Chapter 81

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After the moment between the two, the boy left her to rest from her injuries. They didn't talk much, with only short phrases of goodbyes. Yuji didn't see this as a negative thing, since the atmosphere wasn't uncomfortable, so he didn't worry, leaving her no before capturing her lips in a short kiss.

This made the girl embarrassed, but Yuji did not stay behind to see her expression.

After leaving the hospital, he couldn't help but think about what had just happened. Kissing Senju, he never thought it would happen so soon. Sure, he intended to do it one time or another, but in the end, it was the girl who took the initiative.

'Well, it's still a victory.' He thought as he sighed.

Honestly, he didn't want to think about what kind of relationship the two of them were in at the moment, at least not for now. He had to deal with some problems before focusing on love, like finding the company he would be representing to participate in the annihilation tournament.

The annihilation tournament was also something that was constantly on his mind, and he believed it was so for all the fighters who would be participating. He had doubts about whether he could beat the strongest in the tournament, but that was precisely why he wanted to participate.

To test himself, to show how much he has grown, to beat the most powerful. He trained for two years for this moment, and he would give everything for it.

He had confidence in his strength, and this was not only due to his personality, but also due to the fact that he had worked like crazy for it.

His confidence was by no means without foundation.



Name: Yuji Shinakawa [Yamashita]

Age: 17

Strength: XX+++

Durability: XXX

Stamina: XX+++

Speed: XXX

Intelligence: XX

Potential: ????

Martial Arts: [Boxing Lv. 323] [Jeet Kune Do Lv. 347] [MMA Lv. 312] [Baritsu Lv. 350] [Koei Style Lv. 330] [BJJ Lv. 250] [ Letwei Lv. 210] [Capoeira Lv. 200] [Aikido Lv 221] [Kure Style Lv 289] [Niko Style Lv 320] [Systema Lv 188] [Bajiquan Lv 176] [Bokator Lv 147] [Qwan Ki Do Lv 167] [Formless Lv. 307]

Abilities: [Combat Mastery Lv. 380] [Evolution Lv. 200] [Foresight Lv.220] [Observation Lv. 180] [Image Training Lv. 400] [Power Flow Manipulation Lv. 240] [Advance Lv. 140] [Removal Lv. 138] [Weapon Proficiency Lv. 228.] [Imagination Lv. 198] [Pre-Initiative Lv. 167] [Indestructible Lv. 310]

Body: Divine Eyes [Lvl Max], Blessed Potential [Lvl Max], Combat Genius [Lvl Max], Enhanced Regeneration [Lvl Max], ????


Entering his house, Yuji cracked a smile when he heard the sound of small footsteps, his eyes turning to the hallway to see a dog running towards him.

"How are you, big boy?"

The dog was none other than Yuji's pet, Fenrir. In those two years, he had grown into a beautiful and healthy Siberian Husky in all his glory.

Yes, Fenrir was a Siberian Husky. Yuji was surprised to discover this, wondering who in their right mind would abandon a dog of this breed.

When he reached him, Yuji crouched down to receive several licks on his face. Since his departure, Fenrir had become Shisumi's companion, the boy finding it amusing how affectionate the woman was with the dog.

"Hey, where's Auntie?" Getting up, Yuji asked while stroking the animal's head, he turned and walked quickly toward the room.

Yuji seeing this let out a sigh and walked towards his room, going inside and sitting on his bed while pulling out his phone. He raised his eyebrow when he saw some messages from Tomari.

[Togo: Idiot! You haven't visited me since you came back to Japan! You're going to buy me an expensive drink for that!]

The boy laughed nervously as he read this, closing his phone as he lay down on the bed.

Feeling tiredness overtake him, the boy began to think about his last year.

Under Kanoh's tutelage, he was put into deadly situations for his training, most of these experiences still fresh in his mind. Without a doubt, the worst was the one where he was on the verge of death, with every bone in his body broken.


7 months ago.


Climbing a rocky wall, Yuji gritted his teeth as his fingers slipped through a gap, his eyes moving to his hand to see it completely bruised. The skin of his fingers was torn, and his palm exposed in living flesh. The boy struggled to hold on, his feet dangling as the only thing keeping him from falling 60 meters was his bruised fingers.

When Agito said that he would be climbing a mountain with his bare hands, Yuji was not too intimidated, after all, he had enough strength to drill his fingers into any rock, so climbing the mountain would not be a problem.

But his plan was immediately thwarted when Kanoh said that he should do it using only his hands, without supporting his feet, and without cheating by sticking his fingers into the wall. Yuji was a little skeptical about completing this training, but he didn't believe it would be such a problem.

In the end, he made a serious mistake.

"Shit, shit, shit." Gasping, he cursed as he struggled to find a foothold for his fingers.

He wasn't even halfway up the path, and he already felt exhaustion catch up with him. He couldn't believe that climbing a mountain could be so exhausting, and it didn't help that the mountain he was climbing had its walls covered with small, pointed formations, almost like needles.

Finding a foothold, the boy turned his gaze upwards and using much of his strength, propelled his body 5 meters from his previous position, he barely being able to hang on to a small crack.

"This is like torture." He muttered, soon climbing slowly back through the cracks in the wall, the blood staining where his fingers passed.


Reaching the top, Yuji stood up with difficulty, the burning sensation in his muscles intense like he had never felt before.

"You arrived quickly, again you exceeded my expectations." A voice caught the boy's attention, causing him to look forward to see Kanoh standing there, his face filling with confusion as he wondered how the man had climbed so quickly. "But that's not the end yet, that was just the warm-up."

Before Yuji could even react, Agito swept the distance between the two and attacked with a low kick that caused the boy to fall backwards onto the ground, exhaustion preventing him from moving nimbly as he awkwardly rolled to the side and stood up.

'My leg!' Turning his gaze downward, Yuji was shocked to see a purple bruise rapidly forming on the site hit by Agito . 'He's not holding back!'

"You only have to hit me once, and the training will be over." Agito began to speak, Yuji turning his attention back to him.

'It looks easy, I already hit him once, it shouldn't be a problem.' Yuji thought as he set up his stance. 'Even with my exhausted body, I think I can hit him if I focus on counterattacks.'

"And obviously, I'm not going to hold back."



Yuji's eyes widened as Agito's fist smashed into his stomach, blood spurting from his throat as he staggered backwards.

'What was that?! I didn't even see him move!' The boy thought as he held his stomach tightly.

"It doesn't matter if you are dying in a pool of your own blood, it will only end when you hit me." A powerful aura exploded from Metsudo's Fangs body, the man looking at Yuji with an unreadable but frightening face. "Until then I will break every part of your body."


As Yuji raised his guard in an attempt to protect his face, a punch landed on his torso, the force behind the attack causing one of his ribs to crack. The boy gritted his teeth at this, immediately trying to grab the wrist of the retreating arm, but this was easily interrupted by a knee to his chin, the blow pushing Yuji to the edge of the mountain.

'Fuck! How... How am I going to hit him? Tiredness barely lets me lift my arms!' he shouted in his mind.

Cold sweat poured down his face, him standing up with difficulty as he raised his guard. As hopeless as the situation seemed, there was no use lamenting, Yuji needed to keep going, or he would probably die on that mountain.

Stepping forward, Yuji was barely able to block a kick that landed on his torso, his teeth clenching as he felt his muscles ache even though he was using the [Indestructible].

In a counterstroke, Yuji attempted to kick the man's leg in a sweep, his kick inches from reaching him, only for an elbow to hit Yuji's chin hard enough to knock him unconscious, his body falling to the ground as Agito watched.

"We're not done yet, wake up." Kanoh spoke in a dangerous tone, he holding the boy by the hair and lifting him up with a single arm. "It's not time to rest yet."


The man punched Yuji right in the face, the boy's back scraping the ground to the edge of the mountain.

"..." When Yuji regained consciousness from the pain, his mind was confused, but his instincts worked ahead as he was about to fall off the mountain, his fingers digging into the ground and throwing him away from the edge.

His body staggered as he tried to stand, a grotesque sight of his arms and face covered with his own blood.

"You can come, come with everything you have."

He murmured, his voice confident despite his bruised body. "I'll take it all!"

Kanoh grinned from ear to ear as he heard this, the man exploding toward him at an aggressive run.
