Chapter 161

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In that position, at that moment, in front of everyone, the one who had read the situation best.

It was Kanoh Agito.


Raising his defense, Yuji choked as a fist crashed into his ribcage, his body being pushed away from Agito by the power.

Standing up quickly, the boy suddenly clutched his torso as a bolt of pain shot through his body, blood escaping from his lips, indicating damage to his internal organs.

'He used the [Dragon Shot] in that position? Is that possible...?' Gasping, he wiped the blood from his mouth as he assessed the damage received to his body. 'Damn, of course it's possible, the attack would only decrease in strength.'

Taking a step forward, the boy growled when he felt some of his ribs were clearly broken.

'If the attack had hit me at full power, I would have had all my ribs destroyed.' Raising his defense, the boy's expression hardened as he looked ready to return to the fight. 'Fortunately, I can still continue.'

Moments before the attack, Yuji was about to make his own move. Believing he had predicted better than Kanoh, he felt confident to attack, but Metsudo's Fangs were quicker to counter-strike.

It was out of pure instinct that the boy had thrown his body to the side to escape the attack. It hadn't worked as he had hoped, but it had halved the damage.

And realizing that he still had life in his eyes, he was about to move forward once more.

Unfortunately, Kanoh wasn't like Kuroki Gensai, who would wait for his opponent to recover.

And Yuji knew it.


Dodging a flying knee, Yuji immediately tried to grab his opponent's shoulder, but Kanoh simply pulled his hand away while kicking his knee hard enough to make him fall to his knees.

An opportunity that Kanoh wasted no time in seizing, immediately kicking the boy in the face with enough force to send him across much of the arena.

'He softened his whole body at the exact moment of impact.' Kanoh immediately noticed when he didn't feel the usual impact of a well-placed kick, his eyes narrowing as the veins in his foot popped through his skin. 'Very good, Yuji! We're impressed!'

Exploding towards the boy's apparently unconscious body, Kanoh cracked a smile.

'Show us more!'


Kicking the boy's body hard enough to break the ground at his feet, Kanoh squinted when he felt it hit only the ground.

"I thought you'd take it easy on me."

Hearing a voice come from behind his back, Kanoh wasn't quick enough to escape when he felt Yuji's arms wrap around his waist.

"After all, I'm your only student!"

Feeling his feet being lifted off the ground, Kanoh tried to free himself from the grip with an elbow, but Yuji skillfully evaded his attempts to hit him.


Kanoh choked as Yuji smashed him against the floor with a well-executed suplex, blood escaping from his mouth as he immediately dropped to his knees.

But this time, it was Yuji who wouldn't let him recover.

Being hit by a knee to the chin, Kanoh's head flew back, his smile never disappearing from his face.

'Great, Yuji!'

Praising the boy, Kanoh surprised everyone when, completely ignoring the attack, he attacked with a punch that hit Yuji square in the face.

'But you have no strength left in your body!'

Yuji's body did a complete flip in the air, before the boy fell face-first onto the ground with a thud, his breathing becoming ragged as he immediately tried to get up, only for the confusion in his brain to make him fall to his knees.

'I knew it from the start.' Kanoh stood in front of the boy imposingly, his animalistic grin nowhere to be seen. 'There's no strength left in you. You're standing and fighting with only the last of your energy left.''

'It's a real shame.'

Kanoh watched as the boy struggled to get up, slowly succeeding even as his body collapsed.

'As our first and only apprentice, we respect you, Yuji Shinakawa. You deserve to succeed us as the Sixth Fangs of Metsudo.

But this is not a fight you can win.'

With a grim face, Yuji stood up once more, his shoulders slumped in an indication of his exhaustion.

'But know that in our hearts, you're the winner of this tournament, kid.

For now, make do with that!'

Advancing, Kanoh swept the distance between the two in a single flash, his fist hurtling towards the boy's face like a bullet.


Unfortunately for the Fangs, Yuji didn't think this was the end.

"Damn... That blow even made me forget why I'm here."

Stopping Kanoh's fist inches from his face with a grip on his wrist, Yuji sighed as a smile slowly appeared on his lips, his previously brown eyes opening to show a completely black sclera.

"It hurt like hell, but I appreciate it, master."

Forcing Kanoh's wrist to bend, Yuji's aura exploded wildly from his body.

"It helped me understand that in my current state, I can't win without a little help."


Ducking the instant Kanoh punched in his direction, Yuji advanced while manipulating his opponent's flow of power, Fangs' body being projected through the air as if it weighed like a feather.

Unfortunately for the boy, Kanoh knew this trick well, so he simply rotated his body and landed with both feet on the ground.

At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

Because in the next instant, Kanoh barely reacted when Yuji swept the distance between them, one hand being placed on his chin as he felt another hand grab his waist.

"That's it - that's my technique!" From the stands, Hatsumi Sen concluded with astonishment, immediately recognizing the technique the boy was about to use.


With his movements immobilized, Kanoh's eyes moved downwards when he heard Yuji start.

"I'll get a little help from the other fighters."

Kanoh squinted his eyes, not intimidated by the boy's dominance in that position, after all, he had already mastered this technique before.

He just needed to do the same as before.

Yuji had made the wrong choice.


Kanoh, who was about to use his [Dragon Shot], felt his vision waver when his chin was suddenly hit by a frightening force, his body swaying backwards as the boy let go.

Standing in front of him, Yuji had a mocking smile while his right fist was smoking

"Just kidding."

[Dragon Shot Lv. 1] >>> [Dragon Shot Lv. 5]