Special Chapter

I ask for patience. I am having a problem with the translator I use, but it will be fixed soon. Until then, here is the chapter made in celebration of reaching 100 chapters. I hope you enjoy it


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I hope you enjoy the reading!



In the middle of an alley that could barely be illuminated by moonlight, many men were lying on the spot as they agonized in pain. It was obvious that a battle had taken place there, if the marks of destruction and the scattered bodies were not indicative enough.

"What a problem." A voice sounded from the darkness of the alley, a figure moving slowly so that the light revealed its appearance. "Korea is almost annoying me as much as 'Inside'."

With the moonlight illuminating his face, the figure turned out to be Yuji, the one responsible for causing all the mess in the place.

Since he arrived in Korea, his life has become quite eventful, as after getting involved with the underground battles in that country, a target was planted on his back. As far as he knew, after becoming undefeated, someone of great power had probably become angry.

Yuji could understand that, after all, he didn't like losing money either, but making him an enemy by sending goons to capture him was certainly not the best way to settle things. It was rather annoying for the boy to have to waste his time beating up some idiots who thought they could outdo him with numbers.

Bending down next to one of the henchmen who was lying on the ground while whimpering in pain from having his arm broken, Yuji pulled the man by the hair, causing him to widen his eyes in panic.

"Wait- Please-"


The henchman tried to plead, but Yuji quickly stopped him from speaking with a squeak, the boy's eyes glinting dangerously as he stared intensely at the henchman, this causing the man to shut up immediately, even ignoring the intense pain in his arm.

"I'm only going to ask you once, and I want you to answer me." Yuji cracked a small smile, but that only served to make the henchman even more nervous. "If you try to evade the question, I will make you discover that your body has many places that can be broken."

The man immediately nodded in agreement, leaving Yuji satisfied.

"Who sent you? I want a name, that's all."


The henchman was silent for a moment, but after seeing Yuji's intense eyes looking at him as if they were staring into his soul, he was quick to open his mouth to speak.


But before he could even utter a single letter, a small stone hit his temple, his eyes rolling back as he immediately lost consciousness.

"Those idiots... Opening their mouths so easily."

A voice sounded from the entrance to the alley, Yuji letting out a sigh of disappointment when he realized that it would not be as easy as he had hoped.

"Sorry about that, man." The voice continued. "I ended up interrupting your conversation."

The unknown figure seemed to mock the situation, but Yuji just shrugged off that tone and let the unconscious henchman fall to the ground. Just through the presence of the stranger, he didn't even have to turn around to know that a large fish was only a few feet away from him.

'And to think they would send someone really competent.' Yuji cracked a small smile. He couldn't take fighting extremely inferior fighters to him anymore, which made him quite excited in that situation. 'That's what I was hoping for.'

Turning, Yuji turned his attention to the figure at the entrance to the alley, quickly analyzing his appearance as he measured his strength. The man responsible for knocking out the henchman was tall and thin, though Yuji clearly noticed defined muscles through his clothes. He had blond hair, and dressed elegantly, as well as wearing glasses.

No one would believe that a man like that could be so strong, but Yuji could not only feel, but also see through the aura of that stranger. He was strong, stronger than anyone he had ever met in this country.

"Uh? What? Did you finish something on my face?" The man asked with confusion.



Name: Goo Kim

Age: 19

Strength: X+++

Durability: XX

Stamina: X+++

Speed: X++

Intelligence: A+

Potential: XX



Having accepted the job of capturing you, Goo is excited to receive his money after completing the job. He is curious about you, since he has heard that you have won numerous fights, but feels confident that he can beat you without too much trouble.


'I see...' Yuji scratched his chin as he read the description the system gave him. 'His statuses are very good, better than most fighters I've faced.'

The young man cracked a smile as he learned in detail how strong the man in front of him was, his cheer increasing even more as he began to stretch his wrists in anticipation.

"What? You already want to fight? But we don't even know each other!" Goo said with a hurt tone, this causing Yuji to look at him curiously.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that." Yuji apologized, a friendly smile replacing the previously excited one. "My name is-"


Before he could finish his presentation, a fist suddenly struck the wall beside him as he moved his torso slightly to deflect the attack, Yuji's eyes moving slowly toward Goo, who was staring at him with a playful look.

"Sorry, but I'm dying to get my money, hehe!"

Yuji's expression changed, his brow furrowing as he remembered that the man in front of him was confident that he could easily beat him.

"I see." The moment Goo withdrew his fist from the wall, Yuji let out a heavy sigh, clearly frustrated with the surprise attack. "Very well then, let's finish this quickly."

Goo smiled at this answer and immediately got ready.

"That's what I wanted to hear-"


Taking the blond man by surprise due to the unexpected speed, a fist struck his face with enough force to push him backwards, his back slamming into the wall. Holding his nose, Goo immediately realized that there was blood staining his hand, his playful smile disappearing to be replaced by a serious expression.

"What? Was that too much for you?"

Yuji joked, this seemed to irritate Goo, who waved his hand to get rid of the blood as a vein popped out on his forehead.

"Sure, that was enough to bear." He cracked a forced smile as he replied, his aura changing to become hostile. "But well... How about we keep going?"


Blocking a punch with difficulty, Goo tried to move away to catch his breath, but Yuji easily followed him and attacked with several punches at his defense, the blond clenching his teeth as he tried to deal with the wave of blows falling on his forearms.

The difference in attributes between the two was not that great, but Yuji demonstrated a tremendous superiority in hand-to-hand combat, this due to his vast knowledge in many martial arts and training with Kanoh Agito. Thanks to this, Goo was easily outclassed by the younger man, who had an easy time reading his movements

Therefore, Yuji didn't even bother to use other styles, limiting himself to beating Goo using only boxing.

"A minute's rest!"

Goo asked, but was completely ignored by Yuji, who noticing a gap in his side, immediately attacked with a hook to his ribs, causing the blond man to choke and jump backwards as he pressed down on the hit spot.

"Come on... I asked for time..." Goo tried to joke in that situation, but the weariness in his tone made it clear that he was not in the best of situations.

"And to think that I would face a monster tonight.... I should have prepared more." He spoke as he took the time he wasn't being beaten to breathe. "But that doesn't matter."

Yuji watched the man look at an iron pipe leaning against the wall, before bending down to pick it up. The young man didn't do much to stop him, since although he felt something strange in that situation, he knew that if he continued like that, the fight would soon be over. After being without a serious fight for a while, he didn't want that to happen.

Picking up the iron pipe, Goo turned his attention to Yuji, a small smile appearing on his lips as he raised the stick and pointed it at the younger man. "Because this here will be more than enough to finish this joke."

"..." Blinking as he heard those words, Yuji felt a bit of boredom hit him. As much as he liked to joke a bit with his opponents during their fights, he didn't enjoy facing playful people. Usually, they just tended to chatter as a way to buy time so that the adrenaline could relieve the injuries in their bodies.

"Uh..." Goo muttered. "You know, I hate being underestimated."

The blond man spoke with intensity, this drawing the attention of Yuji, who frowned as he felt a new pressure explode from that man's body.

"And you've been doing that to me all through the fight." He continued, his eyes glittering with hostility as he held the iron staff in both hands. "So I'm going to hurt you a little bit for that."




Yuji jumped to the side just as Goo exploded toward him, a blow falling where he previously stood with enough force to destroy the concrete.

'Kendo?' Yuji thought when he saw the blond man holding the stick as if it were a sword. 'Interesting...'

Goo seeing that he missed his target, immediately swept the distance between the two in an instant, immediately launching an attack with his staff from various directions, Yuji dodging most of them while being forced to block some of the blows with his arms.

'But it won't be enough.'

Covering the distance just as Goo was about to attack vertically, Yuji held his wrist and punched the blond directly in the face with enough force to push his body against the ground.

"Gah!" Goo spat blood as he received the damage to his face and back simultaneously, his glasses breaking over his face. "Shit..."

"I guess you weren't much, were you?"

Yuji said with amusement, this causing a vein to pop out on Goo's forehead, who opened his eyes to see the teenager above him with his fist ready to punch him.

"What's wrong?" Yuji asked with a friendly smile. "Oh, I'm sorry, we don't even know each other!"

"You damn-"





Sitting in an armchair at the top of a huge building with a view of the entire city, a man with a white beard and brown hair, was enjoying the view with a frown on his forehead.

"Sir..." Suddenly, a voice sounded from what sounded like an intercom, at a table next to the man's armchair.

"Proceed." He quickly replied, without even turning his attention to the device.

"A call from Kim Joon Goo's phone..." The voice spoke with apparent concern in its tone.

"I see... What's the problem?" The man was quick to notice the tone of the voice, his eyes narrowing as he waited for the answer.

"Sir... He's not the one on the other side."
