Chapter 187

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Yuji felt that he had wasted too much time.

Eugene had abused his truce when he asked him to destroy the Allied. 

All this had been a waste of time until then.

Even though he had made it clear that Yuji was in no way one of his lackeys, Eugene still tried to be bold enough to order him around as if he were one.

Yuji had given him a chance, but Eugene had made his own choice by throwing it away.

"Where do you think you're going?"

But as Yuji was walking through the corridors, in order to get out of that building and meet Eugene immediately, the current head of Workers' first branch suddenly appeared in front of him.

Gyeoul Baek, the one who had a dark aura that could quietly be compared to some of the worst figures Yuji had encountered during his time in "The Inside".

"I'm leaving, get out of my way."

But Yuji didn't want to waste time with this man. He had more important matters to deal with, and he didn't care enough about the man as long as he kept to himself.

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

But unfortunately for Yuji, Gyeoul didn't seem to want to let him go so easily.

"Have you forgotten the agreement with the Workers?"

Yuji raised an eyebrow at his words, the leader of the first branch raising his chin in superiority while not looking the least bit intimidated by the powerful fighter in front of him.

"Your job is to eliminate the invaders. Failure to do so will make you the Workers' enemy. You know what that means, don't you?"

Gyeoul stepped forward, his eyes meeting Yuji's as he gave a small, gentle smile.

"You'll never find the girl you're looking for-"


Baek, about to finish his words, stopped when Yuji suddenly attacked, his fist traveling towards his face like a bullet.

But as Gyeoul watched his whole life pass before his eyes, he was able to breathe a sigh of relief when a gigantic fist intercepted Yuji at the last second, the young fighter's body being sent spinning away until it hit a wall.

"You took your time, brother."

Gyeoul smiled as his eyes landed on the back of a muscular man, his abnormal size towering over his body, covering him with his shadow.

"That was a strong punch."

Surprising Baek, Yuji suddenly emerged from the wreckage of the wall, the young fighter wiping his shirt before wiping a small spot of blood on his lips with his thumb.

"So that's number one in the first branch?" Yuji sighed, his eyes landing on the brute who stared at him with an intense expression. "To tell you the truth, he doesn't surprise me much."

Gyeoul frowned at his words, clearly not believing that Yuji had come out completely unscathed from his brother's attack. "Don't pretend to be sure of yourself. You look like you've just come out of a fight, so it's impossible for you to be 100% healthy to fight the number one in the first branch."

"After all, my brother is a match for Tom Lee himself."

Yuji blinked at those words. He couldn't say that he knew Tom Lee personally, but through his own research, he knew that the man must be as strong as Charles Choi.

But was it possible that the Goliath in front of him could be on the same level?

"Equal, isn't it?"

Yuji didn't think so.


Before Baek's eyes, Yuji disappeared without a trace, his eyes widening as his brother was suddenly hit.


Seeing his brother plummet towards him, Baek only had time to jump away, rising from the ground to see his brother's neck crushed as the life slowly disappeared from his eyes.

"There are countless factors that make a fighter strong."

With despair taking over his features, Gyeoul quickly threw himself towards his brother, kneeling beside him as he tried to revive him.

"Physical attributes, experience and skill."

With tears threatening to flow from his eyes, Baek slowly turned to see Yuji standing beside him.

"Your brother only had strength."

With Baek about to insult him, he wasn't even able to scream when Yuji's hand suddenly clamped down on his jaw, lifting him up with ease.


With his body thrown against the wall, the last thing Baek was able to see before his vision went completely dark was the concrete wall coming closer and closer.

"That's why I find it very difficult to compare him to the one known as the Prodigy Fighter."

Yuji looked at Gyeoul's lifeless body slumped on the ground, a sigh escaping his lips as he turned and walked back.

Eugene and Charles Choi had reached the limit of their patience.

He intended to sort it all out himself, without involving anyone else except Hobin, but from the looks of it, he would need a bit of firepower, just so he could resolve the situation as soon as possible.


So, as he walked down the corridor, he pulled out his phone and made a call, and it wasn't long before the person on the other end answered.

"I'm going to need a bit of help."


In the Workers' meeting room, Eugene was going through some documents in his hands with a disinterested expression.

At this point, he was already aware of everything that had happened in the Workers' first branch, including Yuji Shinakawa's betrayal.

But he didn't fear Yuji's retaliation.

That's because he had something that the young fighter was looking for, and it wasn't something he could casually put aside.

The information on where Gaeul was being kept.

Eugene was the only one who knew this information.

Not even Mandeok or his brother knew, which made it impossible for Yuji to get this information out of anyone except himself.

Eugene was clever, and used to make plans for the most different outcomes.

But his intelligence made him arrogant, and limited his vision in crucial ways.

That's why he didn't even consider it a decisive factor for his entire plan.

"It seems to me that you've been doing some interesting things under the radar."

Eugene's eyes widened when a voice sounded from behind him, and he quickly turned to see Yuji standing in front of him.

"But I think that's as far as you can see."

Eugene, about to open his mouth, was stopped when his jaw was grabbed, his feet being lifted off the ground as the grip around his jaw increased to the point where he groaned in pain.

Eugene had overlooked the fact that Yuji was just a muscle head.

The fact that Yuji gave in to the deal, and the fact that he agreed to do the favors for Eugene, was only due to the fact that Eugene already knew Gaeul's location and Yuji had no intention of involving other people.

Using his connections was more of a nuisance for Yuji, since the Korean government could end up involved, and that would become a headache in the future.

But Eugene and Charles Choi had reached the limit of their patience. Yuji decided to put an end to it all, while resolving the situation in his own way.

"Whether you live or not will depend completely on how cooperative you are now. You know that, don't you?"

Feeling the blood pooling in his mouth, Eugene felt fear run through his entire body, his frightened eyes turning to Yuji to see the young fighter watching him with a small smile.

"Then make yourself useful to me, Eugene."