Chapter 98

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As the ref was about to give start the fight, Yuji's mind worked extremely fast to work out a strategy as his eyes wandered over Mikazuchi's statuses. Since the man wouldn't leave Rina's room, he couldn't use [Observe] on him, which made it quite difficult for him to elaborate anything since he could only deduce that his speed was rated as XXX or AX.

It was a small problem that he could only see his status during the beginning of the fight, but thanks to his absurd processing speed, he could think freely while not even 1 second would have passed outside his mind.


Name: Mikazuchi Rei

Age: 26

Strength: XX

Durability: XX

Stamina: XX++

Speed: AX+

Intelligence: SSS

Potential: XXX


Impatient /Irritated.

Rei is impatient, he wants to end the fight with a single move, believing that this will be enough, and he can quickly return to his beloved. He is annoyed that you seemingly take him lightly, and wishes to humiliate him by defeating him quickly.


As expected, the fighter's speed was absurd, far superior to him, although if he used [Advance], he believed he could level out the speed without too much trouble.

But Yuji believed that this would not be necessary, since as long as he could catch him, it would be a victory. He only needed to make one mistake, and it would all be over.

And for this, Yuji already had a plan.


The silence of the audience hung in the air, the two fighters staring at each other as the sweat from the woman refereeing the fight built up on her forehead, her raising her hand to start the fight.



Taking everyone by surprise, Mikazuchi exploded from where he was before the referee even finished his sentence, them seeing only a blur advancing toward Yuji at an absurd speed.

Yuji, like most of the fighters and the audience , was also taken by surprise at the extremely fast sudden advance, him reacting quickly enough only to move his head down as Rei passed him so that the fighter's blow landed on his nose instead of his chin.


Yuji's head flew backwards with his nose gushing blood, Mikazuchi changing the trajectory of his body with his feet and hands, moving forward again in a burst of speed, this time intending to hit the boy's back.


The moment Rei reached him, Yuji surprised him when he turned around seconds before the man hit him, a quick punch being sent towards his face, only for the fast fighter to duck over his arm and immediately try to hit the boy's unprotected ribs.


Before his rib punch could arrive, The Mikazuchi jumped away as a punch landed at his former location, sweat beading down his forehead as he had a serious expression on his face.

'He predicted what I would do.' He thought, his eyes on Yuji, who turned to him with a serious face. 'This boy is stronger than I thought.'

Resuming his Raishin-style stance, Mikazuchi thought with frustration. 'I won't be able to finish this fight quickly. I'll have to be a little serious.'


The Raishin style holder exploded into a blur again, his speed clearly greater this time, which left the fighters surprised, after all, he was already extremely fast before, so seeing him speed up even more was frightening.

Yuji seeing this did not seem to be intimidated, his eyes narrowing as he immediately turned around and blocked a punch, his body being pushed backwards due to the power of the attack.

'I'm only able to keep up with him because of my [Divine Eyes], and even with them, I can only see a blur before I need to react.' The boy thought, quickly blocking another punch, this time aimed at his ribs. 'I can't use my hearing because he's moving considerably faster than sound, which makes it hard to discern his location since there's a delay of a few seconds.

With Yuji taking a step back, the audience was surprised when they saw Mikazuchi trip over the teenager's leg, his body rolling on the floor before he quickly stood up.


But this short period in which he couldn't use his speed was more than enough for Yuji to sweep the distance between the two, his fist inches from Mikazuchi's face as he raised his head.

'But your attacks are very predictable .'


The blow hit hard, the fighter's body flying backwards as he felt a fracture forming on the side of his jaw, him ignoring the pain as he rolled backwards to dodge a kick, trying to counter Yuji with a swift punch to his chin, only for the boy to deflect and grab his wrist, smashing him backwards into the ground with a shoulder throw.

"Ugh." Rei groaned in pain at the impact to his back, he disengaging himself from Yuji's grip with a strike to his wrist, pulling away while breathing heavily.

'Damn, I got so immersed in attacking that I ended up forgetting my surroundings.' The man thought, his jaw throbbing as he spat out some blood. 'That was a deserved punch, but I'm not going to make that mistake again.'

While the man had his monologue, Yuji also had his own monologues, his eyes narrowed as he stared at his opponent.

'He escaped my grasp...' The boy thought with frustration. That was supposed to be the move that would end the fight, but surprisingly, his opponent was able to escape his grip by forcing his hand open with a blow to his wrist.

Turning his gaze to his wrist, the boy grunted as he felt the spot throbbing. Mikazuchi had attacked his nerve, and this did not go unnoticed by the boy. If he wasn't taking Raishin style seriously before, he would be now. If he wasn't careful, he could be targeted at his vital points, and that was something Yuji would rather avoid, even if he didn't really fear it, since he had countermeasures for attacks like that.

'Alright, let's change the approach.' The boy thought, his expression softening as he began to change his stance, his left arm low while his right fist was to front of his chin.

Gaolang, who was watching the match together from the audience, widened his eyes when he saw that posture, his eyebrow rising in curiosity at what was about to happen.

"That's your style, isn't it, Gaolang?" Saw Paing, who was standing next to the boxer, said with an excited expression.

"..." Gaolang did not respond initially, the man analyzing Yuji for a few seconds before finally speaking.

"Yes, that is my stance."