Chapter 15

Between the worlds of boys and men, there is the sacred place.

Where laws don't matter and the strongest rule.

In this world, there he was.

Kamishiro Yuu.




"So we took our time, and the delinquent hunter ended up with the guy who was supplying the drugs?"

"According to Osanai, yes."

In the center of town, where a crowd of people were going about their own business, Yuji and Akira were walking together, a small group of Yggdrasil members following them. To get to Shimokita, they had to take a train, taking a few hours to reach the city. Upon their arrival, Akira received a call from Osanai, who explained that he and Shiki had kicked out the group that was responsible for distributing the drug, and that through one of them, they learned that their boss had been beaten.

"Well, there's nothing to do, let's enjoy this town a little since we're already here." Yuji scratched the back of his head in frustration.

Holyland is a manga focused on martial arts and psychological. Yuji knows the plot since he has read the entire manga, and from what he remembers, this was already the end of the story. Kamashiro Yuu is the delinquent hunter, and after stopping the distribution of drugs, he fought with Masaki Izawa, coming out as victorious, but being stabbed while returning home. A very bad ending, by the way.

Yuji would like to change this ending, but he really could not remember specific dates, so he could not find out on which day Yuu was stabbed, much less find him around town at the exact moment.

As the group walked along, Yuji, with his improved hearing, picked up a voice from among all the noises around the room. "Hey, did you hear? The charisma of the streets has challenged the delinquent hunter!" He, hearing this, almost slapped himself in the face. Of course, how had he forgotten? The street has ears everywhere, and from the looks of it, Yuu's final fight hadn't happened yet, all he had to do was wait and attend the fight when it occurred.

"Guys, change of plans, rent rooms in a hotel for all of us." Yuji spoke, surprising everyone, who looked at him with confusion.

"Uh, why is that?" Akira asked.

Yuji turned to his captain with a confident expression. "I'm keen to meet the charisma of the streets and the delinquent hunter himself, but that might take a few days."




A few days passed, and the fight between Yuu and Izawa was scheduled to take place that day. Yuji in the time he stayed around the area, tried to emphasize his presence, not on purpose, but when you have someone taking down the monsters in the territory, it's impossible to avoid attention. Of course, rumors always made the information more extraordinary than it really was, Yuji just went to the strongest people he could remember from the manga, and challenged them to a friendly match.

It didn't take long for the leader of Yggdrasil to receive the nickname "The ruthless one of the streets". The fact that he was the leader of a large gang was also already known, and considering everything that had happened in Shimokita recently, the delinquents couldn't help but see Yuji in a bad light. They believed that he might be interested in dominating the city, as had happened before with the one who was distributing the drugs.

Of course, Yuji couldn't be less interested in something like this. Two days after his victory against B1, with the money he received he opened a company and an academy, obviously all in Osanai's name, since he was still a minor. Having to worry about his new company, at times he almost forgot that he was a gang leader.

During the morning, his gang's warehouse was an ordinary gym, frequented by the few people who lived nearby, and the teenage members of Yggdrasil. At night, the place became the center of operations of the gang.

But back to Yuji, the boy was under a bridge, a crowd of teenagers a few meters away from his location. In the middle of that crowd an intense fight was going on; Yuu and Izawa were facing each other intensely, both fiercely trying to hit each other in a demonstration of powerful and fast punches and kicks. Neither had any intention of losing, and a suffocating aura emanated from their bodies. In his old world, those two would be at the peak of a human's strength, the peak that not even a warrior could reach with ease. If he had to compare, he would compare their physical prowess to Batman, a human at peak human strength.

But from what he could see, there was a gap between the two and himself. This only served to highlight how disproportionate his body was in terms of strength. In just a few weeks, he had surpassed someone like Senju, who was a few times stronger than the two who were facing each other.

Of course, there were probably talents greater than him. If Baki was part of this world, he could throw the pride of his talent in the trash, compared to the protagonist that bears the name of the anime, Yuji was no big deal. Baki Hanma, in a few months was able to "beat", in many quotation marks, his father, Yujiro Hanma, the strongest son of a bitch in the world. It would not be an exaggeration to say that in less than two years, Baki would rub his old man's face in asphalt.

People like him or Yuu, who were getting stronger at an extraordinary rate, were nothing compared to someone who possesses Hanma blood.

"Commander, how do you think you would fare against one of them?" Coming out of his thoughts, Yuji turned to Akira at his side, raising an eyebrow at his question.

Yuu and Izawa were strong, definitely. But in that fight, the two were giving it their all, and Yuji was following their movements with such ease that it almost left him with a bit of boredom. If it wasn't for the display of technique between both fighters, they wouldn't even care about the fight.

So it was easy to answer this question: "Both are great, but from what I see, I won't have any problems against one of them. Senju should be at least a few times stronger than the two of them combined."

Akira was surprised by that answer. Watching that fight himself, he knew he was stronger than both of them, but he would still have trouble facing them, even more so if he got hit. Knowing his commander's strength, he knew what he was capable of, but to hear him say that he would beat both of them with ease still surprised him.

"But I would like to see them attending my academy.... Maybe I should open one in this city? Sure, the cost might be big, but any problems I could solve by sending one of you to B1..."

Yuji started muttering, and Akira couldn't help but break into a cold sweat as he listened to the first part. 'He turned into a crazy businessman...'



Reaching the climax of the fight, Yuji and Akira turned their attention to the crowd, who were shouting the names of the two fighters with tears in their eyes. Akira looked at this with strangeness, while Yuji just shook his head. Even though he had read the manga, he couldn't understand why there was such an exaggeration in their reactions He liked how the psychological side of the plot was worked out, but it couldn't be said that it was a work that Yuji took into consideration enough to try to understand it thoroughly


With one last punch from the two, the victor was decided. Izawa would fall into Yuu's arms, who held him with tears in her eyes. With this fight, Izawa would graduate from the streets, he was ready to pursue his career as an amazing fighter in the arena world.

(If anyone is interested in seeing the fight of the two, it takes place between chapter 178 and 181 of the Holyland manga.)

Yuji, with respect in his gaze, cracked a slight smile at this. This reminded him of when he participated in his first national competition, his teacher put him through a challenge to see if he was ready. Upon completing it, the boy was unable to hold back tears, as he was receiving his teacher's blessing to become a professional.

After the fight, Yuji and Akira continued to watch from afar. People knew of the presence of the two, but did not dare to greet them. Yuji had already established his title as a monster, even if it had not been intentional.

"Akira, go back to the hotel and get the staff ready." He ordered. "Let's go back."

Akira nodded and turned to head toward the center of town. The group of delinquents were beginning to disperse as they said their goodbyes. Yuu, for a moment, turned his gaze to Yuji with analytical eyes, he knew the identity of the Yggdrasil commander, and wasn't sure if he was a threat or not. Yuji, seeing the boy's attention on him, raised his hand and waved with a sympathetic expression.

This made Yuu crack a small smile and wave back. From the looks of it, Yuji is not a threat, considering his sincere expression, so he could go home quietly, knowing that everything was settled.




As Yuu walked back home through a not very busy street, Yuji followed him discreetly. He would be stabbed soon, so Yuji tried to keep his eyes on the boy at all times. After coming this far, he could not falter.

After a few minutes of walking, with Yuu talking to someone on the phone, the boy stopped for a moment, his eyes turning to an alley beside him. Yuji seeing this, braced himself. 'This is it.' He heard Yuu saying something, but didn't care to listen, his eyes catching a person advancing from the alley toward Yuu, a blade in hand, ready to strike him.

With a powerful thrust of his legs, Yuji reached both of them in the blink of an eye, his hand gripping the wrist of the one with the knife, stopping the tip of the blade inches away from Yuu's stomach, who widened his eyes as he looked down

"It won't change anything if you do this." Facing the one he held in his eyes, Yuji spoke in a calm tone. The boy with his wrist clutched, seeing those eyes staring at him, trembled as tears wet his face. "Doing that doesn't prove anything. To change, you depend only on yourself. If you don't strengthen your body and mind, you will never change, no matter who you kill."

Yuji opened the boy's fingers and took the knife from his hands, then released him. The trembling boy, upon being released, grabbed his wrist and took off running.

Yuji was tempted to knock him out and hand him over to the police, but that would only be a nuisance he would have to deal with later.

Yuu watched that boy with sympathy, even though he had almost been stabbed by him. Maybe it was because he was so much like himself, or even pity. Yuji really didn't know, but he preferred to believe the first option.

"Thank you." Yuu thanked him. If it wasn't for Yuji, he might be dead right now.

Of course, that wouldn't happen, due to Yuji's future knowledge, but of course he didn't know that.

"Don't worry about it. If you were stabbed, the fighting world would lose a diamond in the rough." Yuji turned to the boy with a smile.

Yuu cracked a slight smile and seemed to quickly sympathize with Yuji. The two walked together for a while, chatting about various subjects, whether it was martial arts, or even the types of offenders they encountered on their journeys. Yuji even shared some of his Jeet Kune do techniques with the boy. That lasted until he felt it was time to leave.

"With the right palm, you trim the blow, while the left palm stays on the right side of your face, so you can defend yourself in case the opponent tries to hit you in the face."

In the middle of the street, ignoring the odd looks of the people around, Yuji was teaching Yuu with enthusiasm. The boy, who listened to the explanation carefully, replicated the movements accurately, despite being stiff compared to Yuji.

"This way?" Yuu questioned.

"Oh, you seem to understand." A gleam appeared in Yuji's eyes, who parted his legs as he stared at Yuu. "How about we test if you are already able to use this in a fight?"

Yuu blinked at that question, his mind barely having time to reason when Yuji advanced toward him with intent to hit him with a punch. Yuu was startled, but remembering Yuji's instructions, the boy was able to deflect the trajectory of the punch using his palm. Yuji was surprised by this, a dangerous smile appearing on his lips, he not missing a beat and throwing a sequence of three punches, Yuu being able to deflect the trajectory of two of them, with the third penetrating his defense and advancing towards his nose.

Yuu seeing this, braced himself for damage, but the blow never hit him.

"Boy, your absorption level is incredible." Yuji stopped his fist inches from his face, retracting it and relaxing. "I think it's about time to go."

Yuji pulled a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Yuu, who was still understanding what had just happened. "I have an academy in Shinjuku City. If you're interested, just text me, that's my number."

"A-Ah, thanks." Yuu spoke as he took the paper.

"Well, delinquent hunter, it was nice to meet you, I hope we meet again soon." Yuji nodded and turned to leave, "I'd like to face you in a ring sometime!"

Yuu watched the boy's back in amazement. He turned his attention to his palms, which were currently red and sore. Yuji's quick blows were heavy, and if not for the self taught technique, Yuu would never be able to block the punches. Even though he had fought the strongest in town, he never felt this overwhelmed. How could someone monstrous like this exist? Was this what people meant by "The world is vast"?

Yuu stared at the number in his hands with eagerness, his heart racing at the thought of learning from that boy.

'I need to find him again!'




Already in Shinjuku, Yuji entered his house with a tired expression. He had done quite a bit in these few days, and now he needed to worry about the future events of Tokyo Revengers. Valhalla would probably still emerge, and he wondered how the hell Kisaki would do to become a captain in Toman, since that short blond guy was no longer in prison.

*Sigh* "What a big problem..."

"Really, you're in big trouble." A female voice sounded behind Yuji, the teenager's body stiffening as his heartbeats soared.

Rotating his body slowly to look back, Yuji shivered as he saw a demon staring at him with eyes as crimson as blood. "A-Auntie..."

A blow exploded from the woman, her fist striking the top of Yuji's head and pushing his face against the ground. "Boy, you have a lot of things to explain, especially about this whole gang-building thing." She spoke in a menacing tone

Hell on earth was about to happen.