It was a bright and sunny day in the fairly large town of Hillwood, the afternoon lunch rush was here and people were trouping in and out of various cafés to have their share of the day's lunch while relaxing a bit from the day's work.

It was also a time when the bus terminal was filled with dozens of people who were waiting to take the bus back home after a long morning shift at their various places of work. Some of the fliers posted on the wall of the bus terminal were carefully ruffled by the light breeze that blew in the air. The constant rustling caught the attention of many of the impatient people, who stood there waiting for their bus, and most days just as they were doing today they found themselves reading it to pass the time.

The fliers were mostly adverts for creams, makeups, the newest café in town and discounted prices of a much-loved product, below these numerous fliers was an unusual one, a newspaper even, which read,

"Daughter of richest man set to tie the knot."

It was the biggest news in the town as of this week as every single person seem to read it over and over again without getting tired, and then takes look at the picture of the sandy blond girl who they all knew to be Nancy bloom.

Due to the help of the media, every single local knew that Nancy bloom was the precious daughter and heir to the bloom's wealth. It was known how precious she was to her father Allman Bloom and how her wedding would be the talk of the nation because all dignitaries would be there.

While everyone had their own speculation on what the wedding would be like, some didn't care, others were looking forward to attending the wedding.

Somewhere a little away from the town stood the blooms mansion. A peaceful and serene atmosphere surrounded it as usual, in the large and elegant living room sat Nancy bloom who was busy going through a catalog of wedding dresses for her wedding.

For a rich girl whose wedding was a week away, it was rather surprising that she was yet to choose her wedding dress, but her being the rich heiress she was, was all the more reason for the delay. so many couture companies kept on sending proposals and catalogs of their wedding dress collections to her and promising to make a special design for her if she chooses to patronize them instead.

These companies obviously saw an opportunity to shine and were trying to grab it. Nancy however because of the many offers was having a hard time making a choice of which dress to wear.

She was seated in the living room which was her favorite part of their mansion with her three closest friends, Nicole, Mara, and Lucy, each of them going through the catalogs with her.

"How about this one?" Mara said to Nancy turning her phone to her, and drawing the attention of the other women, "it's on the twenty-third page."

They all turned to their phones again to search for the one she had shown them.

"Uhm, No!" Nicole said.

"It's nice!" Mara argued.

"Yeah. But it is cheesy. It's the one princess Tara wore at her wedding, I didn't like it on her and I don't think I would like it on Nancy." Nicole buttressed while staring at the picture of the dress.

"Who cares if you like it on her? If Nancy likes it that's all that matters." Mara shot back.

"No! This wedding is a national wedding. Nancy's likes are of very little value. She's not wearing a dress someone else has worn or else it would be the headline of the week, 'Rich heiress wears Princess Tara's dress to her wedding,'. She has to wear a new one. A very unique one." Nicole said batting her eyes at the frustrated Mara. While Lucy and Nancy shook their head as they knew that the argument would not be stopping anytime soon.

Nicole and Mara, of the four friends, were the ones who were always at each other's throats. This was probably because they were the exact opposite of each other in almost everything except, of course, their love for Nancy. They didn't like each other very much when they first met and had argued about everything, as Mara always felt the need to correct Nicole who she believes has a lot of wrong values about life.

As they got to know each other better they got to understand themselves but the argument never stopped making Nancy and Lucy come to the agreement that they probably enjoyed arguing with one another.

"By the way have you seen their bridal train dress? It's ugly. There is no way I am wearing those dresses to that wedding. No way." Nicole stressed.

"Hun!" Mara groaned and turned to Nancy, "What do you think Nancy? Do you like it?"

Nancy looked at the white lace dress once again and with determination, she looked from it to mara, "No."

"Ha!" Nicole exclaimed triumphantly, ignoring the slitting glare she got from Mara.

Lucy who had been laughing silently stood up and walked to the center table to grab a glass of red wine for herself. With the glass in her hand, she walked leisurely around the living room staring at the paintings, while her friends went back to their search.

"I still can't believe you didn't choose me as your bridesmaid," Nicole said suddenly drawing Nancy's attention from the tablet in her hand.

"You're still on this?" Mara asked Nicole irritated, a frown on her face before Nancy could actually reply.

"Yes, I am! We all know that I am the closest to Nancy and I deserve that role. I can't believe she'd give it to a stranger in a twinkle of an eye." Nicole argued, her feelings obviously hurt as she batted her eyes at Mara.

"Martha is not a stranger Nicole, she is my friend from high school, we were like sisters but we lost contact and now that we're in touch, I think she's the best candidate for the role. After all, she was there when Ricky and I became an item." Nancy explained while giving Nicole a disapproving look.

"Why do you even bother explaining this to her?" Mara asked Nancy obviously annoyed then turned to Nicole, "why are you still complaining about this? How many times does she have to explain to you that she doesn't want to choose between us? Martha is the bridesmaid, and the wedding is in a week so drop it!" Mara said sternly as she glared at Nicole. Nicole shrugged in response and replied as if she didn't hear a word Mara had said,

"I'm just surprised that's all."

"You know what's more surprising?" Lucy who was now staring out at the beautiful rose garden behind the transparent glass frame that demarcated the living room from the garden said. She turned to them drawing their attention as she sipped wine from her glass.

"The fact that Nancy is getting married."

They all smiled at her words as the tension eased, and they all considered the fact that Nancy would soon be a married woman.

"Yeah, I guess that means no more Friday nights partying," Nicole announced.

"Or Wednesday hangouts," Lucy said putting on a sad smile.

"Or Sunday's shopping." Mara said rather sadly then turns to Nancy, "we're really going to miss you, Nancy."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Nancy said amidst laughter, "I'm getting married not going off-grid. Of course, I'll still attend our outings."

"No, you won't, at least not all the time. Even my mum says the same." Nicole stated and her friend smiled at the mention of her mother, Mrs. Marjorie, she was the one woman who always made Nicole's life miserable. Whenever she was in town she talked Nicole's head off about how she needed to get married and how she wouldn't be able to lazy around after marriage, a word that scared the hell out of Nicole and made her reject two marriage proposals.

Nicole being the most mischievous of the four friends was a travel agent, she enjoyed things like parties, shopping, and attending the latest bars and restaurants in town not that it wasn't a part of her job, This lifestyle is the one her mother usually called lazing around, as she did not approve of her daughter's choice of job.

"You're too brilliant to seat in a tiny office booking hotel rooms for people." She would constantly say to her daughter who only rolls her eyes and replies with a sarcastic thank you, mum.

"I hope your mum would be coming for my wedding," Nancy said pulling Nicole from her thoughts.

"Of course, she'd be there, I don't think she can resist an opportunity to rub my spinsterhood in my face and set me up with an eligible bachelor." Nicole hissed and the girls busted into laughter as a maid came in and curtsied before informing Nancy that the car that had gone to pick Martha up from the airport just arrived.

"Really?!!!" Nancy said as she jumps to her feet like a child and then smiles broadly at her friends when the maid nodded and left.

"I can't wait to see her! You guys are just going to love her!" She said happily as she ran out of the living room where they had been sitting. The girls stood up and followed after her out of curiosity.