Chapter 6

Nimble as a feather, swift as a bird. With his light fists, even the great ones feared him. As if dancing in the ring, his footwork was comparable to that which was once known as "The Butterfly" and "The greatest" in boxing. Many said that he would even surpass the one who won these titles, since he was still young and showed constant evolution in his fights.

Who was this? Isn't it obvious?

This was Yuji Shinakawa, the prodigy, the promise for the future of boxing.

At the age of 18, even if in terms of physical strength he was no match for most of his opponents, his movement and speed were enough to punish any opponent with dozens of blows. This would guarantee victory in most fights, considering that in his boxing career, Yuji had 12 wins and 1 loss.

What did this mean? Well, just a way to complement what was said before. Yuji was already a force to be feared in his world, but now that he was blessed with a body capable of evolving more and more, his strength could reach heights that were not possible in his former life.

So when Yuji entered that warehouse full of delinquents, his expression did not falter at any time. He trusted his strength, but confidence in his techniques meant that even in a dangerous situation like this, a bit of arrogance shone in his eyes.

To Yuji, all these delinquents, even if they got together like ants, would still be the same, ants....

"Uh?" It was Osanai who showed confusion, a cigarette on his lips as smoke leaked between his teeth. "Looks like someone has decided to pay us a visit."

Some Moebius members moved in front of their leader, but Osanai quickly separated them as he stood up and snapped his finger, an indication that he would deal with the unwanted guest.

The Moebius leader was curious and fascinated. Who in their right mind would enter a place with over 100 delinquents who were obviously part of a gang? That person had to be crazy or simply an idiot. And from the looks of it, the guest was addressing him directly, not even caring about the other people crowding around him, ready to beat him up if necessary.

Yuji, who was walking at a slow pace towards Osanai, did not fail to look around quickly, clearly looking for someone. A slight disappointment in his eyes indicated that he did not find what he wanted, and a sigh escaped his lips. As expected, Kisaki was not on the scene, but since he couldn't find him, Yuji shrugged and turned his gaze to Osanai, who had an arrogant smile on his face, an expression that the boy couldn't help but find annoying.

"Oh, looks like we have a gym brat here." Osanai spoke up.

Yuji stopped in front of the blond, a serious expression on his face as he had his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt. It was easy to spot a high school teenager, and due to Yuji's height, he looked more like a freshman. This totally took away from Yuji's stateliness, as some of the delinquents believed him to be someone dangerous for coming to their gang's warehouse alone.

"What the hell is a child doing here? What? We beat up your older brother and now you want to take satisfaction?" Osanai sneered, his subordinates laughing at his boss's words as they jeered at the boy.

"I heard that your gang hanged a family..." Yuji spoke, his eyes roaming around looking for reactions.

Some of the delinquents on the scene shuddered at his words, reactions that Yuji was happy to see. That meant that not everyone agreed with such actions.

"Oh, I heard about something like that." Osanai's smile stretched, his eyes staring at the boy from above with arrogance. "But what is that to you? Have you come for revenge?"

The elder closed his fists, his entire body showing that he was prepared to beat the boy in front of him at any moment.

"What can a freshman like you do about it? Are you going to run and tell your parents?" Osanai spoke up. He believed that the family that Kisaki ordered the murder was about this boy's family, so seeing an opportunity, he decided to disturb the teenager's mind. "Oh, I forgot... Looks like they're mor-"

What Osanai did not expect, was that the murdered family was not Yuji's, but yet, his parents were still dead.

As the last sentence started to come out of his mouth, a fast bullet-like fist flew towards his face, which unable to react, had his nose crumpled as his body was pushed to the ground by the punch.

His skull hit the ground hard, his eyes completely devoid of light, indicating his unconsciousness.

The stunned delinquents around him were slow to understand what had happened, their boss, the strongest fighter among them, was defeated with a single punch. How was this possible? Was this stranger a monster?

Startled, they took a step back as Yuji withdrew his fist from Osanai's face, serious eyes staring at everyone in the room.

Yuji could not contain himself the moment Osanai mentioned his parents. Even though they weren't technically his parents, the memories of the former Yuji were ingrained in his mind, so he couldn't help but feel affection for them. He never had parents who loved him, so upon receiving memories of a family who loved him, the boy eventually became emotional.

He would never let anyone say a single word about them.

"Anyone want to try to defend their boss?" A whitish aura hovered around the boy's body, but imperceptible to the others on the scene, they only felt a huge pressure on their bodies, as if the slightest sudden movement they made could cost them their lives.

As expected, no one dared to confront Yuji, who, seeing this, decided it was time to continue his plan.

He opened his arms, a serious expression on his face as he took a deep breath, ready to proclaim something that could completely change the future he knew of this world. But, obviously, Yuji did not fear this. He would not fear that which he could not foresee, for all his life, it was this way.

"As of today, Moebius is under new jurisdiction!"

If the whole future changed, it wouldn't matter, he would just need to adapt, as he did during his old life.

"As of today, this gang is being run by me, Yuji Shinakawa! If anyone wants to oppose me, they can come face me, and I will give them the same fate as their former commander!" Yuji shouted in a fierce voice.

Their eyes turned to Osanai, who was still unconscious, blood dripping from his nose and mouth.

Silence hung in the air for a few seconds, and seeing that no one would make a single move, Yuji decided to continue.

"Well, since you all agree, I'll dictate what I'll change in this damned gang!" The oldest members were angry at his words, but they didn't dare say anything against Yuji.

"First, this gang will completely change internally! No one will commit any more offenses, beat innocent people, kill or try to rape women!" He emphasized the last words, indicating that if anyone was caught committing any of these acts, they would suffer severe consequences. "Second, drug dealing will be strictly forbidden, so I want 30 of you cleaning up this damn place immediately, go!"

When Yuji ordered, dozens of the Moebius members rushed to clean up the entire place. They did not want to upset this boy in any way.

"Third, I will arrange to start a business of my own, where the whole gang will help. This will ensure money for everyone, so robberies will no longer be necessary." Most, although still afraid of the teenager, were actually excited by this information. They knew that they cannot completely trust the words of what looked like a fledgling, but just considering his strength, much of them preferred to believe that this was true.

"Fourth, I know that many here are in the gang against their will. I want it to end! If anyone doesn't want to be part of it, get out! But know that under my command, this gang will become the biggest of them all, and we won't need to resort to any disgusting methods to do so!" Yuji shouted with determination in his tone, the people on the scene listening intently to his words. "We will be the ones responsible for making sure that no other gang gets out of line with actions that Moebius once committed. We will be the one at the top, the biggest among the biggest!"

"So, if anyone doesn't want to be a part of this, get lost! Get out of my way!"

When he ceased, his eyes wandered around the warehouse, everyone standing still as they seemed to think about what to do.

About two minutes later, out of the 300 gang members, about 180 people quickly left the warehouse. Yuji saw this, but was not the least bit disappointed. With his words, he intended that those who were there only to cause crimes and hurt others would disappear.

This seemed to work when those whom Yuji felt most hostile to left the place.

With only about 120 people left in front of him, Yuji lifted his chin in confidence as he stared at his new subordinates. He realized that those who remained were probably the ones forced to join the gang, considering their less robust bodies than the others. He didn't feel bad about that, it was good that the weaker ones stayed.

This way they would make them the elite of the elite.

"And last but not least, let's change the name of the gang. From now on, Moebius will be called..."

And for a gang that Yuji was creating to change the future, to control the other gangs with its unmatched strength, to be the pinnacle among gangs across the country, it needed an imposing name...


Everyone, despite being unfamiliar with the name, shouted and raised their fists in respect to the newly formed gang, the one that aimed to be the biggest of them all.

And well, Yuji proved not to be very good with names... And apparently a big fan of Norse mythology.

. . .

"Somebody get Osanai out of here, his blood is starting to stain the floor."