Chapter 89

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After the ship finally arrived on the island, the passengers were met by members of the Kengan association, where they were guided to their quarters. The tournament would not take place until the next day, which meant that there were a few hours to enjoy their stay on the island. Thus, the beach was crowded with businessmen and fighters.

Yuji, despite being quite anxious about the tournament, would not deny himself a beach party.

And also...

"Let's play volleyball!"

"Yes! You will be on our team."

Being pulled by both arms by Elena and Senju, Yuji found himself getting nasty looks from most of the men on the beach, but he cared little about that. The only thing that irritated him, was the fact that some of them were constantly looking at the two girls with malicious glances, but he didn't have to do much when Mokichi terrified them.

"Yuji! I found you!" As the three of them were walking, a voice suddenly called out to the boy, who turned to see a bikini-clad Karura running toward him. "Now we can make babies!"

The girl spoke without an ounce of shame on her face, this causing most people to choke in surprise. Yuji, seeing all the commotion that the girl's scream had caused, could only wipe his hand across his face in frustration.

'Damn, what world does she live in?' he thought.

The moment the girl reached them, Yuji suddenly felt a strong pressure exploding from his back, he turned to see Elena and Senju emanating a frightening aura from their bodies.

'What about this now? I just wanted to relax before the fights...' He thought as he let out a sigh.

"Oh, are those your friends?" Karura asked, an innocent smile on her lips. "My name is Karura Kure! I am Yuji's wife!"

The moment the words came out of the girl's mouth, Elena and Senju felt as if something broke in their minds, forced smiles appearing on their lips as the aura in their bodies became even stronger.

"Hey." Yuji placed his hand on the top of both of their heads, a loving smile on his lips as he stroked their hair. "She's kidding, so behave yourselves."

In the same instant, Elena's aura disappeared, her opening a smile as she nodded in agreement. Senju, despite nodding in agreement, crossed her arms over her chest and squinted her eyes, her aura still leaking, though it was much more contained.

"Joking? I thought you had accepted the marriage." Karura spoke with confusion on her face.

"I never said yes." Yuji simply replied. "We're going to play volleyball, you can come if you want."

Karura, despite being momentarily irritated by the fact that Yuji was not yet her fiancé, cracked an excited smile as she nodded in agreement to the invitation. As frustrating as it was to not have as her fiancé, she would not give up so easily, not when she had found the love of her life.

She would just have to make him accept it.

Turning to leave, Yuji was surprised when he felt two mounds wrap around his two arms, he looked down to see Elena and Senju hugging him.

'Nice.' Not being able to get irritated by something like that, he just cracked a satisfied smile as he started walking with the two girls in his arms.

Karura, who had been watching the scene in silence, stewed her cheeks in frustration, quickly running towards the three of them and jumping on Yuji's back, this taking the boy by surprise, who looked up to see Karura resting her two thighs on his shoulder.


"That bastard! Kill him, finish him off! Destroy him! Leave him in pieces and then pulverize his remains until only ashes remain, only to kick his ashes-"

In the distance, using binoculars to observe Karura, Kure Erioh, the girl's grandfather, began cursing Yuji in every possible way, Raian behind him laughing uncontrollably while the other members of the Kure family watched the scene wearily.


____Yuji Pov____

As I sat in a beach chair, I watched Elena, Senju, and Karura talking together in a friendly manner. This initially shocked me greatly, since it hadn't even been three hours since they had met, but well, maybe it was fate, or just Elena's friendly personality. From what I remembered, even after Raian broke Mokichi's neck, she and Karura became quite friendly, so I wouldn't be surprised if she was able to convince Senju to make the three of them become friends.

Shifting my attention from the girls, I looked at the wrestlers, who were spread out on the beach as they partied. As cheerful and friendly as they looked on the outside, I could clearly see the tension in each of them.

'They are studying each other.' I thought, my eyes roaming over each of them. 'Each of them is confident of victory.'

They were all there with a single, immutable intention, to win. None of them were intimidated by the powerful tension in the place. This was very exciting, after all, the fight starts in the mind, and...

Wouldn't it be fun to beat up demoralized opponents!


Suddenly a powerful intention came over me, my eyes narrowing as I turned to see a man and a woman watching me from afar.

'Oh, that's Akoya and Hiyama...' I immediately recognized them, my vision turning to Akoya, who was staring at me with intensity, as if I were some unknown specimen... 'Why is this bastard staring at me?'

I thought with irritation. I knew Akoya's back story, and he was one of the figures I liked least. He had no mercy in killing innocent people if it was necessary for him to apply his twisted justice. If it weren't for Hiyama serving as his brakes, he would surely be dead by now after doing a massacre somewhere.

The fact that I was getting such a look from a scum made me quite frustrated, but I controlled myself enough not to let my aura leak, my expression relaxing as I laid my back on the beach chair.

I can't get close to both of them, and even if I could, I wouldn't. Akoya was a man I wouldn't mind pissing off, but having to kill him would only be a problem, although I wouldn't mind too much if I had to do it... Of course, I wouldn't mind talking to Hiyama when he's not around, since I feel sorry for her. Her relationship with him is much worse than a Stockholm syndrome, it's more like an obsession, I'm sure that she wouldn't mind dying for him, since she doesn't even mind getting beaten up by him.

But not getting closer doesn't mean that I can't hear them.

Using my improved hearing, and erasing any unnecessary sound from my sense, I was easily able to pick up the conversation of the two.

"Not much is known about him now, he has spent two years missing since his fight against Hassad." I heard Hiyama say. "The only information we have, is that he was apparently trained by Metsudo's own Fangs, plus the fact that he was also the leader of a biker gang, other than that, he is a complete incognito ."

Silence dominated the conversation for a few seconds before I heard a male voice that I assumed was Akoya's.

"Gang leader?" He spoke with hostility in his tone, which I easily picked up. "Then he must know justice. Fangs apprentice or not, Yuji Shinakawa, you will feel justice with your body."

I clenched my jaw as I heard these words, a vein popping in my forehead as my aura began to leak.

"Akoya, y-you shouldn't, he's just a teenager!" Hiyama spoke up, but Akoya seemed to ignore her.

"Hiyama, don't try to defend him, if you try to stop me, then you may feel justice along with him."

Controlling the pressure that threatened to burst from my body, I slowly turned my gaze to Akoya, who was staring intensely at Hiyama, the woman with a terrified look on her face.

'So you want to apply this justice of yours on me? You fucking...' I cracked a smile, my eyes fixed on his back as I made clear my hostility directed at him, this getting his attention as he turned to face me. 'You can try, I'll enjoy every second when I'm beating you.'