Chapter 66

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Looking at the boy with his head down, Masashi couldn't help but frown. Finding out that the Elites were being killed by an outsider who didn't look older than 17 had caught his interest, and he was quite eager to meet him, but seeing him in that state after a single blow had further increased his anger triggered by the words spoken by the teenager a few minutes earlier, the man refusing to believe that the other Elites had been killed by a wimp. Masashi was disappointed, but most of all, angry enough to want to end that farce as soon as possible.

"Your potential is interesting, kid. But with your strength, you shouldn't have messed with us." Kure said venomously, raising in his fist as he swept the distance between the two quickly. "You should have kept yourself hidden in a hole."

Yuji, who heard the man's words, braced himself, his head rising high enough to face the man, who had just advanced toward him.

He cared little about what Kure had said, concentrating on tightening the muscles in the fingers of his hand to stiffen their joints, making them strong enough to pierce a rock with ease. He intended to end the fight in a single movement, because considering the sound of gunfire that diminished more and more, the chaos outside was already being controlled. As much as he wanted to engage in a long fight against the man in front of him, he couldn't risk it any longer.


Kure sent his fist toward the boy's head, his blow carrying enough force to crush his skull if it hit.


When the fist came within inches of his face, Yuji moved his head to the side and attacked, Kure's blow hitting the ground as the boy's hand advanced toward his throat like a spear.

Kure, seeing the counterattack coming, realized his mistake as shock flashed in his eyes, his jaw clenching as he moved his head to try to stop the attack from reaching him


As the sound of flesh being pierced permeated the scene, Yuji sketched a serious expression as he looked at Kure, who had his hand around his wrist in a firm grip, preventing his fingers from entering his throat completely. The two stared at each other in silence, veins bulging on Kure's forehead as he suddenly pushed Yuji's hand away from his throat and lifted him, throwing him away with a single arm.

"Son of a bitch." Masashi clutched his throat, his eyes filling with fury as he turned to Yuji, who easily landed on his feet after being thrown away. "You damned child! I'll tear you to pieces!"

Yuji ignored the cries of the man in front of him and swung his hand to wipe the blood from his fingers, his serious and intense gaze completely fixed on his opponent who seemed almost oblivious to the wound in his throat, even as blood poured down the hole made by his fingers.

Yuji had not expected this, and could only curse the lineage of the man in front of him. Barely, he was unable to reach his spine, and that was what saved Kure, but still, how could anyone act as if the hole in his throat was just a nuisance? Yuji didn't know, but he gave credit to the lineage of warriors made through meticulously selected genes.

At this point, Masashi realized that he had been tricked by Yuji, his anger sweating through his body as he stared at the boy with a deadly stare, a smile appearing on his lips as thoughts of how he would kill him surfaced in his mind.

Yuji felt the murderous intent overflow from the man, his brow furrowing as he simply accepted that his plan had failed. The man would now be wary, and his surprise blows would be ineffective.

What was left, was a head-on fight.

This did not disappoint Yuji, after all, he would enjoy this fight, but he would end up fighting in great tension, because at any second guards could appear to help Kure. That being the case, there was no holding back, he needed to go all out from the start, using his superior speed to get the upper hand on his troublesome opponent.

This was his new plan.


The Kure exploded towards Yuji, reaching him instantly and beginning to punish him with a flurry of punches. Stepping back while dodging and blocking from his fists, Yuji countered when he had the chance, but the Kure was not only strong, but skilled as well, being able to anticipate his attacks and blocking them while continuing his wave of attacks.

This went on for a few seconds, until, ducking to escape a direct hit to his face, Yuji grabbed Kure's wrist and threw it over his shoulder, causing him to hit his back on the ground, but quickly recover, turning and sending a punch in Yuji's direction, which the boy responded with the same intention, his fist reaching the man first and hitting him in the chin.

About to continue with a sequence, Yuji jumped backward when Kure suddenly kicked, his foot tearing the ground in a curvilinear line. This shocked the boy, who immediately looked up to see Masashi advancing towards him and attacking with a punch, which Yuji dodged, only for a kick to come and hit him in the stomach, sending him flying backward.


His back hit the wall hard, the concrete cracking from the impact.

'Damn, if I didn't stiffen my abdomen in time, I'd be dead now-'

Before he could even complain, he had to throw himself to the side to escape a punch, the force behind the blow shattering the wall and sending pieces of it all over the place. Yuji sweated at this, realizing that if he were a little slower, he would have his head smashed in.

"You little shit ! Stop running away!" Complaining, Masashi withdrew his fist from the wall, a dangerous smile on his lips. "Let me have some fun with you."

Yuji stood up quickly, his eyes fixed on the man in front of him as the adrenaline began to work through his body, a wide smile appearing on his lips as he felt the sensation of excitement making his muscles tingle.

Since his arrival in the district, he could barely enjoy such a feeling, that was because he was more concerned with having to deal with the garbage that dominated the whole place. With too many things on his mind, he barely noticed the excitement that danger brought, but at that moment, he could finally enjoy the feeling again, the feeling that he was made to fight running through his muscles as if his body was yearning for battle.

His smile widened from ear to ear, his aura exploding from his body as veins jumped all over his skin, which made Kure recoil from the pressure directed at him so suddenly.

'I fight, therefore I am.'

Yuji remembered reading that sentence somewhere, but he didn't bother to remember where. What mattered at the moment was that this phrase fits perfectly with how he felt, his only focus becoming the fight that was taking place at that moment.

"You want to have fun?" Yuji stepped forward, the pressure he exploded from his body increasing even more. "Then let's have fun, Kure!"
