[A few moments earlier.]

[Time: 6:30 A.M]

[Location: Western Desper.]


Grunting through the forest of the Western half of Desper was a young woman, holding her sides with one arm while using the other to cover her bare chest. After having a very long and eventful night, the holder of the feline system crawled back to her house early in the morning. As soon as she deformed, she made sure to quickly return, clothe herself, and act like nothing suspicious happened at all.

Now that the night had come to an end, she was left to suffer the consequences of her actions. Her fight with the clearly overpowered werewolf and the Neveahian Soldiers left her wounded. Thankfully, her body healed quickly as soon as she consumed a large amount of meat.

"Who's there?" the young woman's parents called out with large flashlights in their hands.

"Err, don't come downstairs, I'm naked." She answered and quickly slapped her forehead.