Chapter 203

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"How have you been, kid?"

In Yuji's living room, Togo was sitting on the couch while taking a sip of beer.

Yuji, in front of her, observed her with a slight smile.

He hadn't seen the woman since the tournament, so it was a surprise to him when she suddenly visited. As someone important to him, her presence was quite pleasant.

"I'm 18 now, I've stopped being a kid, Tomari." Taking a sip of his own drink, Yuji sighed appreciatively.

"Whatever you say, to me, you'll always be that little boy from three years ago."

Yuji chuckled at this, his eyes landing on the woman's face, who seemed focused on the TV screen in the room, which was showing news about Pickle devouring one of the few specimens of a rare tiger.

With the woman distracted, he couldn't help but take a good look at her body. He would be lying if he said he didn't find the woman attractive. If it were two years earlier, he wouldn't hesitate to try to develop something between them.

But with his training and over time, he had matured. Senju, Elena, Karura, Hiyama, and now, Gaeul. He had all these women he had shared his heart with.

He felt no need to be involved with any other woman outside of these five.

And to be honest, he didn't even intend to be romantically involved with so many women. The only reason for this was that they accepted him and truly loved him. He didn't feel capable of breaking their hearts by choosing just one.

"Damn, why am I thinking about this kind of thing now?"

Setting aside these thoughts, he turned to the woman again, noticing that she seemed to be staring at him with a rather pensive face.

"Kid..." And noticing seriousness in her tone, Yuji raised an eyebrow. "You're thinking about fighting him, aren't you?"

Yuji blinked at her words, confused about the reason for that sudden question.

"It's really no secret, I do intend to face him. But why the question?"

Listening carefully to the response, a shadow passed over Tomari's face, hiding her features in a somber manner, causing Yuji to stare at her in confusion.

"He's not like a fighter from the Kengan matches, or even from Purgatory, you know that, don't you?"

And there it was, Yuji understood the reason for the woman's concerns.

It was public knowledge that Pickle didn't devour those who didn't attack him, or whom he didn't even consider a threat.

Human, or Siberian tiger, if they attacked him, Pickle would see them as food and devour them after defeating them.

That was his predatory nature, the way a natural predator acted.

If he lost, he would be devoured, in the literal sense of the word.

He could now see the reason for the woman's concern.

"I know that well, Pickle lived in a time when death meant being devoured. I understand that."

"And yet you still intend to face him?" Tomari was firm in her question, her head lifting to reveal her worried eyes to him.

"Yes, I do intend to." And he was firm in his answer, seeming quite unshakeable with the idea of being devoured.

But this was more due to his self-confidence. Every fighter believed they could beat anyone, but Yuji simply knew he could win.

If there was a chance of victory, he wouldn't fear defeat.

"..." Tomari watched him in silence, her shark-like smile appearing on her lips as she leaned back on the couch. "So be it, do as you please, kid! Just don't say I didn't try to make you think about it when you turn into dinosaur man meat."

Yuji smiled at the woman's attitude, a fond smile, which he always showed to people he liked. Even though she acted carefree, her previously shown concern was enough for Yuji to understand that she was afraid of the idea of him being devoured.

He appreciated her concern.

"Alright, alright." Relaxing on the couch, he took a sip of his drink.

The atmosphere became quiet, but not unpleasantly so, with the two enjoying each other's presence while drinking amicably.

Yuji and Tomari enjoyed this moment together.


In the well-known Kure village, Yuji's arrival was a surprise to everyone, but it was appreciated. He had a good reputation among the clan of assassins, so he could wander through the settlements without anyone bothering him.

"Hello, Yuji!"

"Hey, Yuji!"

"How's it going, stud!"

Yuji waved with a small smile. Whenever he arrived at the clan, he was greeted with cheers and some compliments. Even though it was a clan of assassins, they were quite respectful and lively, a stark contrast to the kind of work they did.

Of course, the elders were quite conservative in these attitudes, but modernity seemed to affect the younger generations.

Passing through the village, Yuji didn't take long to reach his goal, a huge mansion that stood out among the other buildings.


Listening to his name, he turned when a beautiful woman approached with a smile.

"Fusui! It's been a while." He recognized her as Fusui, Raian's sister. "How have you been?"

The woman stopped in front of him, her friendly smile never fading as she watched him closely.

"I've been great." Her smile, once friendly, suddenly turned mischievous, making Yuji raise an eyebrow. "Are you here to play with my cousin?"

Fusui, as the main mediator between the Kure clan and the Kengan association, had become quite close to Yuji. They quickly became friends, in a relationship of recurring teasing between them.

Yuji, seeming unfazed by the teasing, just shrugged as he continued towards the mansion, she following him. "Maybe, and you? Have you been having fun with Ohma?"

And seeming taken aback by the mention of the fighter, Fusui felt her cheeks heat up, causing her to look away.

'Haha, looks like I got the upper hand.' With a mischievous smile, he entered the mansion, drawing the attention of some people in the room.

"Yuji, you've arrived." Noticing the presence of the boy, Hollis was the one who approached, greeting the boy with a handshake.

"I couldn't miss this...

The selection of the fighter who will face Pickle."