozens of fire fighters are toiling to put out the raging fires but little has been achieved." The news reporter from earlier, Katy Katour, was on a rooftop with her camera man reporting everything she saw.

"To my left, we can see a huge, wall of fire that….we've not been able to go through or even get near. Hang on. It appears that…it appears that three, no six robot units from Desper's Police Department have ran in to try and defuse the problem." She smiled.

Hundreds of Desperian citizens watched from all social media platforms and news channels, discussing, arguing, and some crying about the chaos their city had endured in the past. Meanwhile, Katy was racking her mind around as she looked for ways of getting through the firewall and capturing an image of what exactly was causing this to begin with.

"Everything alright, Katy?" Barry, Katy's cameraman of three years, asked after getting concerned about her weary looks. "Seems to me you're plotting something again."

"I'm thinking of a way for us to get through that wall." She remarked after making sure that her mic was off and the view of the camera wasn't on her. "We must get a view of what's causing this. The citizens need to know."

"No, you're not worried about the citizens, Katy." He replied. "You just want to get a view of this thing so our ratings are boosted." Barry pulled out two orbs from his thick cargo pants and grinned while showing them to Katy.

"What are those?" She asked.

"A little something that was given to me by a friend," He replied. "These are drones and they're gonna help you get those ratings boosted." Barry threw the orbs as high as he could and activated them. Immediately, the shapes of the orbs turned into those of ladybugs as tiny wings propelled them over the firewall. Two cameras, one for the front and the other for the back, opened up and allowed Barry to see what they were recording.

"I've got something." He grinned as he controlled the orbs through their control box that was more of a screen. "I've got it. I can see the beast and its….oh my god!!"

"What? What is it?" Katy's curiosity was picked as she peered over Barry's head and saw viewed the beast as well. Her eyes widened as she covered her mouth from spewing out senseless screams.

"That's the most horrifying thing I've ever seen."

"Look at the rage in its eyes." Barry added. "I'm glad those units are…WAIT!!" The two watched as the beast burned the units into a molten paste.

"We're so screwed if that thing gets through." Barry added. "Should we show this to the media?"

"No. That won't be necessary." A woman both Barry and Katy had never seen before walked past them. "For your safety and that of the public, shut those drones down and get as far away from here as possible."

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" Katy shouted but was quickly silenced by Barry who placed his hand over her mouth.

"Look," He pointed at Grace's shirt. "She's an MFP. To be more precise, she's a mutant. You don't want to piss her off. Besides, she may be going in to handle the beast."

"Glad you're the smart one here," Grace spoke monotonously. "Please, get away from here as soon as possible. I wouldn't wish for anyone to get caught up in what's about to happen."


"Chief, I've got another one in here."

"Two more here. A mother and a child."

"Four here. They're quite old."

*Who are you calling old?"

"Send them over." Chief Prince ordered. "I can't hold this wall up much longer." The Chief of Desper's Police was currently holding up a wall that was stopping the entire building they were in from collapsing. "HURRY!!"

The crystals in his arms were working overtime as he struggled to keep the wall from falling. His neck muscles and legs screamed in agony as sweat dripped down his body. The more seconds passed, the quicker he lost more energy so he kept shouting at the people and urged them to run.

"That's the last of them, Sir!" The walls quickly came crushing down as Prince jumped away. He remained on the ground in order to regain his lost energy. The citizens that were saved were quickly escorted to safety while Prince and his men waited for him to recuperate.

"Do we go any further, Sir?" One of the more eager officers asked. "We've still got energy. Maybe we can….."

The officer's words were cut short as he and the others saw a large body fly past them and crashed into an abandoned building. The loud sounds of a beast's roar followed as a black, scaly figure flew threw the firewall and slammed into the large body.

Another figure followed through the wall, but this one had wings made of fire. Its burning body was that of a female, its hair was burning red, and its eyes were shining white. It quickly made fire whips and wrapped them around the scaly beast's body. Once it was secured, it took to flight with the beast and let it hung upside down for a few minutes.

However, the beast was getting tired and started to shake violently. The fire whips around its body caused it great distress so it did whatever it could in its power to set itself free.

"Do not struggle." The fiery creature said with its voice which was a combination of deep, eerie, and soft, speaking all at once. "It will only get tighter the more you struggle."

The beast's abdominals started to glow violently as a fountain of lava spewed of out its mouth. For its safety, the fiery creature, or Grace, let go of the beast and dodged at the last minute while the creature crashed into the ground.

Frightened, scared, and worst of all furious, the beast stomped into the ground and let out the loudest scream known to mankind. Those within its range lost their hearing as they felt excruciating pain dismantling their ears. Grace and Stone, on the other hand, suffered ringing as their mutant bodies were much stronger and could handle way worse.

'This is….this is…we have to…get out of here….' Chief Prince said with bleeding ears. He tried snapping around his ears, but he couldn't hear a thing. His comrades rolled all over in pain and tears. Without wasting anymore time, Prince gathered his strength and dragged his men to safety.

As he did so, he kept looking back at the black beast and noticed how almost human like it looked. However, he also saw how injured it was. The scales on its body were shattered and black blood was dripping all over. 'It's on its last leg.' He thought to himself. 'That son of a b*tch has to die.'


'Cough' 'Cough'

Hey its me, Agent Stone of the MPF. Man, this beast's proving to be more than I can handle. Will I and Grace be able to handle it or will we fail. Stick around to find out. Oh, also, do me a favor and follow us on Instagram @Jt3Art for artwork and updates, and click the link in the bio to join the discord server or use the link in the synopsis. See you there.