"I'm moving in…"


[Shadow Walker Skill: Activated.]


As soon as Dezhong activated the Shadow Walker Skill, his own shadow rose from underneath him and covered his entire body from head to toe, leaving only two slits for his eyes to show. The shadows that wrapped around his body felt surprisingly chill and comforting, almost as if he was being held by a slightly warm being.


Once he was covered in his own shadow, the ground became softer as his body started to sink through it. Given that there were lots of shades in the marketplace, the young werewolf had more than enough shadows to move in and out of freely.


'Here goes nothing.' Taking a leap off from the rooftop, Dezhong fell into a massive shadow into which he immediately sank. Like a person submerged in an ocean, Dezhong was left floating with his hands waving up and down to keep himself afloat.