Chapter 64

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_______Yuji Pov_______

Spending these months in this place changed me. Strangely enough, I wasn't uncomfortable with what I was doing with the dross that filled this place. My beliefs were solid, and I would not let filthy people like abusers live on the same ground as me. The problem was that after seeing the state of the people in the cells, it didn't affect me as much as before. Truth be told, I had seen worse during these 3 months, but still, previously I would have been mad after the people responsible for this, but now, I was calm, peaceful, thinking about every step of my plan. Whether this was good or bad, I wouldn't be thinking about it just yet.

I could think of ways to torture those responsible for this later, now I needed to focus on what was in front of me.

Slitting a guard's throat with a well-placed punch, I continued to advance through the corridors, my eyes moving around frantically as I searched for any sign that would lead me to the administrators.

A few minutes ago, sounds of gunshots reached my ears, and I could conclude that the prisoners had made their choice. This pleased me and made my tension decrease. I was worried about how long it would take for the guards to realize that the explosion was only a distraction, so seeing that they now had to deal with angry men and women calmed my nerves.


As I ran, my eyes moved to a door that was suddenly ripped off its hinges and thrown toward me, shock coursing through my face as I rolled so that it passed over me.

Regaining my balance, I immediately turned my attention to the person responsible for such a display of strength, my eyes settling on a tall, muscular, bald man with tanned skin.

"The outsider has great reflexes!"

I squinted my eyes, raising my guard as I watched the man begin to approach. The fact that a door was suddenly ripped off its hinges and thrown at me was not what surprised me, but the fact that it was made of steel, probably reinforced, considering the noise it made when it hit the floor. For such an effect, the man in front of me must have had monstrous physical strength, and this was enough to make me cautious.

"What's the matter, kid? Did you get scared? Hahaha!" He laughed out loud, his attempt to annoy me failing miserably. "Did you really think you could break into this place so quietly? Boy, you are an idiot! From what I can see, you fear my strength, and yet, I am only the second Elite!"

He continued to laugh, my jaw tightening as I stared at him intensely. I was not afraid of his strength, but wary of him. I should be at my 100% if I wanted to fight Kure, and receiving any injury, no matter how small, was not something I was willing to do. Even a small cut on my hand could lead to a slip, and this I could not allow at all.

I should end this quickly, and using this moment that he was completely vulnerable to me as an idiot seemed like an attractive option I was choosing.

"All right, kid! I'll give you a chance to-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, I disappeared in a burst of speed, appearing beside him so that he could not react to my attack.

"Uh?" he muttered in confusion, slowly turning around only to see my hand inches from his neck.


The sound of flesh being twisted echoed throughout the hall, the second elite choking on his own blood, fury filling his eyes as he tried desperately to hit me.

His movements were sloppy, so they were no problem for me, me quickly grabbing his wrist and manipulating his flow to return the force back to him, the sound of his arm breaking reaching my ears.

"Gah- You bastard-" He tried to say as he walked away, his arm twisted in several parts while his shoulder was with an exposed fracture, tears of pain filling his eyes. "I'm going to kill you!"

Hearing this with indifference, I attacked, my palm connecting with his abdomen without any attempt at defense.

"[Koei Technique: Messing up the guts]."

Transmitting the force from my back and shoulders simultaneously to my arm, I sent a shockwave into the elite's torso, getting out of his way just in time to escape a gush of blood that was spewed from his mouth. There was no wailing, only his body falling to the ground with the sound of blood coming out of his throat permeating the entire scene.

I looked at it with indifference. There was no reason to consider what I was doing. If someone supported this organization in any way, they shouldn't receive forgiveness. Add that to the fact that this person stood in my way, then I would try to bring about his death in a cruel way. They had no pity for the poor children who were captured, why should I have any pity for them?

Turning to leave, I ran back down the halls, my brow furrowed as I began to get frustrated that I couldn't find Kure or the administrators. Fortunately, if the second elite had tried to stop me, then it meant I was close.

That I expected.





Sitting in armchairs, three men had cigars in hand as they puffed out smoke, leaving the room they were in with an unpleasant odor of tobacco. None of them had a remarkable appearance, except for the distinctly expensive suits they wore. The black-eyed man previously drinking coffee was standing in the doorway of the room as he seemed to be waiting for something, his posture and expression showing patience with those who smoked in his presence.

Pulling the smoke from his cigar slowly, one of the men let it out from between his lips as he turned his gaze to his main bodyguard, the Kure who had sworn loyalty to them. There was no need for words, and with a single glance, their exchange of information had already been made.

"I'll be back soon." Kure spoke, bowing before leaving the room in quiet steps.

As if they didn't even notice his presence, the other two men continued to enjoy their cigars, the figure who had turned his attention to the bodyguard returning to smoking while relaxing, not worrying about what was happening in his factory. For him, everything would be solved, it would only be a matter of time.

So why bother?
