"What's the big role that you want me to play?"


"Jin Peng." Rhys called out as he bowed. "It's an honor to meet and conduct business with you." He ended with his hand held out for a handshake, but the Dragon leader simply looked him up and down and stared straight at Kazak.


"I am thankful you listened and came through, Jin." Kazak smiled. "Please, sit down with us. Here's what you're to do."


"Please, continue." Jin urged, his arms folded as he stared intently into Kazak's wide eyes.


"Well, if you insist." The Serpent's leader pulled out the three tubes and presented them before Jin. "I believe you know what these are, correct?"

"Mutagen!" Jin replied, knowing exactly what one of those three serums was capable of doing, not forgetting he was subjected to one. "What about it?"