"Come on, let's go after him." The kid who saved Dezhong helped him up as he initiated a chase upon the other who threw the ball that nearly got Dezhong run over. 

The young Prince child followed his rescuer with a smile slowly creeping its way on his face. Meanwhile, the black-haired kid was nearly halfway to the end of the alley but suddenly got blocked by a dump truck that was backing up in his direction.

With nowhere left to go, the kid turned to his left and climbed the ladder which led to the rooftop. The kid who saved Dezhong was a blonde with long, wavy hair, a pretty face for a boy his age, and emerald green eyes.

Together, they followed the black-haired kid to the roof and found him hesitating on whether he'd jump over or not.


"HEY!!" Dezhong called out. "WHY'D YOU THROW THAT BALL AT ME?"

"YOU NEARLY KILLED HIM." Blonde continued but the culprit remained unphased, only worried about escaping. "YOU DON'T HAVE TO JUMP."