Chapter 112

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Kaneda reacted belatedly when a punch landed on his defense, his body being pushed backwards as he tried to remain steady in the face of several jabs that hit his forearms with ferocity.

Gaolang, who continued to attack with little interest in the opponent in front of him, immediately noticed when Kaneda faltered for a moment, the average fighter's foot suddenly slipping and unsettling his stance, leaving an opening that the professional boxer didn't hesitate to exploit.

Taking a step to Kaneda's side, Gaolang did not allow the man to escape, his fist being launched towards his opponent's ribs in the form of a perfect hook.




Gaolang reacted in surprise, his eyes landing on his fist, only to see his wrist held by Kaneda.

"Gotcha." Kaneda spoke, his blood-stained teeth being shown with the smile the fighter was sketching at that moment.

[What a twist! Kaneda, who until then was getting beaten up, seems to turn the tables by overpowering the arm of the Thai god of war].

Sayaka narrated with enthusiasm, this seemed to excite the audience as the noise started in the stands.

'I get it, Yuji.' Kaneda thought, his smile fading as he sensed that Gaolang was about to move. 'I can't win this fight if I don't take the initiative. My style is useless against someone of Gaolang's level, so just staying on the defensive would only bring me inevitable defeat.'


Just as Gaolang was about to free his arm with a punch to Kaneda's stomach, the boxer was surprised when a kick hit his foot, his body being thrown backwards in a fall that he was unable to avoid.

'I will go on the attack!


Gaolang's back collided with the ground, Kaneda wasting no time and immediately trying to continue on the offensive with a twist on the boxer's wrist, his plan thwarted when a fist struck his cheek, causing him to fall flat on his butt on the ground.

'What? What do you mean?' Turning his attention back to Gaolang, Kaneda clenched his teeth when he saw the man resting his forearm and feet on the ground. 'He punched that hard using only the rotation of his torso and his foot?! Shit... So that's what Yuji meant by 'He's not just a boxer'."

Getting to his feet at the same instant as Gaolang, Kaneda prepared himself, sweat gathering on his face as he thought about his next course of action.

But while Kaneda was thinking, Gaolang also had his own thoughts.

'So he really did react to my punches at that moment...'

The boxer thought with interest.

'That man was able to fool me.... Kaneda Suekichi, you really are not just someone ordinary.'

Gaolang moved, his left arm swinging in front of his torso as he prepared to move forward.

'Forgive me for judging you so soon.... It is a pity that your tricks will no longer work on me.'

With an impulse, Gaolang swept the distance between the two in an instant, immediately sending dozens of punches toward Kaneda's body, who blocked the attacks with difficulty.

As the boxer attacked, he soon noticed that his punches were not hitting his opponent's defense accurately. This made him realize that Kaneda was voluntarily changing his body with minimal movements so that the damage from the punches would decrease.

'Is he following my blows...?'

Gaolang wondered in surprise, his eyes narrowing as Kaneda suddenly ducked over one of his jabs, the same sending a punch towards his face. Gaolang, who watched the attack coming, just took a step backward with the intention of escaping the attack zone.

'What?!' But the moment he tried to pull away, he felt a weight on his foot stop him, his eyes widening as he looked down to see Kaneda stepping on his toes.

Kaneda, seeing that his plan had gone according to plan, cracked a mischievous smile as he watched his fist come close to Gaolang's face.



As the blow was about to reach him, Gaolang threw his torso forward, causing Kaneda's fist to pass over his head. This left an opening in his side, and Gaolang was quick to exploit it with a powerful punch to his ribs, the power behind the attack causing the air to be expelled from Kaneda's lungs.

"Gah!" Kaneda choked out, the strength in his legs draining away and causing him to fall to his knees on the ground. Applying pressure to the hit spot, he quickly realized that some of his ribs had been broken. "Shit..."

Gaolang, who had watched his opponent writhing on the ground for a few seconds, soon turned to leave the arena. Kaneda was undoubtedly someone brave, in this short exchange of blows, the boxer quickly came to respect the fighter, since unlike many of his opponents, Kaneda had faced him without fear. That was more than enough to earn his respect, even if the level between the two was so different.

"What a joke..."

Before Gaolang could go any further, Kaneda's voice sounded from his back, this causing the boxer to turn around with surprise in his gaze.

"What the hell of a boxing champion are you?" Kaneda asked as he stood up, his head lifting to reveal his angry face. "'Is this how you treat your opponents?"

"Don't fuck with me!"


Walking through the halls of the arena, a stout and menacing looking man frightened the businessmen he passed by. It was clear that the man was a fighter, but none of the businessmen could recognize him. At least none of them were brave enough to face him for that.

But those with enough courage could easily tell who it was about.

A white man, bald, with a characteristic eye patch and sporting powerful muscles. It was impossible not to recognize the man behind these features.

This was none other than the god of war himself, Doppo Orochi.