Chapter 148

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From one of the VIP rooms in the arena, Kanoh Agito watched the fight unfold with a huge smile on his lips, a smile that revealed his animalistic nature that he kept so well hidden.

And who had made him show this side of himself outside of a fight?

These were the two combatants who were currently facing each other, Yuji Shinakawa and Kuroki Gensai.

Metsudo's Fangs could tell from Kuroki's fight against Setsuna that the old master was a real monster, someone to be considered the "strongest".

But at the end of the day, he didn't care what his opponents were considered, after all, countless times he had defeated those known as "stronger". Kuroki Gensai, for him, was nothing more than an opponent who would help him evolve even further. As for Yuji...

Yuji Shinakawa was a prodigy, a talent that Kanoh had never seen before in his life, and he was destined to get better and better. It was for this reason that he selected him and trained him on his own, so that the boy could take his place as Metsudo's Fangs.

And that would happen one day, but Kanoh didn't think it would happen in this tournament. Kuroki was leagues away from the young fighter, and that gap wasn't something Yuji could close in such a short space of time.

Possessed spirit or not, it would make no difference. Kanoh felt that Kuroki would still win.

But the young man could in no way be underestimated. Even if he couldn't win, Yuji would certainly give Kuroki a good fight, that much he could guarantee.

He hadn't even shown half of his real capabilities.


Back in the arena, Kuroki was surprised when Yuji swept the distance between the two and attacked, the old master narrowly blocking the punch before having to raise his defense to deflect the trajectory of countless blows that began to hit him incessantly.

"What's that?! Yuji got faster?!"

The narrator asked in amazement as she saw the boy's new speed, the fighters in the stands gawking at how the boy was slowly driving Kuroki backwards.

The old master took that change of pace calmly, his brow furrowing just as a punch was about to hit his defense. With one swift movement, Kuroki grabbed his young opponent's wrist and, almost instantly, counterattacked with his own hand, throwing it towards the boy's chest.

But at this point, Yuji was already prepared for it, and with a leap, he deftly escaped Kuroki's clutches while throwing his legs towards his neck, intent on strangling him.

"A triangle!" It was Imai Cosmo who exclaimed from the stands, making everyone realize that Yuji would probably try a more Jiu-Jitsu-oriented approach.

But Kuroki Gensai was not a man who would let himself be taken in by someone so easily.


Thrusting his arm over Yuji's body, Kuroki smashed him backwards into the ground, immediately afterwards grabbing him by the throat and pulling his other arm back in an attempt to attack him.

  But before he had a chance to do so, the old master frowned as he held the boy's palm inches from his neck, Yuji taking advantage of the moment when his opponent had both hands occupied to land a knee to his ribcage, which, although it didn't carry much force, still served to knock him off his feet.

"The fight is getting livelier and livelier!!!"

Getting up, Yuji frowned as he looked at his wrist, realizing that Kuroki had fractured it with the intention of stopping his [Rakshasa Palm].

Wiggling his wrist to test its mobility, Yuji sighed when he noticed that although it was bruised, his wrist wasn't out of the game yet. He would just have to be careful not to fracture it further.

Turning his attention to Kuroki, Yuji raised his guard as he prepared to return to the fight.

At this rate, it would only be a matter of time before Kuroki Gensai began to destroy him. Yuji realized this, and felt frustrated. He really didn't want to reveal all his cards, but seeing how he was being suppressed more and more, he understood that holding back wasn't an option.

He had to go all out, or he wouldn't get very far.

And he would.


Feeling the aura of the boy in front of him change once again, Kuroki squinted as he prepared himself.

He couldn't hold back any longer.


With sheer pressure escaping from his body, the spectators were shocked to see the ground around the boy crack without any explanation, Yuji's body trembling slightly as the swollen veins of his body began to appear on his skin, his pigmentation taking on a slight crimson hue.

From the corridor where Yuji had entered, Ohma's eyes widened as he recognized the technique the boy was about to use, his fist clenching as he looked at him with concern and, at the same time, suspicion.

Seeing such a change in the boy, Kuroki Gensai couldn't help but feel interested. With every passing second, the boy was impressing him more and more. For some reason, he felt that if the fight continued, Yuji could really offer him some kind of danger.

But for now... That wasn't the case.


Barely blocking a punch, Kuroki's eyes widened when he felt the attack push his arm to the side, opening his defense enough for a fist to reach his face, hitting him directly in the nose.

"He-He got it right!!!"

Kuroki felt blood rush down his nostrils, and seeing that Yuji had no intention of stopping his momentum, the old master hit him with a powerful kick to the thigh, destabilizing his posture and allowing him to continue with a knee strike that hit him directly in the chin.

Yuji fell backwards from the blow, blood flying from his mouth as he used his legs to push himself away, narrowly escaping Kuroki's hand, which pierced the ground where he stood.


Name: Yuji Shinakawa [Yamashita]

Age: 17

Strength: XXX >>> XXX++

Durability: XXX+ >>> XXX+++

Stamina: XXX >>> XXX

Speed: XXX+ >>> AX+

Intelligence: XXX

Potential: ????


With [Advance], Yuji's speed was easily on a par with Mikazuchi Rei's, but that alone wouldn't be enough. Kuroki's ability to predict was so advanced and together with his senses, he didn't even need to see his opponent to know when to attack.

He needed to keep surprising him until he caught him with a decisive blow. Overcoming him physically was by no means a viable option, after all, Kuroki wasn't considered a master on a whim.


Sensing killing intent directed at him, Yuji quickly raised his guard in time to protect himself from Kuroki's Devil Spear... But would a mere guard be able to stop the old master's hands?


From the looks of it, no.

Passing between Yuji's arms, Gensai's fingers reached his stomach in a powerful blow, which although it didn't pierce his belly, still caused overwhelming pain in his liver.

Pain so intense that it even prevented him from moving for a single second.

And that single second was enough time for Kuroki to hit him with a powerful elbow to the face, which pushed him hard to the ground.


But that wouldn't be enough to knock him out, who, despite having his brain rattling around in his skull, put his hand on the ground and used the [Rakshasa Palm] to rotate his body and attack with a spinning kick, a blow that, despite being blocked by Kuroki, pushed him away and gave Yuji enough time to get up and take a deep breath.

Feeling his vision waver, Yuji raised his guard in anticipation of a possible attack.

Regulating his breathing, he relaxed as his heart pumped blood throughout his body at ridiculous speeds.

Yuji knew what he had to do to win, and he only needed one chance to do so. If he had to sacrifice a part of his body to do it, he would do it without thinking twice.

He needed one chance, just one chance.

Seeing Kuroki Gensai exploding towards him, Yuji closed his eyes as he felt the old master approaching.

'Just one chance...'

Being reached, Yuji opened his eyes when the old karate master's fingers were inches from his face, his torso falling to the side in time to escape his spear, a small cut appearing on his cheek.

'To win!
