The enemy numbers increased, pressure grew intense, and the fighting room started to reduce. 

The Shadow King's Shadow Clones were having a much harder time dealing with the Dark Force entities which were quickly advancing toward them. Dark Prince, who was limited to using his physical strength thanks to the Shadow Portal skill being blocked, used his shadow scythes and fought furiously, his eyes glowing brighter than normal. The other lucky aspect he had was a share in strength between him and Dezhong, meaning if his master's stats increased through training, so would his. He was as strong as Dezhong was.


On his right was General, the level-five Dead Mutant causing more damage to the enemies than any of the other Shadow Clones. With Dez active, General, and the other Conjured Shadows, grew more violent than they naturally were, their bodies emanating purple glows inside their chests which were originally white.