[Shadow Power Transfer In Progress.]

[Brace yourself.]


Dezhong's body erupted in pain as it was slowly lifted up into the air. The Shadow King, who was now half the size of a giant, entered into Dezhong's body through his chest or was rather transferring his Shadow powers into Dezhong's body.


As for the boy, his mind went blank as the aspect which made him human collapsed. His brown skinned body quickly turned black with black smoke violently swirling around him. His eyes rolled back completely in his head with his already darkened hair flowing smoothly in the wind generated by the 'ritual'.


In his mind, Dezhong found himself floating in a dark, empty void. As he starred into the void, the boy swore he could see formless shadow creatures moving towards and further away from him at the same time. His curiosity got the best of him and led him to investigate.