Chapter 49

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"I will gift them in a balanced way."

With his tone distorted, Yuji spoke as he stared intensely at the two men. His vision was blurred, but this didn't seem to affect his balance, much less his strength, this proving to be the case when, with a single pull, he was able to bring Jian to his knees.

'Your strength has increased?!' Jian shouted in his mind, he being unable to react when Yuji propelled himself towards him, appearing in front of him in the blink of an eye.

"You cocky fuck!"

Takaya, who was close to Jian, roared as he raised his fist and launched his punch toward Yuji's head, only for his fist to hit the ground, the concrete beneath his feet cracking.

'Behind!' the brute thought, quickly turning to see the boy preparing a counterstrike.

Before the man could raise his arms to defend himself, Yuji attacked, his fingers piercing his neck and reaching into his windpipe, the sound of something breaking reaching his ears as Takaya choked and pulled back, his eyes wide in dread as he pressed the wound to his throat, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Guh..." Moving his mouth in an attempt to speak, probably curse Yuji, he choked on his own blood, his eyes losing their luster as his body plummeted face first to the ground, his body lying on the puddle of his own blood that was getting bigger and bigger.

"Damn you!" Jian, who observed his partner's condition, roared in fury.

Spinning the scythe and hurling it toward Yuji, Jian was taken by surprise when the boy swept the distance between the two of them in an instant, his neck being grabbed hard and pushed to the ground, his head crashing into the concrete with enough force to cause a tremor in the alley.

"You bastard! Don't you know who we are! You'll pay for what you did to Taka-"

The man's voice was interrupted by Yuji's fist, the blow crushing his front teeth, causing blood to gush from his mouth, tears pooling in the corner of his eyes.

"Quiet." Yuji spoke in a calm tone, the boy sitting on Jian's abdomen as his eyes glittered like that of a predator. "You will answer all my questions, and if you refuse..."

Yuji raised his hand, showing his thumb covered in Takaya's blood.

Jian, who had dread in his eyes, felt despair as Yuji brought his hand down toward the side of his torso, the boy's thumb piercing his flesh and breaking one of his ribs in half, causing him to scream in pain, only to be silenced by another punch, this time in his nose.

"That happens." He spoke in a somber tone, his eyes shining dangerously bright.

"You little shit- ARGH!" Jian tried to insult him, but another of his ribs breaking caused him to scream in pain again, his wails silenced by a hard punch to his mouth, further destroying his teeth.

"All right, I'll say anything! Just stop, please!" Jian pleaded.

Yuji nodded in satisfaction, his eyes fixed on Jian, who had tears streaming down his eyes, his expression full of despair.

"Tell me all about the administrators."




_________Yuji Pov.__________

Walking with Kou in my arms through the streets of the district, I let my aura leak out uncontrollably, frightening all the residents, who immediately ran for cover. My body was staggering, and I felt as if it was heavy, my vision blurred, due to the strong blow to my head.

It was not difficult to find out everything I needed about the administrators.

As I already knew, this was an organization known in the underworld for human trafficking, and had its main base of operations in the Rikuko district. Its leaders consisted of three people, unknown even to the organization's closest guards.

Those responsible for the defense of the base and missions passed on by the leaders were those called 'The Elite'. In total, there were 7 elites, organized by their strength level. The two men I faced were the sixth and seventh, which gave me an idea of the strength level of the next ones.

After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the pharmacy where Kou lived, I quickly walked into the place, not caring if other people would see this. My mind was out of place, this caused mainly due to the concussion that was making me want to vomit, so I didn't have the patience to think about my actions at the moment.

Placing the girl carefully on her bed, I took a deep breath.

After getting all the answers I wanted, I immediately killed the sickle man with the Rakshasa palm, a Koei style technique that I was constantly using, mainly to raise the level of the style, but also because it was a neat way to take someone's life, although not at all subtle.

Leaning my body on the pharmacy counter with my arm, I rubbed my forehead, feeling the damage to my skull caused by the thug. I had probably suffered a fracture, and could expect a good deal of swelling the next day. Thanks to my healing factor, I wouldn't have to worry about bleeding, since my body would find a way to deal with it. Of course, if it was a very severe injury, there wouldn't be much to do, but intermediate damage like a cracked skull could be managed.

At least that is what I expected.

Turning to approach Kou's bed, I suddenly felt as if my head was spinning, my eyes twitching as my body plummeted over the counter as I lost my balance.

'Shit, that doesn't look good.'

That was my last thought before my body crashed to the ground as my vision began to dim, the damage on my body finally catching up with me after the adrenaline wore off.

'I think I'll rest here for a while.'

Watching a sleeping Kou for a few seconds, I closed my eyes as unconsciousness came to me.

[Ding! You evolved during combat! This caused a tremendous level increase in your combat skills!]

[Ding! Congratulations on defeating two members of Rikuko's Elite! You get a reward!]

[You won: Weapon Proficiency Lv. 1]