[Outside the Fortress]


Time passed quickly at the walls of the Shadow Fortress. The Shadow Knight, Balkium, who gave the two teens a dangerous quest to complete, sat patiently on his Nightmare as he waited for their return.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours, and those hours started to feel like days. Having lost track of time, Balkium thought he spent about a full day or more at the fortress walls and didn't know whether the two were alive or dead.


Instead of moving in to check on them, the Shadow Being's ego refused him from doing so. Instead, he continued to wait, this time his patience growing thin. Nonetheless, he wasn't going to check on them otherwise.

As long as Dezhong's somewhat decent Shadow Essence could be felt, there was nothing he was going to bother himself with finding out.

'That's if his Shadow Essence doesn't suddenly fade out.'