Chapter 131

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Doppo Orochi had to admit, Yuji Shinakawa was a little monster. At only 17 years old, the boy already had enough power and skill to overcome fighters of the level of Mikazuchi and Saw Paing, and this was certainly surprising.

Even knowing someone like Baki, he was still surprised to see how powerful the youth was becoming. If the ogre's son didn't take care of himself, Yuji could end up surpassing him

Honestly, Doppo was interested to see a contest between the two. The Champion of the Underground Arena versus the Champion of the Kengan Association. It would definitely be quite a show, but that would depend on whether Yuji would have enough strength to overcome his upcoming opponents, which in the God of War's view, would be somewhat difficult.

After all, his next opponent was Kuroki Gensai, a man that Doppo himself respected, and whom he had faced a few times in the past. He was aware of the karate master's strength, so he was justified in saying that beating him would not be an easy job.

'But if he is capable of that, even the ogre will be interested in his potential.'

Scratching his chin as he watched Yuji walk towards the exit of the arena, Doppo went on alert when he could suddenly feel a killing intent suddenly explode. It was not directed at him, but the aura was strong enough to spread throughout the arena, which was worrisome.

He didn't know where the intent was originating from, but if he had to take a guess, he would say that it was coming from one of the corridors of the arena...

And as it turned out, Doppo was right, since he noticed Yuji standing at the entrance to the arena, for no apparent reason.

'Something is about to happen.'


A few minutes earlier.

"That was amazing..." Elena, despite her nervous countenance, praised the manner in which Yuji had won, this causing Karura to nod fiercely while having a wondering expression. "Yuji is amazing."

Senju looked at the two girls almost hypnotized with her eyebrows raised in questioning. She had gotten used to Karura, but seeing Elena praising Yuji so openly surprised her a little.

"Kou knew." Little Kou suddenly commented, a happy smile on her lips as she looked at Yuji, who turned to them and began to approach.

"I see."


Surprising the girls, an unknown voice sounded from her back, a murderous intent accompanying it soon after, which immediately alerted Karura and Senju, causing them to turn around in alertness.

"So you keep putting yourself in my way, Yuji?" The girls watched a Kiryu Setsuna emerge from the darkness, his killing intent powerful enough to make Elena and Senju have trouble breathing, while Karura and Kou sweated. "If my Ohma wants to make this my test, then I will show him that I am worthy!"

Yuji stopped at the entrance to the hall the instant he noticed Setsuna's presence, his brow furrowed as he watched the man who had a demonic countenance.

While he hoped to eventually meet Setsuna, he would prefer it to happen without the girls present. The last thing he wanted, was Setsuna in his madness attacking any of them. If that happened, he would not hesitate to kill him.

But he needed to avoid that, at least for now, since even though Yuji had killed Akoya, when he did, the policeman was no longer a tournament fighter, which exempted him from any punishment. Unfortunately, Setsuna was still a participating fighter, so he couldn't handle the situation the way he wanted to.

The moment Setsuna stepped forward, he raised his eyebrow in surprise when a movement appeared in front of him.


Moving his hand fast enough that his arm became a blur, Setsuna held the wrist of a hand inches from his stomach, his vision lowering to find Kou staring at him with a look full of hostility.

"That was..." Setsuna paid little mind to the girl's gaze, instead noticing something that made him freeze for a moment. "The Koei style?"

The man's murderous intent exploded uncontrollably, his grip on Kou's wrist increasing enough to make the little girl growl in pain.

"I see, so the false God has corrupted this poor little girl with his beliefs..."

An upside-down smile appeared on Setsuna's lips, his frightening expression causing Elena and Senju to freeze, while Karura was about to act to save Kou.

"Don't worry, little girl. I will deliver you from this torment, and then, I will avenge you by killing this false God-"

The moment Setsuna raised his hand with intent to attack Kou, his eyes widened as Yuji appeared in front of him, his sengo wrist pressed down hard enough to make him grit his teeth in pain.

"Who do you think you're holding?- " Setsuna turned his gaze to Yuji's face, but the instant he did so, the hairs on the back of his neck shivered, his instincts screaming at him to back off, which he unconsciously obeyed as he tried to back away, failing when the boy kept his grip on his wrist.

'What is it?' Setsuna raised his eyes in awe as he noticed a colossal figure forming behind the young fighter, a form made by his aura, which Yuji made sure to let explode from his body. 'Why does this false god... Seem so dangerous?!'

"You think you can do whatever you want in my presence?" Yuji increased the clamping force on Setsuna's wrist, causing the man to try to pull his arm back with intent to attack. "Even more so with the people important to me?"


But before he could complete his move, Yuji swept the distance between the two and held his jaw, lifting him up as if Setsuna even weighed anything.

"You bastard, you don't even offer me any danger." He increased the strength of his grip, causing Setsuna to growl in pain, his eyes filled with fury moving down to face Yuji, who cared little for it. "I'm far from being that boy from two years ago, so..."

Before he Setsuna had a chance to attack, Yuji hurled him toward the arena, him controlling his body to fall to his knees, his murderous intent exploding as he turned to attack the teenager.

"Put yourself in your place."
