Chapter 83

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After Yuji finished the training, his statuses jumped monstrously, his attributes gaining at least 1 more rank. His mastery also improved greatly, causing his understanding of his own body to rise to a new level, making it possible for him to control autophagy, and consciously increase his body's endorphin production.

He had to agree that although the training was hellish, the results were more than satisfactory, since from this moment on, both skills saved him many times.

Waiting for the traffic light to close so he could cross the street, Yuji scrolled through the messages on his phone. In his travels, he made friends all over the world, and got many numbers, which earned him a constantly full voice mailbox.

"You don't catch me!" While Yuji was busy with his phone, two children were running around him while laughing.

This went on for several seconds, but the boy didn't seem to be bothered, his focus on his device with a small smile on his face.

"It's your turn to get me!"

{You have received a message}

Yuji raised an eyebrow at this, his hand moving unconsciously as one of the children tried to run into the street, grabbing his shirt and pulling it back the instant a car passed at high speed.

{Gaeul: Hey! How is Japan? Did you get here okay?}

Crossing the street after the light turned green, Yuji ignored the lecture the children's mother was giving them while his attention was on his cell phone.

Yuji cracked a smile as he typed a reply to the message he received. Gaeul was a girl he had met in his time in Korea, a little after he had saved the boy who was being beaten, but that was not a story to mention now.

{Yuji: I arrived without any problems, sorry for taking so long to reply, I've been a little busy}.

{Gaeul: Sure, I saw how busy you were in your fights}.

{Yuji: Hey, I had short breaks from one fight to the next, so I ended up being a little disconnected from social media}.

{Gaeul: Whatever you say}

The boy couldn't help but sigh. The two of them had become fast friends when they first met, with him even visiting her home a few times. It was normal for her to be irritated after he had not spoken to her for three months.

{Gaeul: Daddy said hi, he said he will beat you the next time you visit Korea.}

The boy laughed as he read the message. Gaeul's father was a mysterious man who carried great skill. Although the man physically wasn't as strong as him, Yuji was sure that he was slightly surpassed in sheer skill... Well, at least a few months ago.

{Yuji: Ask him to watch his back before he thinks about hitting anyone}.

{Gaeul: Hehe}

Yuji let out a light laugh as he walked.

[You have received a message]

{Tomari: We need to talk}

The boy stopped as he read the message, his eyebrow raising in interest.

'Well, it was bound to happen one time or another.'




____Yuji Pov____

When I arrived at Tomari's apartment, I was greeted by the woman's usual crazy personality. She lectured me for not visiting her in all this time, but this was quickly brushed aside when I mentioned what she wanted to talk about, since she would not call me to her place just to vent her anger.

With that, we sat down in the living room, with the woman crossing her arms as she stared at me with a serious expression.

"So, what would you like to talk about, Tomari?" I ask as I relax on the couch.

"..." She was silent for a moment before sighing.

"The annihilation tournament will be happening in a few days, you should already know that." She started and I just nodded in agreement. "I want you to represent one person as a representative fighter."

I blinked at this. For a moment, I believed that she would ask me to become her representative fighter, but as it turned out, that was not the case.

So she wanted to use me as collateral in case she lost. Clever, but I had no interest in serving this purpose. And my thoughts about Tomari becoming president still hadn't changed, so the answer to this came on the tip of my tongue.

"So you mean you found another fighter? That hurts my heart. I thought we had chemistry." I spoke with a false tone of sadness, veins popping out on the woman's forehead when she saw my staging.

"Idiot, you've become quite cheeky, haven't you?" She said as her shark-like smile appeared on her lips. "But yes, I have found a great fighter this time."

"Oh." I muttered.

The moment the woman mentioned the wrestler, my senses picked up the movement of something around the room, my hearing and sense of smell working to identify whatever it was, bringing me results in the blink of an eye.


Thanks to my senses, I was able to project an image of the figure that was using the darkness to keep himself hidden, my eyes narrowing as I identified him.

'Muteba Gizenga' I thought.

I knew this man very well. Muteba was a well-known mercenary in the underworld, and although we never met, thanks to my cautiousness during my stay in Africa, I had a vast knowledge of his skills and accomplishments, after all, when you are being hunted by someone, it is normal to want to learn about the one who is after your head.

To make a long story short, I ended up pissing off some powerful names in Africa, which earned me a target on my back for many mercenaries to try to hit. Luckily, no one knew my face, so I was able to disappear from Africa without too much trouble.

Muteba, who at this moment was hiding in the shadows, suddenly moved to stand behind me, a cheeky smile appearing on my lips as I slowly raised my arm.

"Are you talking about the guy behind me?" I asked Tomari while pointing to my back.

"Uh?" Tomari looked shocked for a moment, her eyes moving to the figure behind me, "How did you notice him?"

Turning to look at Muteba, I watched the man emerge from the shadows with a smile full of teeth on his face.

"Well, he's pretty noisy moving around." As much as he was a known mercenary who is said to be able to kill anyone, I couldn't stop myself from scoffing at how easy it was to identify him. "It's even a little disappointing for the known best mercenary in the world."

Muteba's smile widened even more when he spoke. "The boy has courage."