"Five days. Give me five days and I'll be back."


[Eleven Days later]

"We've been gone for eleven days yet we promised to get back to Kong after five."


"What's he going to do to us? Will he expose us? Tell my brother? Rat us out? Or worse…"


"This is serious, Dark Prince," Dezhong and his Shadow Clone remained on the open field while the others rested for day. After beginning with an intense and exciting assessment in the morning, Dezhong remembered what he had bargained for with Kong two days before the Full Moon arrived. However, the young werewolf had gotten so engrossed during the days after the Full Moon that he completely forgot about Kong and the Gorillas.

To make matters more interesting, the young werewolf's system, Sil, and the circumstances that followed after the Full Moon kept him too occupied for other issues to bother him that was until he was reminded about Kong and the Gorillas.