CH224: A DATE.

Awkward Silence

Dezhong Prince and Kong, the leader of the Gorillas, were currently staring at each other with curiosity in their eyes. The two remained quiet for a moment, one awaiting an answer while the other stared back obliviously.

Like a chameleon changing color, Dezhong watched as Kong's character changed from normal to disturbed-curious. The gang leader's fists tensed, his eyebrows scrunched, and his breath became a little unstable.

"Why does that concern you?" He asked with a stern, dead voice. His eyes pierced into Dezhong's blue eyes, causing the boy to take one step back while gulping down as hard as he could.

"I-I'm just curious, Sir," he said while quickly formulating a believable lie. "See I want to know if he'll be competing so that maybe the Gorillas will get a competitor strong enough to beat him and…"