'Drown in darkness to grow in darkness? Why's the system corny all of a sudden?'


The waters rushed into Dezhong's body from all his head holes in great volumes, drowning him with their icy, cold, blackness.

The more he breathed in and swallowed, the more his body began to hurt immensely with sharp blows of pain torturing every muscular fibre of his body.

His limbs ached from the bitter cold of the water twisting around them. The insides of his chest burned and froze from the volume of water constantly flooding in, but the weird thing was, his body hadn't stopped letting all the water in.

In as much as he tried to stop breathing in and swallowing water, Dezhong's body disobeyed. It did nothing but take in as much as it could and when the young werewolf felt he couldn't take in any more, his body took in some more...and some more.