Of course, Axis criticized internally, in a story involving Monsters, why wouldn’t there be fucking Zombies?
Eventually, Vilda and the Light Elf also figured it out while wearing the most disgusted expressions. The Light Elf shared her own revelation first.
“Someone is using Necromancy, another taboo amongst any that use Magic. This is even worse than betraying the Elves… This is betraying Nature! Mana is meant to be the fuel of creation for the living, it is not meant to raise the dead!”
“I get it now,” Vilda spoke through clenched teeth, “they’re corpses that are being manipulated by another’s influence. I hoped it wasn’t the case, but I know exactly who’s behind this…”
Then, another voice echoed throughout the forest, clearly from a distance. Yet, the voice sounded so much like Vilda’s, it was uncanny.