Chapter 73

Chapter released early because Webnovel decided to go back to normal.

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"So to put it simply, you, like an idiot, joined a local gang and now they are threatening to kill you if you don't pay 100,000 yen every month, am I right?"

Sitting on the couch in the living room, Yuji stood with his arms crossed while Yasuo had several bandages across his face, him nodding in agreement obediently.

"What an idiot." Yuji said, causing Yasuo to frown. "You're so weak that I feel like with a flick I could break you, what did you think would happen when you joined a gang of delinquents?"

"I... I just wanted to have fun, so I thought joining this group would be cool, but after I realized the trouble I put myself in, the leader wouldn't allow me to leave.... He has already hospitalized several members who tried to leave." Yasuo said embarrassed, his head lowered as he stroked his bruised face.

"..." Yuji pinched his nose in frustration as he listened.

As someone who would never lower his head to a delinquent, he could only feel frustrated to hear such a story. Yasuo was a complete idiot for trusting that he, someone who didn't even seem capable of holding his own weight, could get along in a gang. He was very lucky not to become a punching bag like Takemichi.

"Very well." He let out a sigh, turning his gaze to Yasuo as an idea popped into his mind. "Get that gang of delinquents over here, I want to take a look at them."

Yasuo blinked in confusion when he heard Yuji's request, his eyes widening in dread as the thought of calling the gang he was owed money from straight to his house made him imagine being beaten to death.

"What? No! They're going to kill us!" Yasuo replied, fear in his tone.

"Oh, I see..." Yuji's tone suddenly changed, chills coursing through Yasuo's body as he slowly turned his attention to the teenager's face, seeing him staring intensely with a dull expression, but one that caused the man's body to begin to tremble.

"But I think you misunderstand me, I'm not asking, that's an order.".

_____Kazuo Pov______

"I'm screwed."

I walked down the street from my house, almost dragging myself along the way. After Ohma beat Sekibayashi, it was a complete shock when I suddenly became the CEO of a company named "Yamashita Trading Company," because to become part of the Kengan association, I had to become a businessman first. Nogi made the decisions for me, and I couldn't go much against his words.

At the end of the day, I found myself in danger of being left with a 100 million yen debt if Ohma didn't win a fight in 2 days. After this week of following him, I knew he was strong, but his fight against Sekibayashi earned him several fractures and broken bones, which would greatly diminish his performance. Even saying this, like everyone around me, he just ignored me.

The announcement of the start of the annihilation tournament at the moment was something I just didn't want to think about for the time being.

Letting out a sigh, I startled myself when I suddenly tripped over something, regaining my balance at the last second so as not to fall face first into the ground.

"Uh, what did they throw here?- " Looking down, I froze when I saw what looked like a man dressed like a classic delinquent beaten to the ground, raising my head to see several similar men scattered all over the street in front of my house.

"O-O What's that?!" I couldn't help but flare up, sweat gathering on my forehead as I noticed over 100 people sprawled out on the street.

"My legs! I can't feel my legs!"

A cry of desperation caught my attention, I cautiously moved through the bodies until I was in front of my house, seeing something that shocked me.

"Stop crying. The feeling in your legs will come back in a week, and if you don't want that to become permanent, then you will stop this delinquency shit." Yuji was lifting a man who looked heavy with a single arm as if he were nothing, threatening him with me clearly listening to what he was saying. "Are we clear?"

The delinquent nodded obediently, being abruptly thrown into the street soon after.

"Then get the hell out of here! And if I see this gang roaming the city again, it won't just be your legs that will be paralyzed..." I felt the icy sweat collect on the back of my neck as the boy cracked a scary smile, only to continue. "I'll make sure to paralyze your heart, too."


The delinquents nodded obediently, desperately grabbing their companions and leaving the place as fast as they could.

"And you." I listened to Yuji speak, my eyes turning to see him standing in front of Yasuo. "Stop messing with those kind of people, go get a Hobbie or something, use your head a little."

For the hundredth time in one day, I was shocked when I saw Yasuo obediently agree, making me notice the bandages all over his face. This made me believe that the delinquents had beaten him, and Yuji helped him by beating them all up. This wiped a smile from my face.

"Oh, Uncle Kazuo, how long have you been there?" Yuji seemed to notice my presence, turning to me and waving.

"Oh... I'm just in time to see those people leaving." I rubbed the back of my neck in nervousness.

"I see..." Yuji spoke, a gentle smile appearing on his face soon after. "I've prepared dumplings, let's go inside."

"Dumplings? It's been a long time since I've eaten one." I said to myself with a smile, following Yuji and Yasuo inside.

As stressful as my life has become in such a short time, maybe it's not so bad.

"Uh, Uncle Kazuo, I'm sorry, but some of these guys ended up breaking the window by throwing a brick."
