
[Last night to when the unknown beast attacked.]

The sounds of hover-copters filled the sky as gallons of water were splashed over the raging fires. The firefighters used their equipment to battle fiercely with the flames and slowly pushed back as the police and medical personnel rushed in to rescue those caught up in the middle of the turmoil.

As this happened, Grace and Stone, who had been defeated by the beast, were quickly rescued by the Mutant Protection Force who quickly retreated back to their safe haven Neveah. Once there, they rushed both mutant fighters to a facility that dealt with treating special, elite mutants like both of them.

Meanwhile, back in Desper, the black, dragon-like beast retreated back into the deepest, darkest parts of the forest and hid there. There was only one reason for its sudden change in character, it was weakened and fatally injured. The dragon beast used what was left of its explosive power and created a large hole in the crowd where it crawled into. Once comfortable, it applied extensive pressure to its gaping wound, causing it to roar out in excruciating pain.

"DAMN IT!!" It muffled the words with a mouth full of long, razor-sharp teeth. "This isn't the Earth I knew. This isn't the place I once was in. The spell didn't work, and now I'm back on Earth, but it's a different one."

Out of frustration and anger, the beast puffed out a thick cloud of fireless smoke that nearly choked it to death. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE EARTH I LEFT!!"

The beast's body slowly deformed into that of your average muscular human. The beast's human form consisted of toned skin, a slightly muscular-slim build, blue weakened eyes, and white hair that covered a quarter of his face. All the black blood that oozed out from his body turned red, so he had to cover it up as fast as possible.

"Crap. This is gonna hurt in the morning." The beast, now turned human, spoke to himself as he sought of a way to heal his wounds. He partially transformed his head into its dragon form and plucked out long strands of hair which he then used to wrap around his wound.

It wasn't perfect and was far from ideal, but it managed to do the job and reduce the bleeding. "This should hold me until morning. I should get some rest and hope my memories get back to me. Why did I go dragon? Why did I attack those people for no reason? And how comes I didn't transform fully? Why's my body so weak? What happened to Earth…I-I can't…I don't know where to start."

After venting within himself about how lost and confused he was, the beast-turned-human decided to shut its eyes and sleep. That way, it hoped that its body would heal slowly and that its memories would come back once it awoke from its slumber.

"Everything will be fine. I'll find a way to get home...."


[Beast's POV.]

"NO YOU WON'T!!" A loud, painful scream boomed in the beast-turned-human's ear, causing it to jump up from the makeshift bed it created in the hole in the ground. As it did so, its heart beat so fast that it felt its blood coursing through every vein, artery, and capillary in its body.

For a brief moment, the beast forgot who it was or where it was and quickly got out of the den. "Where am I? What is this…..arrrghhh!!"The beast, now turned human, fell to the ground and screamed in excruciating pain as blood slowly came out from its nostrils and earholes. "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME!!"

The beast cried and begged for the agony to stop, but it just got worse. Its blood color would change from red to black, then red again as its body went through painful-looking changes. Out of its back came out skeletal structures of wings that would break and regrow repeatedly. Its white, human hair kept falling out and re-growing as painful, long black scales.

Its eyes changed from white, to black, then white again, causing blood to spill out as well. As this happened, voices of whispering creatures took over its thoughts, making the beast think he was being tortured.

'El el el'...…'vis vis vis.'

'Remember who you are...…'

An image of a powerful, majestic dragon played out in the beast's head. The dragon's skin fell off its body and regrew along with its entire body, showing that it was evolving. However, a pink surge of energy overtook its body and vaporized the beast until its body vanished into thin air.

"That's it." The beast spoke to itself with a sense of remembrance. "I remember something. M-my name's Elvis and this isn't my world but….what was with that dragon?" Having partially remembered who he was, Elvis, the white haired twenty something year old man, gathered whatever strength he had and retraced his memories.

Sadly, the only thing he remembered was him bleeding last night and the dragon image which clearly played out in his mind. Needlessly, Elvis had more important things to take care of. Barely standing on his two feet, he applied pressure on his poorly wrapped wound and inched towards the forest's edge.

One step after the other, he got closer to Desper's edge and could hear the sounds of police sirens, ambulance sirens, and multitudes of people screaming, shouting, mumbling, and a few others trying to settle people down.

Once he got close enough, Elvis saw the damage he had caused and felt sickened to his stomach. The damaged, black walls of burned buildings, smoke trails rising from steaming piles of debris and hundreds of displaced civilians made him feel heavily sorry for them.

"Expected to have caused much more than this but yet again," He looked at his wound, "I'm not at my full strength." Elvis completely had zero remorse for the hundreds of lives he had taken and displaced. However, while looking at the chaos he caused, something completely unexpected happened

His nose picked up on a very familiar scent which aroused his curiosity. The scent of burning sulfur and cinder created a long red trail that continued further away from the city. Knowing what this was and not expecting to find something like this, Elvis chose to ignore what was in front of him and followed the scent to where it led him.

"Dragons don't belong in this realm," He muttered under his breath, "So what's one doing here?"