Charge. Charge. Dodge. Hit. Dodge. Charge. Hit. Hit. Kick. Dodge.


Repeating those same moves, Jason and his Senior Mutant mentor, Soren, trained together with the Senior guiding the boy on what he was to do and how he was to do it.

Jason and Soren had barely gotten any training time together for the last couple of days due to the Senior's quiet nature. Indirectly, the man had intentionally kindled the Junior's temper so that he'd force him to channel it elsewhere.

"Come on, Jason. Use that energy properly and hit me!!" Soren shouted and then socked Jason right on the back of his head which thrust him downwards almost immediately.

The boy began to breathe heavily as the glow in his eyes burned brighter than ever. He glared daggers at Soren before catapulting his body a few feet in the air.