Chapter 95

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After the end of the left block fights, the right block fights were about to begin, and in preparation for their fight, Yuji decided to train in his mental landscape. From watching Mokichi and Raian's fight, he was able to analyze Kure enough to create him in his mind with his completely faithful attributes and abilities.

But no matter how hard he tried to concentrate during training, he was unable to do so, losing control whenever the image of the lifeless Mokichi on the ground came to his mind, his anger not allowing him to fight properly, which led to his defeat by Kure.

And because of this, he decided to just practice his techniques without summoning an opponent, in order to polish his movements even more while trying to create some new techniques.

"Damn." Punching the air, he quickly jumped and kicked, landing on the ground and getting into position instantly . "I didn't want to rely on [Advancement] and [Removal], but from the looks of it, I'm going to be forced to."

With a sigh, Yuji looked down at his palm. As confident as he was in his strength and abilities, he would be facing opponents like Kanoh and Kuroki Gensai, as well as the fastest in the tournament, Mikazuchi Rei. With his current attributes, he would be surpassed only in strength and speed, and as much as he had many techniques at his disposal, if he was slow, none of them would work against his opponents.

"Looks like you're having some trouble, kid."


Suddenly, Yuji heard a completely unfamiliar voice, his eyes widening as he immediately turned to see a figure forming in front of him, his eyes narrowing as he raised his guard.

'What's that? I didn't summon anyone.' He thought cautiously, he braced himself as the figure began to take even more shape.

"Sorry for surprising you." The figure spoke, its body that was previously nothing more than a humanoid shadow quickly taking on a form with physical features. "My name is Taira Genzan."

"I am the master of the Koei style."


Out of his mind, Yuji was sitting on the floor of the fighters' rest room. The first fight of the right block was already taking place, so he would not be interrupted until the start of his fight.

At least that is what he wanted to happen.

"He looks so handsome sleeping." Karura, who was sitting next to her, was looking at his sleeping face with her warm cheeks, the girl stroking his chin as she seemed tempted to move closer and closer. "Yuji... Yuji, Yuji."

She began to repeat the boy's name, her breathing becoming heavy with each time she spoke, her eyes twitching as she seemed intoxicated by the simple act of saying the young fighter's name.

When Yuji told her that he would kill Raian, she initially didn't know how to react, but seeing the expression he was making, and aura that was exploding from his body, this served to increase the girl's interest.

Yuji was strong, very strong, but that was not the main factor that made her attracted to him, but that was his potential. He was young like her, but just from his aura, it was easy to tell that he was comparable to and even surpassed the strongest in the tournament. In addition, the boy seemed to have the personality of a ruler , since she found out that two other girls liked him, and the list only tended to grow, at least according to the observations she made while following him for some time.

And all this, could only lead to one conclusion in Karura's mind.

Yuji Shinakawa was the perfect man for her.

For the girl, Yuji would be the perfect man to take over the clan along with her.

"Our descendants will be the strongest." The girl slowly began to move closer to Yuji's face, her blush increasing even more as their lips were inches from meeting.


Before she could take his lips, the girl blocked a kick with her forearm, her body being pushed away as she stood up with irritation on her face.

"You idiot! Have you forgotten that we're here too?!" Senju spoke with hostility, Elena behind her as she had her hands on her face due to the shame of seeing that scene. "How can you try to kiss him in his sleep?!"

Karura just blinked at the girl's irritation, a friendly smile appearing on her lips as her face outlined an innocent expression.

"Uh, why are you so angry? As my fiancé, Yuji will be the patriarch of the Kure clan, and as patriarch, he is allowed to have multiple wives." Karura spoke innocently, this leaving Senju awestruck, a vein popping out on her forehead as she took a step toward the girl. "Actually, that is quite advisable, after all, the patriarch is the strongest of the clan, it is normal for him to share his genes to multiple wives."

Elena's face turned as red as a tomato, Kou, who was standing next to her, just bent his head in confusion, Senju fuming with rage as the temptation to kick Karura to death seemed impossible to control.

"That's not the point here!"




Back in Yuji's mind, he and Genzan were sitting face to face as they talked.

"So you trained Setsuna only to have him betray you and kill you." Yuji spoke as he scratched his chin, Genzan nodding in agreement with a despondent expression. "Well, it's not a good way to die, but it's not entirely your fault after all, you had no way of knowing that Setsuna would be a nutcase."

"Thank you for your words, but I don't regret my choice. I wanted to pass the Koei style forward, and that I did." Genzan spoke, Yuji sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck.

For a reason Yuji didn't know, the master of the Koei style was in front of him, having appeared in his mental landscape without his permission. But the fact that he appeared without permission wasn't the point that bothered the boy, but the fact that he had never seen the man in his life, nor knew that one day he existed , since he hadn't read about Setsuna's past.

But for some reason, he was able to manifest himself in his mind with his memories of what happened before he died, which was quite surprising and supernatural even for the standards of this world.

Since the boy knew that he had never seen Genzan in his life, he could only credit his appearance to the system.

'Maybe after I reach a certain level in a style, I can talk to the old masters of the style?' Yuji scratched his chin as he thought, his eyes turning to Genzan, who was looking around with an analytical eye.


[Ding! Since the host is feeling confused, the system will take your question as a way of congratulating you on how far you have come since you have exceeded expectations].

Yuji blinked as a text box appeared in front of him, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Genzan, who seemed oblivious to the system message.

'Okay, he can't see that.' Yuji turned his attention to the text box, reading its contents quickly. 'After 2 years, you decide to ask me a single question? And why am I feeling that I am being belittled like I used to?'

[After the host reaches level 300 in a particular style, he can now summon the top masters of the style in order to use their knowledge to further enhance his mastery].

[See this is only for single styles, since the known martial arts have many masters, making it difficult to select the best among them].

'What incompetence.'

[The master of each style will have the attributes and memories of his life before he dies, which gives him free will to some extent, since the host can expel them from his mind at any time].

[Because they have free will , they can choose not to teach. This was the best way for the system to introduce them, as making them be forced to teach the host could directly affect their souls].

'I see. Well, that's quite interesting, since it's giving me more information about the system. Honestly, I haven't thought much about it these past few years, and to see that it is able to bring people "back to life" is quite shocking.'

[It's just that! The system bids the host good luck on his journey!]

'And again, abandoned.'

Letting out a sigh, Yuji turned his attention to Genzan, who was now staring at him with a serious look.

"Where exactly am I, by any chance is this hell?" Genzan asked with a serious tone.

"Well, sometimes it can indeed be hell." Yuji scratched the back of his neck with a nervous smile, Genzan giving him a confused look, "Let me explain."