Sparks rose and scattered all over the field, a flush of heat caused a strong heatwave motioning in the warm morning wind.

The whirling sound of flames spinning and bursting within was heard with a whining sound, similar to a jet engine, starting to grow and boom. Following this was a bright orange light with a mixture of red, and a burning bright yellow all coming from one person, Angel Fury.

The Fire Mutant was determined to win no matter what the odds were for her. She wasn't about to let some machine that ran on code stop her from participating in the Mutant Fight. She wasn't going to let it stop her from having a chance at getting herself, her brother, and her family back to where they belonged; Neveah.

With a clock running down steadily, the girl had less than four minutes to spare and her opponent wasn't getting any easier. Using one last shot, she took an assertive position and began to charge her body with flames and energy waiting to erupt.