[A New Realm]

Darkness, despair, cries, screams, and pleas for help. 

This was the most malevolent place the young werewolf had ever found himself in. Never in his life did he even think of a place such as this existing, moreover in an area which he was going to rule someday. It was cold, quite cold. Not cold enough to warrant one to have a jacket on but cold enough to make one reconsider entering.

Aside from being cold, it was dark, very dark. The only light shining in came from the Realm Portals, a name Dezhong gave to the Portals used to cross over from the Shadow Realm to the Over World and vice versa. Another source of light came from the Dark Force entities, some having purple glowing cores in their chests, different from the ones the young werewolf encountered in the Badlands.