[Time: 8:00 AM]

[Eleven Hours until the Full Moon]


"Feel that terrible breeze."

"Terrible? Are you insane? Desper's air's more refreshing than the air pump crap we're forced to breathe in."


"Are you three glazing Desper?" Early in the morning, when most of Desper was waking up, a Dragons car approached the bridge connecting Desper and RedZone. For a brief moment, the driver was ordered to stop the vehicle so that Jin would calculate his moves before stepping into enemy territory. He, the gang leader of The Dragons, was going to step into The Gorilla's territory. If word were to reach Kong's ears that Jin Peng was "visiting" Desper, who knew what would break out.

"No boss," the guards and driver refuted and bowed. "We'd never do such…"

"Quit being spineless yes men," he sneered. "Desper's Air is better than RedZone's."