Chapter - 3: Their Bond

Back to the present......

As they went on ying started to get tired from all walking and start to feel sleepy. Lunar who notice Ying being tired and sleepy, bent down and asked Ying whether she can carry him so that he can rest for a while. Ying hesitated first but allowed her to carry him, soon Ying fell asleep on Lunar's arms.

Wei Zhan who was busy the department chief turned around to check on Ying, to his surprise he found his son fast asleep on Lunar's shoulder.

Lunar hands starts to feel numb due to carrying ying for too long, seeing this Zhan asked Lunar "do you want me to carry him, he will be heavy"; Lunar nods her head to Zhan's suggestion and tries to pass Ying to his dad but Ying refuses to leave Lunar's arm, seeing this Lunar didn't want to disturb Ying's sleep so she rejects Zhan offering "It's fine, he is sleeping peacefully ; let him be".

After a while Zhan calls Jun and ask him to take Lunar to his office room which has a resting area with a bed.

Jun nods his head and heads towards Lunar and says "you can follow me, let me take you to my brother's office he has a bed there to rest; let Ying sleep there".

Lunar follows Jun and reaches the top floor of the hospital, Jun shows the way to bed and Lunar laid Ying in bed and was about to leave but Ying hold her hand and starts whine in his sleep, seeing this Jun asks Lunar to stay a little while still he fall into deep sleep. Lunar agrees and stays.

While waiting for Ying to sleep again, she was deep in her thoughts and was hesitating to ask something to Jun, seeing her hesitation, Jun offers her to ask the question. "what happened to ying? ; why he is not communicating with us like normal people but types everything?".

Jun thinks for a while and answer her question "Actually Ying was kidnapped when he 3 years old with his mother. Due to this incident he lost his mother and developed PTSD and stopped totally verbal conversation. He never allows his family member to touch him or carry him except his father not even me. We tried many psychiatrist but was of no use, he never allowed them near him so we left him as he wants

But today was a exception that he allows you to touch him and carry him, to be truthful he liked you the first time he saw you in the morning".

As soon as Jun finished saying this, Zhan along with Xiao'en enter the room and sees Ying sleeping while holding Lunar's hand.

"Thank you for your help, you may leave now .....I think we have already took a lot of your time." saying this Zhan left to his office. Xiao'en took her leave and went down. After few minutes Ying left Lunar's hand free, soon Lunar left the room and went to Zhan's office to inform him about her leave.

As soon as she enter the office she was bit surprised to see Zhan's office which was totally out of his style. Her puzzled face about the office style was clear written on her which Zhan couldn't ignore so he answer her question without her asking him "My wife was a interior designer, so it designed to her style" which made her even more surprised. Zhan seeing her reaction chuckles little bit and says "your question is written on your face itself". Lunar said her leave and ran down, after she left, Jun enter the office.

"Brother, Ying never allowed me to touch him once but she managed to carry him except you no one did it." says Jun;

"Ying been comfortable with a complete strange is impossible, there should be something between them which we don't know, so investigate her" Zhan ordered Jun. Before Jun could leave Zhan ordered him to put some guard for Ying in secret.

The next day, in the morning as usual lunar and Xiao'en enters the hospital gate , as they enter they saw a very familiar car passing by them. "Isn't that our president's car.....why are they here today also, wasn't yesterday visit was not enough for them. I am not going to serve them today , no way" Xiao'en was complaining to Lunar.

"me too" replied Lunar. ''Are you sure about that " suddenly Lunar and xiao'en hears a very familiar voice that gave them chills down the spine, they both turn towards the direction of the voice and finds their president who was suppose to in the car, behind them with ying in his hand.

They both looked awkwardly at each other and turned their heads towards Zhan and shout good morning in a loud voice. Zhan who stare at Lunar intensely found it was cute.

Lunar they signaled Ying to help them, and Ying turns his father's head towards him and was staring his his eye. (both are talking through their eye)

"let them go, they didn't say anything wrong....... who can serve , you cold iceberg dad";

"I won't, what can you do, how dare you order me to do things, you heartless son of mine'' ;

''if I am a heartless person then your are a black hearted person''.

"I am your dad how can support a outsider '' saying this he turns his head towards Lunar and Xiao'en direction to find no one standing there.

While he and his son was fighting through their eyes, Ying signaled them to leave by his hand. "you are supporting an outsider a bit too much" saying this they also go to the hospital.