Running through the thick shrubs, narrowly spaced trees, and forest floors covered with sharp, dried leaves and thorns was the feline beast, moving at incredible speeds. The creature, having heard the werewolf's second howl, decided to run away from it. It was already being chased by the Neveahian soldiers led by Carla, and it most certainly wasn't in the right condition to go back for the werewolf. Instead, it decided to run away and hide while its wounds healed, but this wasn't going to happen as easily as it hoped for.

Behind the wereleopard was Carla with about eight Neveahian soldiers, each one pursuing at full speed. The creature ran, jumped, and dodged attacks and blasts thrown its way. It managed to dodge each one, but the soldiers were relentless. If they couldn't get the werewolf, they'd make sure to go for the wereleopard.